Spanish Street Style

Yes we are not in London! I don't really understand this complaints about Spanish style or not... I mean I don't choose the people i do cross on the streets or if they have time to pose or not... Do you? what kind of pictures would you like to see here? Hey I can get some models and do pre-made street style!! Seriously you are making a big criticism to the people who appears in this topic and how they are dressing and the people who post pics on here.
You say "pics are so pretentious" and this makes me laugh sorry... don't get me wrong but your criticism is out of place on here.... just not only to put etiquettes on the peoples foreheads like they were robots but you are being fully sarcastic and disrespectful at this point! Yeah its a shame you come here just to talk about people that they can't defend themselves... yeah sooo polite... congrats!:doh:

Whilst I do not condone the way wire.artist expressed their point of view, I agree with their opinion. It is not a matter of whether Spaniards have style or not, but the fact that lately most of the pictures posted in this thread seem so amateur. They seem to be focused on either eccentric or "head-to-toe Zara/Mango/H&M" outfits. Furthermore, the "blog" pics are so pretentious -just don't get me started with the funny posing, bad lighting and (again) the Zara stamp on the forehead of the Spanish fashion bloggers that are featured in this thread. Now, there's nothing wrong with having no style or wearing a NYE hat in the summer but this is a Streetstyle thread in TFS afterall -for the same reason nobody posts pics of chavs in the London thread? I am sure there are thousands of Spanish people who are much more stylish than what we are seeing here... Maybe it's just me, but this is something that definitely does not happen in the other "Streetstyle" threads, and quite recent. If you go back to earlier posts in the thread, you can see there's a big difference between older pics and newer ones. Can I refer you to page 6 posts #151-4, I think Altamira captured Spanish Street Style in a way that made it seem unique and alive, you can definitely grasp the country's fashion dynamics in a beautiful way! This is something that I don't feel anymore when I visit the thread. A real shame.
dear ediewho aka chucks in a sink

this happens to be a major fashion site, if we can't discuss about quality of aesthetics...

I didn't wanted to point directly at you, but lets face it, you don't have a good eye for style, it's not a matter of who you cross by on the street. It's a matter of having an eye for beauty. If spanish streetstyle does really exist you are doing a huge disservice to it.

But it's not your fault, show me a good blogger doing spanish street style and I'll eat my words up.

I'm an spaniard myself, and I've lived in London and Paris for a while. Style here is ruled by Zara, Mango and all those sweatshop gargantuan multinational. We, spaniards, have killed our heritage style wise. We are now consumed and lost. All that is left is the natural beauty of spanish girls, but with a tendency of ruining it asap pursuing another kind of beauty.

Even in the rural areas, the traditional and humble look is lost forever, I remember my grandmother dressed all in black with nice fabrics.

In the big cities like Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Bilbao...people interested in clothing are driven by hipe (microwaved hype nevertheless...) they are not even first adopters...

It's not a matter of buying expensive clothing tho...more like a nuclear blast that have killed our heritage so we can't built from a decent foundation. It's a phenomenon you can see in urban development too, there are no big old cities in Spain, they are all destroyed and rebuilt in an endless process. I think this might explain it's a cultural thing
^I guess so... im not completely from here and im defending it! sooo go figure...
And i did also lived in another cities and countries... & im planning moving soon again but you know i tried to find something refreshing... even when ain't as easy as in London... ive been living there for a looong time sooo i know what you come back here and its apathy or people pretending to be... but you know this topic deserves some respect!
Guys, a healthy debate is always welcome but also, please do it maturely, no name-calling is allowed or personal insults. Also, a few words myself, it's not fair to compare, I know sometimes one feels more critical when it's homeland but let's appreciate threads for their diversity, unique material and not for what they're not.. if you feel displeased with what's been shown so far, let me remind you that contributions with your own streetstyle pictures have always been openly encouraged so you can go and haunt people on your own if you're in the city and want to raise the standard, be active but please do not offend our contributors, the people that are actually taking the time to bring material and post it here for everyone, it's a lot of work and always based on personal taste, no matter who does it so please keep that in mind before emitting criticism.
and one more thing, regarding bloggers, as stated in the rules for this streetstyle section, bloggers/internet celebrities are not allowed here, you can post them if they were spotted in their street by someone else but as they're usually the ones taking pictures of themselves, that is not really welcome.
To MissP and wire.artist...Ediewho has been posting real street style - average people on the street, and their style. That is what street style is all about. I have enjoyed her contributions.

If you think you can do it better, then do it. Stop pretentiously nit-picking about it, it is what it is. If you don't like it, no one is forcing you to read the topic.

And lastly I agree with MulletProof's post.
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so I can only build my discourse through pics I've taken? If not, shall I remain silent?

"No one is forcing you", and "the average people" thesis are both lazy and uninspired as reply, since I brought up some ideas in my discourse that you are blatantly ignoring I would expect more if you doesn't agree. I was trying to explain why I think spanish street style lacks quality nowadays, adding some examples to make it more clear.

