This decade is one of fashions worst missteps since the 80's

where the heck do you live where you don't see Ugg boots anymore? blahh, last winter/spring that's all anyone wore at school. It's summer now, so everyone is wearing flip-flops, but I'm sure once it starts getting a little nippy out everyone around here will be bringing out their Uggs again. :yuk:

I live in the middle of nowhere and honest to God, the only people who still wear Uggs are the sloppy rich girls when they have colds. I swear.
Its hard to say since we have not had time to reflect on the decade as a whole and its not over yet.

BUT in my opinion, at least over the past few years is sort of a mash-up style. It has to do with technology and the huge influx of info coming at us from every direction. My style at least is going in the direction of clashing of different styles, decades, as well as patterns and I think its reflective of too much flying around in my head as well as in the environment. Influences are more easily accessible and therefore people seem to be influenced by many clashing elements all at once. I'm also thinking about the music scene and artists such as Girl Talk, Dan Deacon and the chaotic stuff like that.
i used to have periods where i absolutely detest a certain decade, namely the 80s for it's outrageous broad shoulders. but after constant renewing my knowledge of fashions of the 20th century and even fashions of the past centuries and other countries, i feel being critical and dismissing a certain period as 'bad' is rather confining. not saying dont have a point of view, but the past is simply the past and there is no point in criticize a time that i have no power to change.

i definitely can not say this decade (which it's not even over yet) is a misstep. i mean, there cant be missteps in fashion because it's a continuous progression. it will go on regardless of how horrible one may think a certain style is.
i heard different designers say this many times, fashion does not change, it evolves.

so far, i see this decade being looked back on as one of nostalgia. 20th century was possibly the only century in the history of human civilization that progressed at the speed that it did, in almost every influential field. it was the century of great world wars that not only willed people to move forward and change but forced them to. now moving into the 21st century, and 2 years short of completing it's first decade, most of the world is not at war with one another (that seriously affects the people involved in fashion, since we are talking about fashion) and there is no obligation to force people forward, i feel things in general will not change as much as it did in the 20th century for this century if most of the world is at "peace".
i dont think it's any one's fault, any designer or particular corporation or society's fault. it's just how the world as a whole is moving, the pace it's moving at. and fashion is really just one small part of society that is moving along the pace of how the society is moving. or how economy is moving.

as many of you guys said before, with the invention of internet and satelite tv and any other technology that enable us to communicate and look into another country's current affairs and history, it seems like a natural move for people to be interested not only in other countries' traditional culture and current fashion but as well as past fashion in more developed countries of the west. since so much of the information can be found on the internet for free.
my tutor told me once, without looking into the past (fashion), it's hard to move forward. so it seems like the people who are interested in fashion in this decade is building a foundation of knowledge on fashions of the decades in the 20th century. and the most immediate way of expressing their knowledge is by wearing clothes that represented a certain decade they take interests in. as we know, pretty much everyone is different. and with so much knowledge people are bestowed today, it seems natural different people are more bias to a certain part of the knowledge they come across than other knowledge which they may ignore. resulting in different point of views in style and creativity, that you could not find in the Republic of China during it's time under the ruling of Mao. because there were only so much knowledge the public of China were legally able to learn, the way people thought were confined and everyone looked the same and knew the same things. (i used China as an example because it was the most immediate thing that came to my mind and that i am chinese myself, not deliberately being bias towards it)

basically, so much happened in the 20th century and fashion evolved faster than ever. if we dont calm down and review what happened for the last a hundred years, we might get lost.
it's like a person's life really...dont we all get to a point in our life known as the middle age crisis, or any time we just slow down and reflect our past in order to get a better idea of how we should move forward? it's happening now in fashion. we are filtering, renewing and questioning what we define as classic and dig out any thing from the past that is worthy of spot lighting again (regardless if there are debates on that garment really being worthy of renewal, it's actually good there are debates).
it's more and more clear as this decade goes on that designers are steering clear of that heavy nostalgic vintage clothes smell in the air in favor of what we term "futuristic" trends. but of course there will still be those designers who favor nostalgia just because it has become their style and new, younger designers will come into view and bring fashion into another new light despite people saying young designers cant stay on the scene for longer than a few years. i'm hopeful it will evovle like that. but of course, just how fashion will change depends on the economy and the masses as much as the designers who are doing the directing.

hope all my rambling made sense, if not, well, it's my two cent :innocent:

edit: damn, i wrote a lot...and i realize it took me almost an hour and half
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The original post is shocking nostalgia. Several posters associate today's putatively bad fashion with the world falling apart generally while the OP posits the 20s, 40s and 50s as 'defining' periods. The roaring-women-can't-vote 20s with Galliano finish courtesy of the Wall Street Crash? The 40s with 70-million-people-are-dead-chic? And whoop-de-doo, it's the 50s, welcome to the Cold War... All of these decades are long gone and most of us, even Softie, can't remember them. All that's left is glossy pictures of stinkingly rich women in expensive clothes. Ordinary people probably looked crap considering all the bad **** that was going down. Also the idea that these periods were original compared to today's supposedly rampant ativism is silly. The 'New' Look wasn't new at all, it was a nostalgic rip-off of the ugliest period of French history, the 'belle epoque'.

