What a whirlwind week, with all these awards coming in. GGs gave us their typical mix of reasonable with the star obsessed. Nominations for Madonna and Angelina Jolie? lol But the worst thing is their obscene obsession with George Clooney.

Not only did he receive THREE individual nominations (Screenplay, Actor, Director) but two of his movies are in Best Picture lineup, including the "ignored by every group" The Ides of March. Maybe Clooney is a good person, but at this point, I can't stand all the media obsessing over him, so I hope that something happens to take his stock down a notch.
Anyway, Extremely Loud and Incredibly close is DEAD! If there's one lesson we learned from the Globes, that is it. It did fairly well at BFCA, but to be completely ignored by the SAG and GGs, I don't see how it can recover. I mean, not even a token nod for Bullock or say Score? Dragon Tattoo is as good as dead as well. It did get Score and Actress nomination, but, considering it was ignored everywhere else, it needed a better showing. Drive and The Tree of Life take a hit, but I think Tree can comeback. War Horse is incomplete, because yeah, it got a Picture nomination, but nothing for Spielberg? The Artist, The Descendants and The Help are locks. Midnight in Paris came up really strong as well, with that Ensemble nod yesterday and a good showing with the Globes today.
Poor Elizabeth Olsen. I was really hoping she'd get nominated here which would keep her hopes alive. Alas, they went with Mara instead. Gary Oldman is in the same boat, unless BAFTA go crazy for him/his film. Can't believe Leo will be getting a nomination for that critically panned mass of a film. Ugh.
Shocked to see that McCarthy was left out. A month ago, I would've said that if she's getting nominated anywhere, it would be at the Globes. But no, she made it at BFCA AND SAG, but is a no show here. I think that's where her campaign stops. Actually, I think Globes' Best Supporting Actress lineup will be identical to the Oscars' group. Albert Brooks makes a rebound after yesterday, but Nick Nolte is now gone. All the while, Jonah Hill is just cruising along. With von Sydow seemingly out of the picture and no other suitable contenders, I think Hill is looking good for a nomination at this point. I won't be too upset with it, but I don't think it would be especially deserving.
Without anything major (well Chicago Critics) coming up until beginning of January, I'll post my new predictions later today. Seems most races have at least 4 out of 5 spots determined and just a couple of contenders fighting for that last spot in each category.