Talking Movie Awards 2011

Melissa McCarthy has won critics' awards. It's Sandra Bullock all over again. I don't know if these people have only seen about three Best Supporting Actress performances, but they need to see more if they thought McCarthy deserves such a title. She only had one great line: "It's coming out of me lava!"
I think McCarthy might do well at he SAGs and GGs but to be honest everyone I know within the industry takes the HFPA with a pinch of salt, they always make some strange choices. And then of course you have the fact they start dividing things into comedy and drama so meh. We've had our fair share of nominees and winners in the past but while they're all good for profile and getting the ball rolling, they're never taken overly seriously. SAGs are a much better indicator of what the industry is thinking.
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Nope not allowed at the Oscars. If a person gets enough votes for both performances to be nominated, the one with the more votes gets nominated, the second one is disqualified and the person with the sixth most number of votes gets in.

I'm guessing that rule only applies in the acting categories. I remember Soderbergh getting nominated twice for directing in 2000.

And I'm pretty sure in the Best Song category you can only get a maximum of two songs per film. They changed that after Dreamgirls had three nominations and then Melissa Etheridge won for An Inconvenient Truth. :lol:

Anyway I still think Chastain will get nominated for something. Once one performance gets some momentum the studio will start pushing it hard in the trades as the deadlines approach.
Melissa McCarthy has won critics' awards. It's Sandra Bullock all over again. I don't know if these people have only seen about three Best Supporting Actress performances, but they need to see more if they thought McCarthy deserves such a title. She only had one great line: "It's coming out of me lava!"
Oh dear that scene. I was cringing!
The word we got from the Tinker, Tailor screening in LA was that it was pretty much dead in the water, and I mean, old blokes were falling asleep bad. The only thing to keep Gary in the mix is relying on the fact that he is held in very high regard by his peers, that said I'd be surprised if the Baftas pass him up.
Glenn Close is another held within very high regard by her peers, sadly Albert Nobbs is something of a dud.
J Edgar didn't have great word of mouth from screening, surprisingly, normally Hollywood kisses Eastwoods ***. The Academy member I know actually said that Leo's performance is good but gets lost under the mess of the film. Even if he does get picked up, he'll end up an also ran.
I have only included the SAG movie noms, because a) this is about movie awards and b)the only interesting thing about the TV awards is the fact they mean I get to go to the awards this year becasue other than that, they basically nominate the same people every single year (Michael C Hall, Kyra Sedgewick) yawn.

Best Supporting Actress
Bernice Bejo, The Artist
Jessica Chastain, The Help
Melissa mcCarthy, Bridesmaids
Janet McTeer, Albert Nobbs
Octavia Spencer, The Help

Best Supporting Actor
Kenneth Branagh, My Week with Marilyn
Armie Hammer, J. Edgar
Jonah Hill, Moneyall
Nick Nolte, Warrior
Christopher Plummer, Beginners

Best Actress
Glenn Close, Albert Nobbs
Viola Davis, The Help
Meryl Streep, Iron Lady
Tilda Swinton, We Need to Talk About Kevin
Michelle Williams, My Week with Marilyn

Best Actor
Demian Bichir, A Better Life
George Clooney, The Descendants
Leonardo DiCaprio, J. Edgar
Jean DuJardin, The Artist
Brad Pitt, Moneyball

Best Ensemble
The Artist
The Descendants
The Help
Midnight in Paris
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Oh, and no one posted the Toronto film Critics picks.

Best Picture
The Tree of Life

Best Director
Terrence Malick – The Tree of Life

Best Actor
Michael Shannon – Take Shelter

Best Actress
Michelle Williams – My Week with Marilyn

Best Supporting Actor
Christopher Plummer – Beginners

Best Supporting Actress
Jessica Chastain – Take Shelter

Best Screenplay

Best Foreign-Language Film
Mysteries of Lisbon

Best Documentary Feature
Nostalgia for the Light

Best First Feature
Attack the Block

Best Animated Feature
The Adventures of Tintin
Those SAG nominations are all kinds of crazy. A few films with serious Best Picture aspirations were completely shut out, namely Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, War Horse, Hugo and The Tree of Life. Also shut out, Drive, Shame, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, Martha Marcy May Marlene and Young Adult. But don't fret, a modern day masterpiece like J. Edgar did receive two nominations. Seriously though, just when everyone thought it was dead on arrival, first BFCA and now SAG shower it with nominations.

