Survey for girls - Hair preference on men

Tom Welling plays Clark Kent (Superman) as a teenager on Smallville. [pic 1] [pic 2]

I don't really know who Jesse McCartney is, but he looks like a preteen-singer-type. [pic 1] [pic 2]

I like it when guys have messy-ish hair that falls into their eyes sometimes. I like to be able to run my hands through it, so no gels (ew). However, saying that I prefer messy-ish hair to styled doesn't mean that I like it to be greasy or limp or scraggly. Hair that smells good (subtle shampoo scents and such, I mean) is very attractive, as is hair that feels good. Rumpled hair makes me want to touch it. :) (Sorry for the randomness...missing the bf....;) )
i prefer dark to blonde also and clean messy hair. i love the guy from the vines, craig nicholls.. he has good hair.
my favorite is short hair, but not too short + waxed bedhead.
i hate guys with long hair, unless... they are super super gorgeous and they pull it off well, but in that case cute guys look good with anything, so i guess that doesnt really count..
i have a thing for guys with curly hair...
but i don't think i would like it if it were faked (i.e. perm :sick:)

so it's gotta be natural curly hair for me, and nothing needs to be done with/to it when it's natural imo! ^_^
eloes said:
Tom Welling plays Clark Kent (Superman) as a teenager on Smallville. [pic 1] [pic 2]

I don't really know who Jesse McCartney is, but he looks like a preteen-singer-type. [pic 1] [pic 2]

thanx for posting the pics!!! ;) Jesse McCartney is on a TV Show in the U.S., and hes got a few songs out, "Beautiful Soul" is one, and some Radio Disney stuff. I think hes like 16 or 17...but yeah a lot of the girls around here seem to like his hair lol
I like guys with long hair.. but yeah.. not everyone can pull it off.

I like messy hair.. looks unkept.. but not gross and dirty.. I just don't like the look when guys fix their hair where you can tell they fix their hair.. does that make sense? I like the natural.. messy look... like Harry potter lol.. not that I have thing for harry potter.. but thats what I'm talking about
:heart: :heart: :wub: :crush: :heart: Dream boy...:blush: :heart:
Well, it depends on the character. Some of long hair guys also cute if they play jazz music for example..., also if they're painters, the hair suits their activities.
I prefer them with dark hair. Prety short, like Ewan Mc Gregor usualy, or bit longer not too much though, chin length. with no gel nor any other thing on it, the MESSY LOOK!!!
^ Who's that? He's gorgeous!

I love Fabrizio's hair,don't know if many blokes could pull this off though:
dior homme is the best absolutely. or a bit shorter from that, but it has to look a bit like overgrown. and natural pls.
I like very dark (like dark brown or pitch black) hair on guys and I prefer it kinda long and shaggy and shiny. I don't like it too long tho, but I don't like it short. I prefer either the natural look or with product.
Shortish to midlength. I like my husband's curly crew cut haha :)
Not a big fan of long hair.
I :heart: long hair on men!
So long as its clean, I don't mind which colour, though I do have a bit of a soft spot for blonde. (My 1st boyfriend had long, blonde hair - maybe thats why!)

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