Sienna Miller

tahda I hate that hat too!
I liked it at first but that frikin pompom is getting on my nerves!
A long interview from todays Guardian

Part one

'I always end up putting my big fat foot in it'

[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]She became famous for being Jude Law's appendage. Now that is set to change with a starring role in Factory Girl. But can Sienna Miller stop herself being so indiscreet? She talks to Simon Hattenstone about being labelled 'a sl*t', squirting pee at the paparazzi and why those pants were a great idea[/FONT]

[FONT=Geneva,Arial,sans-serif]Saturday March 3, 2007
The Guardian


Sienna Miller is giving me a guided tour of the scars on her face. There's a little slash down one cheek. "I got kicked in the face by an 'orse when I was five," she says. She can't help breaking into mockney despite her cut-glass Queen's English. Her other cheek is similarly marked, and there's another little scar above her lip. "That was a cyst when I was 11." She has a birthmark on her leg "that looks like Manhattan - appropriate because I was born in Manhattan, and my sister's got a map of Hong Kong on her back and she was born in Hong Kong".

We're in a cafe in north London, and Miller is talking 15 to the dozen. I feel manic by proxy, as if I'm caught up in a sugar rush. She doesn't really do self-censorship. "I was conceived on an acid trip," she says. She stops herself. "Only joking," she says. But I'm not so sure. Within seconds, she's on to the tattoo at the base of her spine. "It's from a really bad moment in time that I obviously regret. Mildly. I was 18 and I was travelling, and peace and love ... it's a Buddhist symbol." She has a peculiar way of talking, failing to complete sentences, simply missing words out at times. "I went travelling around central America. I went to Miami first and I'd had a few too many glasses of wine and I was really into yoga, and chakras and all of that ..."

Miller is still best known as Britain's most famous appendage, but that is about to change. For three years she was Jude Law's girlfriend - the hippy, dippy It girl with the long skirts, long hair and serene look. Then she was even more famously Jude's ex after Law was caught in flagrante with the nanny. All the time, she just wanted to be known for her acting. Fat chance, though, with Law's bedroom antics, and her career choices - a stocking-and-suspenders walk-on in Layer Cake and one of Jude's girls in the rubbish remake of Alfie. But she gives a terrific performance as Edie Sedgwick in the film Factory Girl. Like Miller, Sedgwick was from a privileged background, regarded as an It girl and, like Miller, she found fame by association - through her close connection to Andy Warhol and the Factory and her relationship with Bob Dylan. There we must hope the similarity ends. Sedgwick was used and abused by Warhol and his acolytes, developed a serious drug habit, and ended up in a mental hospital before dying at age 28. Miller's portrait of this tragic icon is cool, lovable, and desperate.

She says the film has taught her so much. Inevitably, there were stories that she had method-acted her way through the movie, that she had become Sedgwick - lost loads of weight, indulged in chemical substances, and quickly driven herself potty. Today, she's looking skinny but healthy, and anything but depressed.

Miller grew up in Britain with her mother and elder sister, Savannah. Her parents split up when she was five. Her father, a businessman, stayed in New York; her mother came over here and started a Lee Strasberg school for drama students. Miller says the house was always full of animals and arty types. At eight, she was sent to an expensive private boarding school. Were her family loaded? She bristles. "We weren't. We certainly weren't loaded. I won a scholarship." At first she hated being away from home. Did she tell her mum? "Well, I tend to be stubborn, and I'm resilient. I admitted I was homesick." She buckled down, fought her loneliness and determined to make the best of it. What kind of girl was she? "Outgoing, confident, friendly, happy, naughty." She rebelled against boundaries - not aggressively, she says, just in a pushing-your-luck way. What was the worst thing she did? Rabbits, she mumbles. "At the time it felt like the most monumental ... I was nine at my first boarding school and I got caught mating my rabbit

Mating with your rabbit!" I shout. "No! My rabbit with another rabbit. I had this gorgeous rabbit called Daisy and I picked out the one I wanted, got them out of their hutches - it was obviously very illegal to put them together - got them in a travel basket, ran behind the shed, let them do it, got caught." Where was the other rabbit from? "One of the other girls." They all had rabbits? She nods: "It sounds so bourgeois." She upgrades her voice to caricature posh. "Everyone! Yah! Or guinea pig! Yah! But it was this school in the country, and we had all been packed off at eight years old. At least we got a f*ckin' bunny out of it."