Damien Bichir is a surprise, but not sure where he goes from here. This is literally his first mention. DiCaprio. Yawn. Lazy and uninspiring. Hopefully this will not be his Ali (Will Smith) or Elizabeth The Golden Age (Cate Blanchett), but rather his A Mighty Heart (Angelina Jolie). The other three are obviously locks, have been for a while now. But the last two spots are still kind of wide open. I just refuse to predict DiCaprio. Gary Oldman and Michael Fassbender suffered terribly. As did Michael Shannon who could've gotten his momentum going here. I still think at least one of those three will end up with an Oscar nomination.

Glenn Close got a desperately needed boost today. Perhaps all is not lost for her after all. At the same time though, poor Elizabeth Olsen probably just received a deadly blow. Shame because she really is outstanding. Tilda Swinton moves up from "possible" to "pretty much a lock". The other three have been locks for some weeks now. Charlize Theron and Rooney Mara are out for good?

Supporting Actor
Biggest shocker of the day - NO ALBERT BROOKS?! He was the frontrunner to win but I don't know what this means now. Probably can still get nominated, but a win will be more difficult. Plummer - lock. Branagh - probably a lock. Nick Nolte made quite a rebound the last two days with BFCA and now SAG. I couldn't be happier for him, my personal winner in this category. The other two are a head scratcher. Jonah Hill... ok. But Armie Hammer. Still don't think either one gets in at the Oscars. Not sure about Max Von Sydow. Are people not liking him or not seeing the movie in time? He had so much buzz going into yesterday morning and now seems to be barely breathing. If GGs ignore him tomorrow, he's probably done for sure.

Supporting Actress
The most predictable category, imo. The only semi-surprise is McTeer, about whom I'm still not convinced. Melissa McCarthy was a shoo-in here, but I don't know if it necessarily will translate into an Oscar nod. The other three are good to go. Seems Chastain's nomination (if any) will come with The Help? The biggest snub here is Shailene Woodley, who was doing extremely well up to this point. And especially with The Descendants getting in for Ensemble and Actor, and with SAG always liking their young actors, it just seems strange. Vanessa Redgrave is again MIA. As is Sandra Bullock. Again, are people not seeing their films in time or simply don't like them as much as was expected. The only other contender here is Carey Mulligan, but I never had much faith in her.

First Ensemble nomination for a Woody Allen film. I'm kind of surprised by this nomination to be honest. Wonder if it means anything for the film's Picture chances. Bridesmaids could've gone either way, but I see they took a liking to it. Expect it to get a Comedy nomination tomorrow at the GGs and that would be the end of it. The other three are locks. I'm expecting The Help to take this, given that it has the most nominations and seems like that kind of movie. Hugo and War Horse snubbed (I didn't really expect The Tree of Life to appear), as is Moneyball. However, I don't think their Picture chances are that hurt by it. What is hurt by the snub is Extremely Loud. I thought it was a shoo in. If not here, then where?
I can't believe that out of all the actresses in bridesmaids, McCarthy is the one being recognized? She was funny but that movie belonged to Wiig. She should be getting the career mileage and it makes me wish that the award shows would recognize more comedic performances and fit her in. It's almost always in the supporting categories they allow comedic performances in

One of my all time favorite Oscar wins (though in a supporting categoy) is when Marisa Tomei won one for 'my cousin Vinny'.

I want 50/50 to get more recognition, the screenplay was fantastic as was Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I also loved Midnight in Paris and I wish it was released a little later on, the buzz seems to have died down a bit.
How the heck does Jonah Hill get a SAG nom? Granted I haven't seen Moneyball yet, but still, it's not a film that's on par with the other nominees. And then to snub Drive and Shame. Really? Really? I'm wondering if Shame didn't get nominated because of it's rating, SAG might not have wanted to go near it with a 10-foot pole. Which is sad because I would think that Shame is a better choice over Moneyball. Also, I'm surprised that Melissa McCarthey got nominated for Bridesmaids. I mean I thought she was good but I don't understand all the praise for her, it was Kristin Wiig who I think deserves a lot of praise. She played Annie perfectly. Also no Elizabeth Olsen for Martha Marcy May Marlene? Hum... I feel like SAG missed a few films that deserved to be nominated.
^Have you seen Shame? Either way though, since you haven't seen Moneyball, how can you say it didn't deserve this or that or it's not on par with others? I've not seen Shame. But standing alone, Moneyball is a great movie. I was skeptical about it, because it looked so boring and I dislike Brad Pitt, but it was such a well made film. I don't know if it's better than Shame (better in what way, since SAG only rewards acting?) but critics seem to think Moneyball was better than Shame - compare 95% score versus 77% at Rottentomatoes and 87 versus 72 at Metacritic.

