Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynolds MARRIED!

Ryan Reynolds is a canadian actor and very well remembered because of his character in Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place, tv serie that got success for almost 5 years consecutive .. he did Just Friends, Amityville Horror, Definitely Maybe and Van Wilder . hope I helped! \o
On a side note, I'm still curious about the details of his breakup from Alanis, as they were engaged by the time they called it quits. Very strange... :innocent:

I was thinking the same thing...I wonder if Alanis is upset by this news!
I think she's overhyped but the best to them.

OT but my mom is friends with Ryan's uncle's girlfriend (reliable source I know :rolleyes:), and apparently the family much preferred Alanis than Scarlett (I'm guessing because of the age difference). Also, she has a perfect complexion.. but I think we all knew that already :innocent:
yeah it seems to be quite a difference between Alanis and Scarlett....there was something so endearing about Alanis and Ryan simply because she was this very tough aggressive and not plastic-y and not mainstream pretty and then you have Scarlet who has this sort of old school 1950's beauty. I think they are both very 'real' people but I personally find Alanis a bit more authentic.
as much as i wish them luck and think they are a cute couple....i don't think they'll last. Scarlett is only going to get bigger imho, and seems quite young. Some people are ready to get married young, but young in hollywood? i just don't see it...

i do hope they prove me wrong though
Alanis is one big friggin' MEH.
Hartnett is ..wooden.

Congratz to the couple, they look so good together.
i'm surprised woody allen didn't leave his wife for scarlett. . .

Maybe he wanted to but Scarlett might have told him specifically not to - I know I would. For as much as I love the guy, I wouldn't want his pedophile, flabby buttocks anywhere near me. :yuk:
yeah it seems to be quite a difference between Alanis and Scarlett....there was something so endearing about Alanis and Ryan simply because she was this very tough aggressive and not plastic-y and not mainstream pretty and then you have Scarlet who has this sort of old school 1950's beauty. I think they are both very 'real' people but I personally find Alanis a bit more authentic.

I completely agree!

and then you have Scarlet who has this sort of old school 1950's beauty. I think they are both very 'real' people but I personally find Alanis a bit more authentic.

I agree that Alanis is a real person, but as for Scarlett.... With her nose job, cheek implants and over dyed hair, i think she is really trying to be someone, but certainly not in an authentic way. :innocent: Just my opinion of course, and she is a very good actress.
I agree that Alanis is a real person, but as for Scarlett.... With her nose job, cheek implants and over dyed hair, i think she is really trying to be someone, but certainly not in an authentic way. :innocent: Just my opinion of course, and she is a very good actress.

If she had cheek implants get me the name of her surgeon.....
they are the best I have ever seen.
Very natural.:innocent:
plastic surgery

Check out some before and after picture... it might help.:flower:
And yes, it's very well done!
Regardless of any surgery she has had, which is off topic, I meant 'real' in the 'not part of the Hollywood set'. She's not often seen tumbling out of clubs, she doesn't often have a large amount of staged pap shots, etc. And when she is papped, she has a very lowkey style, she doesn't dress hoping to get papped. I wasn't necessarily referring to her personality or her body
I doubt she's ever had any kind of plastic surgery.
Hair dye? So what?
I am wondering how long will this last like all celebrity weddings... lol

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