Searching for My Perfect Fashion Career - HELP!!

Research fashion careers to get a focus of what you would like to do. Like most of the helpful post mentioned there are an array of careers in this industry that are in high demand. If you can't seem to narrow down what you'd like to do in the industry try looking up schools in your area. Some community colleges have Fashion Design programs. Some times in their curriculum one of the classes that are offered is an introductory class on careers in the fashion industry.

Much luck to you!
Good luck to you. I think it is best to be open minded and keep options open. I know so many people who have gotten their jobs because they were at the right place at the right time, and had no plans to go into fashion.
I gotta question, a bit lost right now, I am a stylist I've had to put the on figure portion on hold (if that makes sense) because I am rebuilding my credit. So for the last 1.5 I have been doing product styling. I currently work for a publication but they publish only 4 times a year and I also work with another publication as an intern (they publish 6 times). I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what other options I can pursue in addition to push myself forward? I am eager to build my name and diversify my port.
Are you looking for a different career? When you say push yourself forward ... you didn't really clarify if you know what you want to do in the future.

If you are saying that you want to get back into wardrobe/fashion styling (I'm assuming this is what you were doing before), then you've already chosen your career. If that's the case, I suggest that you ask your questions in the Fashion Stylist thread to get a better handle on what you can be doing now to prepare yourself to jump back in when the time is right.

If you are looking for a different career in fashion, we might be able to suggest some things, if you can share more about your interests, your skills, what you are good at ....things like:

You probably are pretty visual and creative if you've done styling. But what about being organized? Do you like being part of a team or prefer working by yourself. Do you have a fashion education or did you just learn on your own. Are you a big picture person or love the fine details. Do you like to be in charge of others or prefer to be responsible for only yourself? Are you good at writing. How about technical stuff... like math, computers, etc. What other work have you done in the past ... other than styling? Do you have time and money to get more education or not?
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Are you looking for a different career? When you say push yourself forward ... you didn't really clarify if you know what you want to do in the future.

If you are saying that you want to get back into wardrobe/fashion styling (I'm assuming this is what you were doing before), then you've already chosen your career. If that's the case, I suggest that you ask your questions in the Fashion Stylist thread to get a better handle on what you can be doing now to prepare yourself to jump back in when the time is right.

If you are looking for a different career in fashion, we might be able to suggest some things, if you can share more about your interests, your skills, what you are good at ....things like:

You probably are pretty visual and creative if you've done styling. But what about being organized? Do you like being part of a team or prefer working by yourself. Do you have a fashion education or did you just learn on your own. Are you a big picture person or love the fine details. Do you like to be in charge of others or prefer to be responsible for only yourself? Are you good at writing. How about technical stuff... like math, computers, etc. What other work have you done in the past ... other than styling? Do you have time and money to get more education or not?

Hi Bette,

Thank you for responding, I am trying to figure out how to market myself. I am a stylist and have done on figure styling in the past because I am trying to save money because I do not have the credit to take on clients. I have started to do product styling (off-figure) to keep my port current. I am hoping to start my own business and feel I have a few skills that will serve me well but not sure how to market myself. I can write and have started taking courses to sharpen my skills and now have experience on and off figure do you happen to have any suggestions.

Education, I have taken certificate courses in Fashion Coordination and now doing Journalism I am just trying to be more well rounded. I hope I am clear:unsure:
If you know where you are headed, then this is the wrong thread ... it's about figuring out what career you will want to get into. This thread is about asking for suggestions regarding various careers for which you might be suited, so you can set a career goals.

Here are a few ideas, suited to the skills and experience you posted above (and I did a search for applicable theads if any of these interest you):

Fashion Editor: Start as an editorial assistant at a magazine, preferably one which features fashion and/or lifestyle. This can get you more involved at a different level than just styling, but most likely it may lead to becoming a fashion editor ... which is really just a stylist that happens to be on salary.
So You Wanna Work in Fashion Editorial? Article
What Education is Needed to get into Magazines / Publishing?
Careers / Jobs / Positions in Magazine Publishing

Writer: for a fashion magazine:
Fashion Journalism

Public Relations/ Publicist: Work for a firm who has fashion clients. They not only write a lot of press releases, they will manage the clients' samples that stylists and celebrities get. They also produce fashion shows, parties, radio spots and anything that gets the word out to the public about the client. It's high pressure, long hours but can be exciting at times.
All about PR = Public Relations

Visual Merchandising: Work for a retail store to create and set up window and floor displays.
Visual Merchandising / Window Dressing / Display

If you already know which career you are maketing yourself for ... then you should go to the applicable thread about that particular career and ask any questions you have there, after reading them.