At school she loved English, drama, history, lacrosse. She hated maths - thought it was pointless, and made sure her teachers knew. "I'd say, 'When would I use long division?' and the teacher would say, 'When you're in a supermarket and you want to calculate the price of your food before you get to the till,' and I'd think, 'Well, I'd take a f*cking calculator, you nob.'"
Part two

She is surprisingly laddish, with a wonderful knack of putting her foot in it. Take Pittsburgh. When she returned to the city where she had researched Factory Girl, she told Rolling Stone how much she disliked it and she'd renamed it Shitsburgh. It just slipped out. Within hours, Miller was all over the Pittsburgh news, there were demonstrations against her, posters screaming, "Sienna the witch" and "Go home, Sienna," and she was forced into a retraction. Why did she apologise? "Because I was halfway through shooting a movie called The Mysteries Of Pittsburgh and the producers were understandably very distressed at the riot I had caused, so it was kind of damage control. I understand the patriotism of that city, but really I don't think it was that big a deal. I had to meet the mayor live on TV and apologise. It was huge! People are dying in Iraq and where is our focus, d'you know what I mean? Having met me, you'll realise these things just come out. I think it might be mild Tourette's, not to insult people who have proper Tourette's, but I will say the most inappropriate things at the most inappropriate time to the most inappropriate person. Always. Guaranteed."

Even now, mid-apology, she can't help digging herself in deeper. She tells me how she and her friends then spent ages renaming other American places. "Massivetwoshits is Massachusetts. Connecticunt, or Connectibutt. We came up with loads." She stops herself. "But I don't deliberately hurt anybody. And, actually, I like Pittsburgh, I do."

Her shepherd's pie and Coke arrive but she's not that fussed. She prefers to sip my wine and nick my chips. She complains she has often been misrepresented in the press, then mocks herself for whingeing. What is the most common misconception? "That I'm a sl*t. Apparently. Apparently, I've shagged half of Hollywood. And that's not true. I'm supposed to have shagged Orlando Bloom, Daniel Craig, Leonardo DiCaprio ..." But you were going out with Orlando - I know, I read it in the papers. "I was not! Orlando and I went to a pizza restaurant when I was 17 years old before he was Orlando ... Who else am I supposed to have slept with? Daniel, Orlando, Leonardo, Jude (but that's all right), Josh Hartnett, Puff Daddy." And she runs through it again, counting on her fingers, all the people she's not shagged. Had she met them? "Yeah, I'd met them ... you are allowed to have male friends!" Had she had any physical relationship with them? Had she got to, say, number three with them? (There's something about Miller that accentuates the childish in me.) "No! What's number three? Heavy petting? Number one, snogging, number two, boobs? Number three, fingering - that's the worst word. Four is gobbling them off. Five would be all the way. What's six, then? Six is my tattoo. Have you ever done number six?"

The funny thing is, she says, that through most of her adult life she has been in two long-term relationships - with Law and David Neville (an investment banker and model). Were they monogamous relationships? "Well, yeah! On my part! I think we all know ..." So doesn't she feel cheated being labelled a sl*t without having enjoyed the benefit? She grins. "Yeah! Year of the sl*t! Spread 'em! That's my motto for 2007." She stops again, stresses she's joking. "Oh, please don't write that." But it's funny, I say.

She's 25 now, and single. She directs me to the ring on her finger. "That's a Claddagh ring. Do you know about them? An Irish wedding ring - it's two hands holding a heart - if you wear it like that you're taken; if you wear it like that you're available." So you're on the market? "On the market! You make me sound like a steak! Depends on my mood."

After school, Miller went to live in New York, where she studied drama. She returned home ready to work as an actor, but found it easier getting modelling work. She was happy to take her clothes off, whether for a Pirelli calendar or an acting job. By the time she was 21, she had made her name, though not as she had expected to.

What was it like being famous for being with Law? "It was like best of times, worst of times. I don't want to talk about Jude out of respect to him, but at the point that it was happening I was falling madly in love with him. In one sense it was a really happy time. I'm not going to talk about what it was like, because it was really intense and really intimidating. Boring!" Did it make her feel vulnerable, being known as an appendage? "It made me nervous. But you know, you'd take active steps to rectify that. I did a play, which is something I'd always wanted to do, four months of Shakespeare in the West End - you can't say you're in this for the wrong reasons or for celebrity. I love my job, I've always loved my job."

