Rosie attacks Ripa for Clay Aiken remark

What the hell do germy hands have ANYTHING to do with being gay?? I'm so sick of this politically correct bull****
Diorling said:
I was like "Im the first person to start screaming homophobic, please, she would've said that to anyone...She's too dumb to be prejudice anyway, for godsake, her husband is gay!"

Omg I love you for this! hahahaha :lol: I thought I was the only one who thought so!
It's all so stupid to be blown out of proportion like it has....but I can side with Kelly in a way because some men don't wash their hands after using the restroom. :shifty:
BohemianBeauty22 said:
It's all so stupid to be blown out of proportion like it has....but I can side with Kelly in a way because some men don't wash their hands after using the restroom. :shifty:

I once worked in one of those cheap, Chinese takeout restaurants. I made a sign for the bathroom that said "Employees please wash hands", and asked the owner to translate it into Chinese for the men (all the full time employees were Chinese men, who except for the boss, spoke very very little English, and some not at all - they hired high school girls to work the counter). Ming looked at me, a well dressed, well spoken, successful man, and said to me, puzzled, "Why do they have to wash their hands?" I was dumbfounded. And explained the basic hygiene. He translated it, but I don't know if it was followed.

I loved that job, I always wonder about one of the men, who was working to bring his family over, and who would braid my hair like he used to do his daughter's. And the custom special food they'd make me after hours and after I made them wash their hands, was soooooooo good, so unlike the salty, greasy garbage on the menu.
This has been blown way out of portion. I think Kelly just didn't want some weirdo touching her, what's wrong with that?
Anastasia said:
I once worked in one of those cheap, Chinese takeout restaurants. I made a sign for the bathroom that said "Employees please wash hands", and asked the owner to translate it into Chinese for the men (all the full time employees were Chinese men, who except for the boss, spoke very very little English, and some not at all - they hired high school girls to work the counter). Ming looked at me, a well dressed, well spoken, successful man, and said to me, puzzled, "Why do they have to wash their hands?" I was dumbfounded. And explained the basic hygiene. He translated it, but I don't know if it was followed.

I loved that job, I always wonder about one of the men, who was working to bring his family over, and who would braid my hair like he used to do his daughter's. And the custom special food they'd make me after hours and after I made them wash their hands, was soooooooo good, so unlike the salty, greasy garbage on the menu.

Reminds me of a Seinfield episode where Jerry dates a girl who's dad owns a pizza place. Jerry goes into the restroom and he's washing his hands, the dad comes out of the loo and says, "Ah, Jerry tonight I make you a special pizza to try!" He touches his hair and then walks out of the restroom. Jerry just looks at him like uhhh he didn't wash his hands. So then he's sitting there watching her dad kneed the dough. :lol:

Totally off topic but thought I'd try to lighten the subject up I guess. Chinese food sounds good though...hopefully after I have my baby, I'll get a taste for it again. ^_^
I seriously think that Rosie is an instigator, and I hope that Clay gave her a piece of his mind for pretty much outting him on national television.
BohemianBeauty22 said:
Reminds me of a Seinfield episode where Jerry dates a girl who's dad owns a pizza place. Jerry goes into the restroom and he's washing his hands, the dad comes out of the loo and says, "Ah, Jerry tonight I make you a special pizza to try!" He touches his hair and then walks out of the restroom. Jerry just looks at him like uhhh he didn't wash his hands. So then he's sitting there watching her dad kneed the dough. :lol:

Man, that one is a classic! :lol: :D
cosmogrl5 said:
I seriously think that Rosie is an instigator, and I hope that Clay gave her a piece of his mind for pretty much outting him on national television.

And that's the thing one ever really said he was gay. :blush:
Doesn't she put her hands on everyone else? I mean Regis. Just because she has worked with him longer doesn't mean Regis is cleaner than clean. For all she knows he could sucking off men for 5 bucks a pop. I think Kelly was being bitchy because finally someone told her to shut up (regardless of sexual orientation).
Rosie Really Sorry for "Ching-Chong" Crack

Rosie O'Donnell is sorry you don't get her sense of humor—and that she might have offended you. And she's pretty sure it won't happen again.
The loose-lipped View host has issued something of an apology for repeatedly using the phrase "***********" while speaking in mock Chinese tones last week, saying that she "never intended to hurt anyone."
"This apparently was very offensive to a lot of Asian people," she said on Thursday's show, going on to note that she didn't realize she had crossed a P.C. line until she chatted about the incident with an Asian staff member.
"So apparently 'ching-chong,' unbeknownst to me, is a very offensive way to make fun, quote unquote, or mock, Asian accents. Some people have told me it's as bad as the N-word. I was like, really? I didn't know that."
While O'Donnell said she was "sorry for those people who felt hurt or were teased on the playground" with the taunt, she also claimed that, as far as her comments go, "there's a good chance that I'll do something like that again."
"Not on purpose," she added.
Unsurprisingly, the provisional mea culpa didn't sit well with at least one Asian organization.
Karen Lincoln Michel, president of Unity: Journalists of Color Inc., told the Associated Press that O'Donnell's words "really didn't sound like an apology to me."
"I think by alowing Rosie O'Donnell's cheap jabs at Chinese Americans to go unchecked, then the network is essentially condoning racial and ethnic slurs," she said, adding that one of the comic's cohosts should have stepped in when the remarks were first made.
Last week, while describing the media sensation caused by Danny DeVito's seemingly drunken appearance on the show, O'Donnell hypothesized that the story had global impact.
"The fact is that it's news all over the world," she said on the Dec. 5 show. "You know, you can imagine in China it's like, 'Ching-chong, ching-chong. Danny DeVito. Ching-chong, ching-chong-chong. Drunk. The View. Ching-chong.'"
While O'Donnell's fellow coffee talkers were brought to chuckles by the commentary, some in the Asian community weren't.
New York City Councilman John C. Liu fired off a letter to View matron Barbara Walters, scolding the TV vet for allowing the "derogatory remarks" to be allowed on air. O'Donnell's words, he wrote, "have consequences beyond the stupidity of the person who made them."
The Asian-American Journalists Association also got in on the reproaching act, calling O'Donnell's ill-advised impression "insulting," and said it characterized Chinese as being "substandard to English-speaking people."
O'Donnell shot back, though in less apologetic tones than her latest on-air contrition.
"I certainly hope that one day they will be able to grasp her humor," the comic's rep, Cindi Berger, said earlier this week.
It's not the first time in recent weeks the former Queen of Nice has offended.
Last month, O'Donnell engaged in a headline-grabbing tiff with Kelly Ripa over Clay Aiken. Responding to an incident on Live with Regis and Kelly in which the guest-hosting American Idol alum covered Ripa's mouth, prompting Ripa to crack that she didn't know where his hand had been, O'Donnell blasted Ripa for making what O'Donnell deemed a homophobic comment.
Ripa defended herself by calling in to the View, saying O'Donnell's claims of homophobia were "outrageous." In that case, O'Donnell failed to offer a formal apology, with the twosome apparently agreeing to disagree.

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