Reducing every discussion about style and clothing as a matter of taste is sad...and BORING

is it an endless row of unedited pics the main point of this thread?

no room for discussion?
No, it's ok if you want to discuss this in a social level but what I suggested was to remain respectful when you do it.. avoid discouraging our contributors from posting here as a lot of members appreciate the work they do and what they bring to these section, surely it's not a complicated task and surely there's no need to mislead what was said and oversimplify it by claiming we're asking you to remain silent just because you're not bringing pictures. To clarify, if there's need for it, let's just say that just how ediewho felt like this thread needed a push and took the matter into her own hands, so can anyone else if they don't feel like it's an accurate portrayal. On the other hand, if you think it is accurate and dislike it for that reason, you can keep discussing the Spanish 'aeshtetic' from your own personal and modest point of view, but again, don't discourage our contributors, nonconstructive criticism rarely leaves room for miracles or makes a positive impact.
Today's morning street style... :rolleyes: (pics by me)




Further posts about this argument will be removed. Let's get back to posting and discussing the street style in the pictures.
^do you think Telecinco is a good source? a tv channel? I mean just wondering... i'm not like... wanting to criticize these post at all (please don't take me wrong!!) but they always post stuff that looks to me so kinda fake... but maybe its just my perception... just wondering myself about it actually...:unsure::unsure::unsure:
^do you think Telecinco is a good source? a tv channel? I mean just wondering... i'm not like... wanting to criticize these post at all (please don't take me wrong!!) but they always post stuff that looks to me so kinda fake... but maybe its just my perception... just wondering myself about it actually...:unsure::unsure::unsure:
i have posted outfits that i like...dont know if they are fake or not, why you think that?

I respect your opinion!you put pictures of any look you see on the street, but excuse me.. i dont like! some of these i find them really ugly :blink:
^^ well the blog has changed since Fernando moved to Telecinco (old blog chictoochic), but he's still shooting streetstyle. I mean, it's still chictoochic. So his taste has moved towards different things for his pictures's natural! Things change. Me, I still like his old blog a bit better, there were more Sevilla wedding pics and Feria pics in there I think, but he's still doing a great job.
Wow... this is so disgusting. You know, all the countries on this wide world have people who just don't search a "fashion look" in their day to day. I thought this post was made to see cool spanish looks, but here I found people who seems to want destroy our reputation. I'm not saying that all the spanish girls have a great style, but surelly you won't find some of these looks on other street style threads. I live in Cádiz, and being honest, people here don't have so much money to spend in clothes, but anyway in the street you can find a lot of girls who wear REALLY cool things. Sorry if I'm bothering anyone.
Ive seen pictures that remind me of what I see everyday in the bus at uni or anywhere actually.... to be honest I wouldnt call that "Style":ninja: .... I think streetstyle is not about what people wear on the street but what people with style wear on the street... sightly diferent.
Thanks Zhana, carmenp and those who posted some real style and not people who wear a bunch of clothes with no fashion sense.

On the Street.... So Much to Love, Madrid

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^ Ive got new material my dears... :) coming soon... I just wonder who defines "good taste" or "stylish"... as strict terms... I think is a pretty good question on here taking all your polite comments about my posts that I gotta thank you... as you are really all so kind and respectful... :D dont worry though... i think i might please some of you with the new material...perhaps... (hope so)...:flower::flower:
^ to answer your question from a very personal point of view, for me a stylish person is someone that's somehow wishing to express him/herself through clothing, someone that has shares some degree of appreciation for garments, and you can tell that right away from the minute you see that person walking on the street, you can tell there's an interest or a mental investment, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's good, it can be horrible certainly but you can see there's someone who cares about fashion.. when I browse through streetstyle fashion, I want to see that kind of people, the kind that inspires you, that talks to you about the country, its ideas, history, its society but also about a very personal way of embracing the idea of dressing everyday and being an individual.. maybe that's asking for a lot but I do know that if I wanted to see what the demographic of each country is wearing, I would go to National Geographic, some news site, google maps!, not tFS.
I guess that's why it bugs me when some complain about people being posted during fashion week or fashion-related events claiming they're not 'real' cause they all work in the industry, perhaps it's not an accurate portrayal due to the lack of average population but when it comes to people fully involved in fashion in that country, it's as real as it gets and it's still inspirational for me. :heart:

Regarding your pictures, edie, I think you're doing a great job capturing the mood of the Spanish cities you're showing.. it almost makes you feel like you're there, esp. for those of us who are a few thousand kilometers from there. Having said that, in some shots it feels a bit more like traveling photography, which is always beautiful but it might not be what this particular section was founded upon.. as you can see, most of us want to see fashion-oriented individuals, people that are aware of it, like to express themselves through it and seem to know what's going on while still staying in touch with themselves and their location, I would chase that kind of people and as I said, you have a great eye for shooting moments and the atmosphere of places so it's only about perhaps being more selective, callously selective :innocent:, and waiting for the eccentric, less average figures to surface on the alleys to.. click. :magic:
A small note for everyone, don't forget bloggers don't belong in this thread, unless they were photographed by somebody else and showed up in another [streetstyle-centered] site, people posting daily pictures of their outfits is not what this section is about.
You can visit the Personal Style section and find threads for that aim. :flower:

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