With that said, Jonah Hill really did not do anything special. But then I didn't think Albert Brooks did anything special either and he's been winning left and right (though snubbed here, obviously).
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I love Melissa, but i hate Bridesmaids so so much. Whatever, get that noms! :clap:
i am just really happy that tilda was given some redemption after being completely ignored by everything stateside last year. and she's looking like a favourite next to viola davis in my humble opinion.

however,rather disappointed they snubbed michael fassbender and gary oldman though as i've been hearing a lot of positive things about those two distinct roles.
^It would have been Tinker, Tailor but as I said on the previous page, the word we got out of screenings (from my little Academy member spy) was that the film really didn't go down well, same with A Dangerous Method, they hated it. Interestingly Drive didn't ssceen to well either, though Ryan was liked by many.

SAG generally get one category 5-for-5 with the Oscars and I wonder if it's Best Actress this year. Their supporting actor is just a mess, though. It's Plummers to loose at this point.
I hope it isn't Best Actress. Elizabeth Olsen deserves a nomination much more than Glenn Close.

I think it could be Best Supporting Actress, though critics favourite Shailene Woodley could knock Berenice Bejo or Janet McTeer out.
Close is highly regarded by her peers, which is what scroed her the SAG nom, so I wouldn't rule her out. If they go the way of the SAGs, it'll be the first time in a long time there's been no UK nominee or first timer in that category.
The Academy have gone very quietly nuts over The Artist in LA, there's a real buzz about it. It's in a very good place for Best Picture atm and got Weinstein behind it. There's every possibility that Pitt & Clooney will cancel each other out and DuJardin will slip in. I really hope so, the film deserves every award it gets.
I'm dying to see The Artist. One can't deny that its frontrunner status at this point. The only two films that could conceivably overtake it would be War Horse and Extremely Loud. It's not likely to happen, but if one of those opens to good response and sets the box office on fire, watch out. They're the kind of movies that could get the whole country buzzing, but that's really in the best case scenario for either. I don't see that happening at this point.
Golden Globes list. Normally I scoff at the ridiculousnnes of the HFPA's choices, they're totally nuts it's a joke, but the fact that they included Gosling twice & Fassbender makes me all warm inside so I'll save my scoffing this year, plus they never really have any bearing on the Oscars anyway.

The Flowers of War
In the Land of Blood and Honey
The Kid With a Bike
A Separation
The Skin I Live In

Midnight in Paris
The Ides of March
The Descendants

The Artist
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
War Horse

The Adventures of Tintin
Arthur Christmas
Cars 2
Puss in Boots

Jean Dujardin, The Artist
Brendan Gleeson, The Guard
Joseph Gordon-Levitt, 50/50
Ryan Gosling, Crazy, Stupid, Love
Owen Wilson, Midnight in Paris

Bérénice Bejo, The Artist
Jessica Chastain, The Help
Janet Mcteer, Albert Nobbs
Octavia Spencer, The Help
Shailene Woodley, The Descendants

George Clooney, The Descendants
Leonardo DiCaprio, J. Edgar
Michael Fassbender, Shame
Ryan Gosling, The Ides of March
Brad Pitt, Moneyball

The Artist
Midnight in Paris
My Week With Marilyn

Kenneth Branagh, My Week With Marilyn
Albert Brooks, Drive
Jonah Hill, Moneyball
Viggo Mortensen, A Dangerous Method
Christopher Plummer, Beginners

Woody Allen, Midnight in Paris
George Clooney The Ides of March
Michel Hazanavicius, The Artist
Alexander Payne, The Descendants
Martin Scorsese, Hugo

Glenn Close, Albert Nobbs
Viola Davis, The Help
Rooney Mara, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
Meryl Streep, The Iron Lady
Tilda Swinton, We Need to Talk About Kevin

Jodi Foster, Carnage
Charlize Theron, Young Adult
Kristen Wiig, Bridesmaids
Michelle Williams, My Week With Marilyn
Kate Winslet, Carnage

The Descendants
The Help
The Ides of March
War Horse
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This is what I like about GG. Noms for everyone! :lol:
Surprised with Melissa's absence though.

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