
I wanna have huuuuge tattoo on my arm.
Just need to pick that right tattoo and talented tattoo artist.

I would like to have colorful tiger...
Angelina have the perfect tiger tattoo. I had better picture from it but I cannot find it anywhere



and this kind of cat tattoo is nice:


altough I would do some changes in the eyes and mouth...but the idea is cool!
oh wow! I really like that cat^^ it would make a really cool tattoo IMO
^The cat reminds me of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland.... or in other words... really creeps me out!
^The cat reminds me of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland.... or in other words... really creeps me out!
You live at Hogwarts, surly at smily cat wouldn't creep you out;). I on the other hand like creepy things:ninja::lol: I also really like Alice in Wonderland.
You live at Hogwarts, surly at smily cat wouldn't creep you out;). I on the other hand like creepy things:ninja::lol: I also really like Alice in Wonderland.

Ahhh.... well you got me with that one! :D I love Alice in Wonderland too but for some reason the cat always creeped me out a bit! However, I have no doubt that it would look really cool, even if its not something that I'm crazy about. :flower:
this is my tattoo

i wanna get 3 more (LOL) an origami crane, a lotus..but my next one will be a Visotskiy drawing of a hammer and homage to my homeland, my mom, music, art, etc

anyway, for those who have tattoos on their wrists, I am wondering if they hamper your employment in anyway? especially if you're getting a new job? Thanks!


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anyway, for those who have tattoos on their wrists, I am wondering if they hamper your employment in anyway? especially if you're getting a new job? Thanks!
i am wondering that too, but i think it depends on where you apply.
it probably also depends on what the tattoo is. seeing as yours isn't a skull or anything offensive then it really shouldn't matter. unless the place where you want to work has a strict no tattoo policy.
oh, thanks from the comments about cat tattoo!
it looks bit scary but I would change eyes and mouth.
don´t know yet where to put it... but I will get huuuge tiger tattoo on my arm.
that is for the moment at least HAHAHA
wow that sounds amazing Jenna-maria..! If you get one you have to post a picture!
yes for sure!
it just feels so right and we live only once so why not?

and I don´t really understand why some jobs are so strick about tattoos. ofcourse if it is offensive tattoo I understand but otherwise, who cares?
I once was at hospital and the doctor had awsome tattoo on his arm it was huge spider web thingy. He was wonderful and made me feel like I was save and not going to die.
i asked about the tattoo and he answered and we chatted about it for a while, I almost did forget that I was in hospital. see, sometimes tattoos are just good!
I think it's nice to be able to cover up your tattoos even tho I would have to wear gloves if I was to cover up the ones I have on my hand/wrist and I never wear gloves :rofl: but they're pretty small anyway
yes for sure!
it just feels so right and we live only once so why not?

and I don´t really understand why some jobs are so strick about tattoos. ofcourse if it is offensive tattoo I understand but otherwise, who cares?
I once was at hospital and the doctor had awsome tattoo on his arm it was huge spider web thingy. He was wonderful and made me feel like I was save and not going to die.
i asked about the tattoo and he answered and we chatted about it for a while, I almost did forget that I was in hospital. see, sometimes tattoos are just good!

But i think my 75year old grandma wouldn't like to have a Doc with tattoos. I think the Love for tattoos came with our Generation. My Mom also dislikes tattoos. I think my gradma wouldn't feel confident with such a Doctor.
I have one on me.Below my back - black tribal that I made 7 years ago for my b-day

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