Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
ugh the whole ugg thing was/still is revolting. especially with juicy sweatpants and mini jean skirts.
the 2000's or the millenium (how do you call that decade) brought nothing new to the table when it comes to fashion.
Every single thing done was a rehash from everything else. Vintage, the 80's, 90's, leggings, the old hollywood glam, hippie, boho, etc, there was nothing new.
I don't think this was a spectacular decade when it comes to fashion, it has no identity. 20 years from now there is not going to be a 2000 look because there wasn't a 2000 look during the decade.
The last decade to have had an original defining look was the 90's.
The 2000's will be remembered because of the technology, ipods, blackberrys, facebook, etc but not because of fashion, there was really nothing exciting.
^ Considering just how global the world has become, I honestly don't think there will ever be another decade with a defined "look". People are exposed to looks from all over the world- middle American girls wearing Harajuku looks thanks to Gwen Stefani and access to blogs, fashion communities such as this one turning girls in the Middle East onto minimalist looks from Europe. We've gotten far too connected for things to go back to one certain, defined look if you ask me. That said, I think the more muted colors we've been seeing will last as long as the recession does- as well as the Gaga inspired over the top looks that take our minds off of the hard times.
I cannot wait until the late 2000's ankle boots and minidress trend is over. It's so overrated.And thankfully the Uggs/Von Dutch, Ed Hardy look died out almost as fast as it blew up.
but Gaga is not really a fashion icon. Everything she wears come from other designers like alexander mcqueen, she is not influencing designers, it's the other way around. And also, her look is not something women can adapt or use in everyday life.