I did a search for you (keywords: stylist stylists) and found these threads that might be of help to you, if you are planning to stay in styling:

All About Becoming a Fashion / Wardrobe Stylist
About Your Portfolio and Testing, for Freelance Stylists, Hair/Makeup Artists etc.
Freelancers (Stylists, Makeup Artists, Photographers, etc.) - Marketing Yourself
Need Information about Getting an Agent / Representation ... for a Stylist
Shooting Stories for a Stylist's /Fashion Editor's Portfolio

A little bit about Personal Stylists:
Stylists vs. Personal Shopper
Personal styling fees
About Being a Celebrity Stylist
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Hi Bette,

Thank you so much for sending the links and suggestions, your the best!
What a useful thread! I hope I can get some help here...

So... I am in my early 20s, I am graduating from university this summer (I am studing financial management) but I don't enjoy it at all and feel like my heart belongs to fashion. I've got an idea to go to NY this summer for a few months (I am not restricted in time, it all depends on how well it will go) and work there, of course I want to do smth that has to do with fashion, probably the best thing for me would be to work in some agency (as an agent, manager, etc) to get some experience, to see how the industry works, if it's really the thing I wanna do and to discover what exactly I want to do most (for example, to work as a stylist, a buyer, a booker, etc). So the question is if it's possible to find smth like this (I am also worried about getting visa, I am from Russia) and what the best way to approach agencies is (just directly contact them asking whether they need someone?). I have just started to find out things about all this stuff and any piece of advice would be very, very helpful Thank you in advance.
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Well ... your choices are very, very diverse in the sort jobs you listed. But ... you financial managlement background will help you in a lot of them, suprisingly.

Agent/ booker ... you need to be good at sales (you have to find clients who might want to use your models), must be very mature and responsible since you will be handling teenagers who need to do things that they may not want to do, and be able to give advice and guidance and a a strong hand when neeeded. And you would need to be very good at "putting out fires". Young models can create scheduling problems and you must always have a back up plan and be able to react quickly when a client has a problem sith a model. You also will be involved in billing, commissions, contracts, etc. .... at least in some agencies. Most likely, without experience they might take someone as a receptionist /clerk / assistant ... which means you'd just be doing whatever they needed ... filing, computer input, answering phones, running errands, etc. Working for Modeling Agencies ... Becoming an Agent, Booker, Scout, Manager

Manager ... this is actually guiding the career of a model ... so your client is the model, not the companies that hire them. The skills are similar, but your goal is different. As a manger, you could either work for yourself (you'd have to be well connected in the biz) or could work for a large talent management company, similar to a modeling agency.

Stylist ... nothing to do with an agency ... most stylist work freelance ... work for themsleves and try to get different gigs everyday. You would need connections and money to get started .... and need good administrative skills, be able to market yourself, keep the books, do everything a small business owner would do ... in additon to doing the styling. The best bet here would be to assist a stylist ... but it will be hard to find one who will take you on. All About Becoming a Fashion / Wardrobe Stylist

Buyer .... this is a combination of being very good with numbers, projecting sales and having a good idea about what sells in the retail market. You would work for a retail store ... probably out of their main office. In the beginning ... the same would apply .... clerk/receptionist/assistant work. Or, maybe actually handling some of the books ... since a lot of it is statistics, number, prices, scheduling. Becoming a Buyer?

Each country has specific visa requirments ... so you need to go to the source and do some research first ... before you even consider moving to take an entry level job.

I do know that the US requires that you find work first, then your employer will have to agree to sponsor you if you want a work visa. The government wants to see that you have some sort of special skill or some serious experience in that field, which would make you needed above a US citizen/permanent resident. You somehow must show that you have something special to bring to the table. So, getting a work visa to take an entry level job just to learn, probably won't work. But if you are in school and seeking an upaid internship ... that might be easier.

All of that is sort of explained on the USCIS site ... Working in the US: Temporary Workers (very confusing, but they are who you would have to get your visa from ... so they are the authority).
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BetteT, what would kind of job would you advise to someone who would like to work in fashion (preferably fashion "business") and has a Law background? :flower:
To read the thread about that .... Fashion Lawyer ;) Of course, that's mainly either coporate law or intelectual properties law, for the most part. Well ... maybe tax law too.

Other than that, may Public Relations ... which is all about writing a convincing press realease and negotiating publicity coverage from magazines and media. There's thread about that, too.
I'm really lost and starting to feel very depressed that I still don't know WHAT I want to do/would be good at.

I am in my mid 20s and in my final year of a degree majoring in multimedia and media studies. It's taken me a long time to complete my degree as I had to take a year off due to two illnesses, and then when I returned I switched to part-time hours (which consequently doubled the length of the degree). My work experience involves customer service, interning at a radio station, and reception work.

I'll be attempting to gain at least two work experience gigs this year (probably won't last as long as an internship, as I know magazines here usually only offer a week), and possibly an international internship during Dec-Feb/March '11 (London most likely as I have citizenship, but I am also considering NY or LA, depending on a visa). The problem is I don't know which area I should even be aiming to do these in.