Did she feel she had to claw her way back, prove herself after the event? "Yeah, definitely. But I wouldn't change that experience for the world. The experience of that relationship. Not the world. I don't have regrets and look back and think, 'Poor me.' I just feel it's more of a challenge and that's something I respond to well. It's all the more exciting if you do feel you are getting somewhere and people are like, 'Oh, you can actually act,' and you're like, 'Hah!'"

What attracted her to the gorgeous millionaire, Jude Law, I ask. "Heeheeheeh! Everything about him. He's an incredibly brilliant, intelligent, funny, charismatic, vivacious, kind, beautiful, rich ... Don't put the last thing." Miller and Law had a reputation as a glamorous couple, a powerful couple. That's all nonsense, she says. They led a dull, beslippered life, looking after his kids and being domestic rather than larging it at the premieres. "It wasn't my role to try to be their mother and tell them what to do. They were my friends. I was their friend. I am their friend, I love them very much."

She says she didn't realise what was happening the first time she was papped; it was frightening, intrusive. There must have been a time when it was exciting. "Well, no, I think it's adrenaline. You feel you're in a video sometimes. I play these games to make it more amusing, like I'm Lara Croft or something. So I find myself ducking behind cars and I've got my girlfriends and we once filled a supersquirter with pee and squirted it at them." At whom? "Some very aggressive, very rude men." All the same, she devours all that appears about her. Did she enjoy reading about herself? "No, I looked at it like a car crash. You've just got to look." Has she ever hit a photographer? "I half-punched a paparazzo once. I've hit a few people." Really? "Well, no, not like punched. I've hit my sister, I've slapped some of my boyfriends." Did she ever slap Law? "I'm not talking about that."
Part three ( And the last ) :shock:

As Edie Sedgwick, it's the first time she has carried a film, and she's proud of it. She spent a year researching Factory Girl in Pittsburgh at the Warhol museum, then in Santa Barbara, where Sedgwick was born and died. Is it true she went a bit bonkers becoming Edie? "No, but I'm really worried about 28, though. That sounds arrogant, because all these great people died at 28, but I think, what if ...? It was my decision to try to immerse myself in that character, and I was playing somebody who was self-destructive and sometimes it was upsetting ... So after I'd been researching it for a year I had this way of talking and this way of laughing, this way of smoking, this way of dancing, this whole character that you've worked on, and then it's like, 'It's a wrap, bye, guys, bye,' and you're like, 'Eeeeeugh, what do I do with it, what do I do now?' That's why a lot of actors, straight after a film, go away on holiday for two weeks, turn their phones off, and I didn't. I was like a little bit confused, a little overwhelmed. I had fun being that person. It's not like I sat there talking like Edie and making people call me Edie, but I didn't want to take the black tights off and I still don't."

Did she become more "experimental" in her way of life? "No, I didn't. I didn't up my drug intake, if that's what you're implying. Edie shot up amphetamine and shot up heroin to come down off amphetamine and that's serious drug-taking, and look where it got her. And I'm not irresponsible by any means in that way. And I didn't drink more - bear in mind I was working 18-hour days." Look, she says, she's not daft, she wouldn't do heroin or crack. Then she stops, as if she's just been mown down by a memory. "I took a morphine pill, just to feel what a safe way of taking heroin was like." And how was it? "I didn't really feel a lot." She giggles. "I'm incredibly hardcore. Hahaha!" Why do so many people experiment with drugs? "'Cos they're fun! 'Cos they're fuckloads of fun! No, don't write that. I always end up putting my big fat foot in it." That is the nice thing about Miller, though - she's honest, and funny with it.

These days, she says, her chief vice is smoking, which she does with relish. "I love them. Love them. I think the more positive approach you have to smoking, the less harmful it is. I know it's an irreponsible thing to say, but I do know people who are 86 and smoked 60 a day and died of old age and other people who smoked for two years and died of lung cancer at 40. So there is no formula. However, there is cancer in my family, so ..." She trails off. Was it strange being an It girl playing an It girl? She spits out a speck of shepherd's pie. "That's another thing that bothers me. It girl. I don't even know what an It girl is. As far as I'm concerned, an It girl is somebody who doesn't do anything except go to parties and get her photograph taken. Everyone I've worked with on any film will say I'm the hardest worker

There is a certain continental coolness to her. So many British actresses have a frigidity about them. "Frigidity or fragility?" she asks. Frigidity, I say, you know, coldness. "Yes, I know what frigidity is. I was called it all the time when I was younger. 'Are you frigid or something?'" Yes, she concedes, she rather likes the idea of coolness, except then people assume you don't have opinions or politics. So what makes her angry? "George Bush. Dick Cheney, more importantly, the most terrifying man. The fact that we're fighting a war in Iraq and most of the people over there dying don't even know why they're there. There's an image of Americans in a tank, and an Iraqi woman walks down the street and she sees the tank and the soldiers just run her over. They think she's getting a weapon and they shoot her, and she's holding a white hankie. It's the most futile ... it upsets me more than anything. Also, I don't want to pretend we live in a democracy when we've got 78% of the country that don't want to be at war, and we're still at war. Basically, we're living under a fascist regime."

