with times, i've developed an attitude. if this attitude doesn't make the SA nicer, then he/she is a real dumb.
* it's better working when you already know what you want. buy in the end is not really the issue. so forget about it !
and sincerely luxury shops are just shops ! so SA have to drop the attitude. the only thing that counts is the service and the product. and
you have to drop the attitude. like i think being the one who knows everything is not really entertaining.
come nice and smiling. say hello when you come in.
be a little stylish, but not that much (you know what fashion is all about, anyway).
go through the clothes with your eyes ... (i can do that. i see cut, and texture ... and colors).
and then when you spot something that is interesting, ask the SA to come to you and help you. if he/she is not responding right away, comes the sort of "i know how works the good service. do an effort !" attitude. still, smiling !!!
then, ... you can do it by your own ....
that is just an introduction.
i would add that appear a little "dumbish" .... works for me. be a little "spoiled stupid kid", a little, then when the process of selling/buying comes ... drop it a little ... and act normal !
it's all about the borderline.
shy but agressive
dumb but smart
poor but rich
and Have Fun in shops ! Talk with the SA. Be his friend (but not too much ...
). When you feel the vibe goes on, have fun with the looks !!!!!
(i'm depressed so i shop a lot those days).