I'm mostly interested in models (new faces in particular), casting, runway show production (PR?), and magazines in general.

I suppose the best job titles to fit my interests would be a model agent, casting director, bookings editor at a magazine, and something in PR.

But to comment on these areas...

Model agency - I could possibly do this locally and/or internationally as agencies are everywhere. However, I'm not sure if, in the long run, I'd actually want to be a booker at a model agency. I've heard it can be quite demanding, you are on call 24/7, and while I'm not immature, I'm not sure if I'd consider myself 'very mature' either. I would love to still get some experience in an agency just incase - but do you think that would be a waste of time?

Casting agency/director/department - The only problem is that I'm not sure who I'd contact in my city (if I were to do this locally), but it could be something I could perhaps pursue internationally around show season, etc. if CDs take on interns.

Bookings Editor - I've looked at the mastheads of Australian fashion magazines, and so far, I've only found one which includes a Booking Editor. Obviously at magazines with not this listed would still have someone organising the bookings of talent - but I'm not sure who? Does anyone know which position that role would be included in? Also, I'm not sure if it's even possible to get work experience with a Bookings Editor. If I were to apply for work exp at magazines in Sydney, I know (and accept) that I'd only be doing coffee runs, sorting mail etc. What would be the career path be to get to Booking Editor?Work experience at a magazine would obviously be helpful right? even if not anywhere near the bookings editor.

Show production (Fashion PR/Events?)
- I don't have any exp in PR or Events. Would you require a degree in PR to work in the industry? Also, I know PR is a lot of writing, so even if I wanted to focus on show production, would I still be required to be a good writer?

But, the largest problems involving ANY careers in the fashion industry, is a) my age, and b) I don't know why, since I am interested in fashion, but I completely lack personal style... and I know you're expected to have good - if not great - style in this industry :ninja:. I can also be quite insecure with my body/looks. With these two factors combinied do you think fashion would be the absolute wrong industry for me to get into?

I am also interested in the Film industry, which still involve casting, talent agencies, PR, so I suppose that doing work exp./internships in either Fashion or Film could perhaps be interchangable?

Sorry for all the questions! But thanks for any adivce or suggestions :flower:
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Hi Bianca :flower: just a few comments...

I think trying out some experience at a Model agency will be beneficial. A lot of people in the model industry have branched out to different jobs - I think what's great about it is that you're exposed to so many different parts of the business as a whole, and you can make lots of contacts.

In regards to booking editor - a lot of Australian magazines have smaller budgets and have had to obliterate the role of the booking editor. Some magazines that do have booking editors - Grazia comes to mind, their booking editor does a lot more than look at models; including organising shoots, arranging props, the set, photographer, etc. Another thing you can consider is maybe contacting the design part of a magazine advertising department, as they would be casting models as well, and it would be less competitive to intern/do work experience for.

There is a massive thread on Fashion PR, but the crux is it is basically you don't need a degree in PR to do it. Hope this helps!
Yes, I own that book! It is very useful! It helped me a lot.

Does it says anything about fashion consultancy (not trend forecasting)? There are some tFS posters interested in knowing about this area. :p
Worth experimenting to figure out which way I want to go in the fashion industry?

hey guys!

so my dream is to be in the fashion industry. i've loved fashion for as long as i can remember. originally, i'd wanted to be a fashion designer--i literally designed clothes in this huge fashion binder i had in 5th grade. i kept going and i still design from time to time, but i don't feel confident enough in that area.

the thing i love most about fashion is the models and how they reflect how they feel by looking how they feel in an outfit. it amazes me and i constantly find myself mesmerized by that aspect. i have always wanted to be a model, but i know that's unrealistic for me.

lately, i've been researching more and more all the different jobs and i'm very intrigued by being a fashion stylist and creative director and model caster. i love putting together outfits and planning things out and seeing the whole picture of things, so i really think it would be something i'd enjoy wholeheartedly.

now, i'm so grounded in this thought that i'll someday be in the business. but i'd love to play around with different positions now, so what do you think of me working with a few friends and trying out different jobs? what i mean is, basically playing the character of fashion. i'd put together pieces for a shoot, take the pictures to get a feel of photographer (because i want to do that too), maybe even attempt to put together a little magazine--you know, just for myself to look at to see the final product.

do you think it's worth it to experiment or is this unrealistic?

thanks so much for reading :) :heart:
I don't really understand what you're trying to do... Are you just going to half-hazardly play the role of different positions within the industry with your friends?.. To be honest, this sounds like a child playing house. What you've proposed is totally unrealistic, if you're dead serious about getting into fashion.

If you're serious about getting into fashion, the best and real way to experiment with different positions is to INTERN. Apply, apply, apply for various internships and see what happens. You seem to have a very broad spectrum of what you'd like to do, but you need to edit your vision and narrow it down, somehow. The best way, in my opinion, is to get a first-hand look and intern like there's no tomorrow.

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