Who would she vote for? "I don't know. I'm a liberal at heart; I don't want to vote Conservative. I'd vote Green, but I know it's a wasted vote or whatever, but it's the only party with integrity." She's having regrets about her fascist regime remark. "I'm not saying we live in a dictatorship, in a fascist regime, because that's really disrespectful to people who do live in countries that are."

Miller is not just all over the British media: it's the same in America - and not simply for dissing its major cities. A few weeks ago, she wore a pair of pants and a top to the launch party for Factory Girl. Guess who was front-page news next day. Were the pants a good idea? "They were a f*cking great idea, in my opinion. If anybody knew or had bothered to watch the film, they would have known that's the outfit Edie used to wear - black tights, black knickers and a top, and this was the party at the Chelsea hotel where Edie lived, and I went as a homage to Edie in Edie clothes. American Vogue liked it!" More incredible than the pants themselves was the fact that the press went on to suggest that if Miller was wearing them they were the next big thing. (Well, they were certainly big.) Does she see the pants as the way forward? She nicks another chip, and nods. "I wanna see England in their pants. I would like to set a trend where everybody in London walked about just in their pants. I'd love it. We're going back to Adam and Eve's time. I want to see London naked. Why not? People get really funny about nudity and I think it's a beautiful thing."

Miller seems to have changed so much from the girl in the long skirts with Jude Law four years ago. What happened to the hippy, dippy Sienna? "I mean, I still love a waterfall or the odd hallucinogenic drug. I liked mushrooms, which were legal until a year or so ago. If I had a drug of choice, it would be magic mushrooms. And I do like going away to India ... But I'm very motivated at the moment." She talks about her immediate goals - to make lots of small, challenging independent movies that she believes in. If she were just courting fame, as others have suggested, she says, she'd be looking at mega-bucks mainstream movies. In fact, she has just completed Stardust, a small-scale British fantasy film, and Interview, with Steve Buscemi acting and directing - an arthouse two-hander. In it, she plays a dumb blonde who turns out not to be so dumb after all.
Part three ( And the last ) :blink:

As Edie Sedgwick, it's the first time she has carried a film, and she's proud of it. She spent a year researching Factory Girl in Pittsburgh at the Warhol museum, then in Santa Barbara, where Sedgwick was born and died. Is it true she went a bit bonkers becoming Edie? "No, but I'm really worried about 28, though. That sounds arrogant, because all these great people died at 28, but I think, what if ...? It was my decision to try to immerse myself in that character, and I was playing somebody who was self-destructive and sometimes it was upsetting ... So after I'd been researching it for a year I had this way of talking and this way of laughing, this way of smoking, this way of dancing, this whole character that you've worked on, and then it's like, 'It's a wrap, bye, guys, bye,' and you're like, 'Eeeeeugh, what do I do with it, what do I do now?' That's why a lot of actors, straight after a film, go away on holiday for two weeks, turn their phones off, and I didn't. I was like a little bit confused, a little overwhelmed. I had fun being that person. It's not like I sat there talking like Edie and making people call me Edie, but I didn't want to take the black tights off and I still don't."

Did she become more "experimental" in her way of life? "No, I didn't. I didn't up my drug intake, if that's what you're implying. Edie shot up amphetamine and shot up heroin to come down off amphetamine and that's serious drug-taking, and look where it got her. And I'm not irresponsible by any means in that way. And I didn't drink more - bear in mind I was working 18-hour days." Look, she says, she's not daft, she wouldn't do heroin or crack. Then she stops, as if she's just been mown down by a memory. "I took a morphine pill, just to feel what a safe way of taking heroin was like." And how was it? "I didn't really feel a lot." She giggles. "I'm incredibly hardcore. Hahaha!" Why do so many people experiment with drugs? "'Cos they're fun! 'Cos they're fuckloads of fun! No, don't write that. I always end up putting my big fat foot in it." That is the nice thing about Miller, though - she's honest, and funny with it.

