Should One Spend If One Can't Afford???

I agree with ponyshow. Fashion was what she loved, and found it to be worth it. It's probably not wise if you can't pay your rent, and you end up on the street, with nothing but an enormous bag of designer clothing...
But if spending your hard-earned money on something you love is worth it to you, then so be it. I personally think it's worth it, but only if I love it. But with that said, I haven't spent more than $200 on one item. But I am young, don't earn much, and even that 200 is a lot. For me, my priorities are paying my bills, even if it means doing without something I love (owning beautiful clothes) the hopes that one day soon all my hard work will pay off, and I can afford to shop more! :smile:
If they can't afford it, they wouldn't be able to buy it at all. If they can afford it, but the money could be put to better use and they have to choose between buying a handbag and paying the rent, I still think they shouldn't buy it right then, but save up for it and take care of the more important things in life first.

Personally I would prefer to have a mansion and buy cheap non-designer clothes than have all designer outfits and be living in a banged-up caravan. My home, having food to eat and having enough clothing (even if it is cheap) is more important than being able to boast about the labels on said clothing. Then again, I come from a poor background so I have always been searching for cheap yet good quality gems in places fashion snobs wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole. I get complimented on my outfits even when altogether it only cost about $50! People look exactly like this :shock: when I tell them that. :lol:
If they can't afford it, they wouldn't be able to buy it at all. If they can afford it, but the money could be put to better use and they have to choose between buying a handbag and paying the rent, I still think they shouldn't buy it right then, but save up for it and take care of the more important things in life first.

Personally I would prefer to have a mansion and buy cheap non-designer clothes than have all designer outfits and be living in a banged-up caravan. My home, having food to eat and having enough clothing (even if it is cheap) is more important than being able to boast about the labels on said clothing. Then again, I come from a poor background so I have always been searching for cheap yet good quality gems in places fashion snobs wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole. I get complimented on my outfits even when altogether it only cost about $50! People look exactly like this :shock: when I tell them that. :lol:

Well, credit is extended all the time to people who can't really afford it ...
I think Carrie also stated she'd go without eating so she had enough money to buy probably not the best person to follow when it comes to finance. :wink:

If I'm not earning I don't spend. Simple. And if I am earning I never buy what I can't afford. I'm too afraid of debt.
I think we all know how to answer this. ^_^

Don't buy anything you don't have the money for.

Charging it on a credit card is the easy way out.

(Of course, buying things like a house and paying the mortgage off is a different story).
I am loath to say it but I depend on people buying up ridiculously expensive pieces only to sell them (hopefully to me) for much much much less in a month or two because they found out they needed to pay the rent check more.

So yeah... do what you waaaaaant.

My main thing is that I'm not worrying unless it puts me into any sort of debt. Back when I earned money I would specify a monthly percentage of my monthly checks for my "lux" buying and just take from that and made sure to never dip into my savings. If I wanted to buy that awesome coat, then I would have to forgoe alcohol/theater/expensive-dinner etc.
The answer is one big fat no and my mother's an example of this. She's still trying to pay off huge debt because she wanted to get the latest thing (her closet is glorious, but she's having trouble paying off her cards). I think once in a while it's okay to splurge and we've all been victims of that but when it gets out of hand and you're struggling to buy mundane things because you spent your last paycheck on that MUST HAVE Balenciaga tote - it becomes a problem.
Well, credit is extended all the time to people who can't really afford it ...

True, but then that is actually someone else's money buying that for you and you're only putting yourself in debt to them. That is why I will never have more than two credit cards. My parents had so many they are thousands and thousands in debt and they will probably be dead before it gets paid off.
i understand prioritizing. some people would rather have nice clothes and live in a smaller place. that's fine if youre happy that way. but i definitely disagree with those in debt just because they wanted designer apparel.
JUST don't buy the fake counterfeits,so ****ing tacky.LUXE POSERS suck
i truly believe in shopping addictions, because i know that i am addicted for sure. a good balance would be working for what you want and saving up. my bank account hates me right now because sales that are going on right now are so tempting. but definitely credit cards can be the devil, and if one cannot afford it at the moment they should not buy. bills and necessities should come first.
I believe it's hard to buy expensive things if you cannot afford it. I mean the credit cards might be there but the credit card limit might not be. Depending on how much your earning. I'm still living at home, attending university and I've just picked up some work for the mid-year break. That money I can either use to buy myself some nice things or give some to my parents for my costs and spend the rest... Although if i work 2 weeks solid I'd only be able to JUST afford a pair of Jimmys or Manolos...

So it does come down to priorities... personally I know once I'm working full time as a psychologists... probably paying rent before i set myself up in a mortgage I'll be spending money on expensive designer items because I know in 3-4 years time I will be able to afford it...

I don't know I still manage to find a way to spoil myself, dreaming is enough to satisfy my love of fashion at the moment once I'm more financially comfortable I'll be stocking my wardrobe with nice quality designer items because I've been dreaming about since I was 15 :smile:
ALSO! There are ALWAYS affordable substitutes for the real thing... and i don't mean fakes, I mean items inspired by premier designers sold at an affordable price... even though now people like Zac Posen and Collette Dinnigan are designing items for places like Target :heart: so you don't completely miss out on feeling glamorous.
i buy so much on credit its unreal:( as a result im loads in debt :( :(
^ I was in debt, too, but mostly due to not having a job for a little while and eating out all the time.

Once you get out of debt for good (aside from any mortgages, school loans, etc.), it may make it a bit harder for you to charge. I never want to be in debt again, and I'm so happy that I crawled out.

I buy, but only stuff that I really love. That's my rule. And it has to be on sale. If it's on sale, and a love it, then it's worth it. But staying away from the malls helps me out, and I have saved searches on Ebay for items that I really want and are hard to find (or items from years past that I hope to find once again).

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