These days, she says, her chief vice is smoking, which she does with relish. "I love them. Love them. I think the more positive approach you have to smoking, the less harmful it is. I know it's an irreponsible thing to say, but I do know people who are 86 and smoked 60 a day and died of old age and other people who smoked for two years and died of lung cancer at 40. So there is no formula. However, there is cancer in my family, so ..." She trails off. Was it strange being an It girl playing an It girl? She spits out a speck of shepherd's pie. "That's another thing that bothers me. It girl. I don't even know what an It girl is. As far as I'm concerned, an It girl is somebody who doesn't do anything except go to parties and get her photograph taken. Everyone I've worked with on any film will say I'm the hardest worker

There is a certain continental coolness to her. So many British actresses have a frigidity about them. "Frigidity or fragility?" she asks. Frigidity, I say, you know, coldness. "Yes, I know what frigidity is. I was called it all the time when I was younger. 'Are you frigid or something?'" Yes, she concedes, she rather likes the idea of coolness, except then people assume you don't have opinions or politics. So what makes her angry? "George Bush. Dick Cheney, more importantly, the most terrifying man. The fact that we're fighting a war in Iraq and most of the people over there dying don't even know why they're there. There's an image of Americans in a tank, and an Iraqi woman walks down the street and she sees the tank and the soldiers just run her over. They think she's getting a weapon and they shoot her, and she's holding a white hankie. It's the most futile ... it upsets me more than anything. Also, I don't want to pretend we live in a democracy when we've got 78% of the country that don't want to be at war, and we're still at war. Basically, we're living under a fascist regime."

Who would she vote for? "I don't know. I'm a liberal at heart; I don't want to vote Conservative. I'd vote Green, but I know it's a wasted vote or whatever, but it's the only party with integrity." She's having regrets about her fascist regime remark. "I'm not saying we live in a dictatorship, in a fascist regime, because that's really disrespectful to people who do live in countries that are."

Miller is not just all over the British media: it's the same in America - and not simply for dissing its major cities. A few weeks ago, she wore a pair of pants and a top to the launch party for Factory Girl. Guess who was front-page news next day. Were the pants a good idea? "They were a f*cking great idea, in my opinion. If anybody knew or had bothered to watch the film, they would have known that's the outfit Edie used to wear - black tights, black knickers and a top, and this was the party at the Chelsea hotel where Edie lived, and I went as a homage to Edie in Edie clothes. American Vogue liked it!" More incredible than the pants themselves was the fact that the press went on to suggest that if Miller was wearing them they were the next big thing. (Well, they were certainly big.) Does she see the pants as the way forward? She nicks another chip, and nods. "I wanna see England in their pants. I would like to set a trend where everybody in London walked about just in their pants. I'd love it. We're going back to Adam and Eve's time. I want to see London naked. Why not? People get really funny about nudity and I think it's a beautiful thing."

Miller seems to have changed so much from the girl in the long skirts with Jude Law four years ago. What happened to the hippy, dippy Sienna? "I mean, I still love a waterfall or the odd hallucinogenic drug. I liked mushrooms, which were legal until a year or so ago. If I had a drug of choice, it would be magic mushrooms. And I do like going away to India ... But I'm very motivated at the moment." She talks about her immediate goals - to make lots of small, challenging independent movies that she believes in. If she were just courting fame, as others have suggested, she says, she'd be looking at mega-bucks mainstream movies. In fact, she has just completed Stardust, a small-scale British fantasy film, and Interview, with Steve Buscemi acting and directing - an arthouse two-hander. In it, she plays a dumb blonde who turns out not to be so dumb after all.
that interview is great,thanks for posting:smile: just shows what a real open and funny person she is!
i think sienna just shows her trueself on the interview...i guess we cant say the same about other young stars...
i think her little boobs are perfection
(in regards to the comment by loolabel xx)
have you seen alfie my dear?!:smile:
Alright everyone, this thread is about Sienna's style not her interviews, her politics, or the politics of the US and the World. Please keep it on topic or I will have to go and delete posts.
I believe I may have tried to point this out when everyone was ripping sienna a new one for wearing the black tights/leotard to the FG party in seemed pretty obvious what she had in mind -

"If anybody knew or had bothered to watch the film, they would have known that's the outfit Edie used to wear - black tights, black knickers and a top, and this was the party at the Chelsea hotel where Edie lived, and I went as a homage to Edie in Edie clothes. American Vogue liked it!"

thanks for the Pepe Scans! lovely.
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