This nostalgia is what stultifies creative design, not 'missteps' like the 80s.
Also, going down the Trendspotting forum, look at the thread titles: Raybans, leather jackets, leggings, high-waisted jeans... Who say's the 80s was a 'misstep'?
I would hardly consider this decade the 'worst since the 80's.' I think this decade is far too complex and varied to even make an assumption like that. There really isn't anything that EVERYONE wears like there was in the 80's. I mean, in the 80's, almost every woman wore shoulder pads, for example. 'Style' and 'fashion' was much more homogeneous in decades of past (that's not to discredit the fashion of the's just a fact). There just isn't anything comparable to that today. If anything, I would say that this decade has been the most diverse when it comes to 'personal style'...sure there are posers, but whole populations of people aren't dressing the same/ similar. So to say something like..."because of Uggs, this is the worst fashion decade since the 80's" is pretty silly.

And as far as 'fashion' shown on the catwalks...I'd say it's FAR from a misstep. Some of the most creative, beautiful, energetic, inspiring fashion has come from this decade. Period.
The original post is shocking nostalgia. Several posters associate today's putatively bad fashion with the world falling apart generally while the OP posits the 20s, 40s and 50s as 'defining' periods. The roaring-women-can't-vote 20s with Galliano finish courtesy of the Wall Street Crash? The 40s with 70-million-people-are-dead-chic? And whoop-de-doo, it's the 50s, welcome to the Cold War... All of these decades are long gone and most of us, even Softie, can't remember them. All that's left is glossy pictures of stinkingly rich women in expensive clothes. Ordinary people probably looked crap considering all the bad **** that was going down. Also the idea that these periods were original compared to today's supposedly rampant ativism is silly. The 'New' Look wasn't new at all, it was a nostalgic rip-off of the ugliest period of French history, the 'belle epoque'.

This nostalgia is what stultifies creative design, not 'missteps' like the 80s.

I can't agree enough with you. That original post had me:blink:. I think some people here are suffering from a terrible case of selective amnesia. Those decades, people (I mean the "common" people like you and me) still had some of the worst clothes imaginable (and not just from an aesthetic perspective of someone living in 2008, they were often cheap and drab). Maybe if you were a rich socialite or something you had fantastic clothing.

I'm surprised at how much people are agreeing though with it. I think this is the best so far...simply because it is such a mash up and I can't see it changing to be honest, maybe it's just short-sightedness. I don't think the 80s were that bad, sorry. The conformity and sense of decorum we had 80 years ago just doesn't exist anymore and I don't want to live in a future were we all dress the same either.

So in conclusion:
Ya'll are a bunch of haterz.
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All that's left is glossy pictures of stinkingly rich women in expensive clothes. Ordinary people probably looked crap considering all the bad **** that was going down.

Perfectly written! Karma for that:flower:

if the internet and the digital cameras existed back then I'm sure we would see a whole lot more of the bad looks..

a couple of vintage pics of celebs/important people does not show what all of the people were wearing on the streets for everyday
some random thoughts i'd rather organize to try and make them well... not as random as they are right now in my head:
1: how can we talk about how "this decade" will be remembered if we really havent gone through it yet?
2: since when did the 80s really make a come back? last two seasons?
3: it's not like everyone has being doing 80ish stuff, have they?
(this is probably the most important thing to remember): vintage-babes of the bloggosphere + Agyness Dean closet ≠ the whole decade can be considered a horrid left over from the eighties. the fashion industry covers a much bigger range of people than the young-(rather cheap if you'll excuse me)-Glamour/Cosmopolitan magazine-obsesive readers who i think are the ones this 80's new-Rave/new-Ugly trend is targeted to.
4: so lets just imagine the 80's kept getting bigger and bigger in the years to come. yes, we are seeing some big shoulders again, and blocky neon colours, and some stuff like that, but we only have to go back to 2004-2005 to realize that wasnt such a bad year at all.
if you analyse the most recent years, i wouldnt say that the 80s were a major influence. Being in 2008, that would make up to 2/3 of the decade as a whole with no 80s at all.

having said all this, if we insisted on analysing what the decade has been so far the major 3 things i'd say we've been seeing is:
1: a huge influence from the 60s (specially in summer collections when the miniskirts and boho prints always seem to look apropriate) and i think most of NYC and Milan shows (maybe some in paris too) have covered the trend extensively enough.
2: i think we've seen more menswear influences than ever (from 2003 to 2007 there's always been a major group of designers everywhere in new york, milan, paris that have borrowed from the man's closet probably even more than chanel ever did herself)
3: and i also think we've probably seen more black than ever (which we could have inherited from the late 90s and that could have been a reaction to the pastel colour profussion of he early 90s)

as in how things are changing these days, we've certainly seen the 60s go away (although the coming fashion weeks could prove us wrong), since 2007 there's been a major stress on making the women "very woman" and over feminizing everything which to me seems really great, and fashion editors (carine et emmanuelle) insist that black is over and we all should be dressed in beige and white or blocky yellow, green, turquoise and fucsia. about the latest, i say i'll believe it when i see them do it (they havent really, yet)

jsut to conclude, i want to agree that the very latest seasons (2007-today) have been quite disappointing. However i wouldnt say it has anything to do with the eighties, or whether the whole seasons look right in terms of proportion, over-trendyness, forwardness, etc. In my very humble opinion, i think designers are not quite being true to themselves in a way that none of them is making an effort to stay true to what they stand for. I am not talking in terms of commercialism vs. artistic freedom here, just saying that, for example, when the general mood has leaned towards a more classy/constructed attitude some of the most barroque/"tacky"/sexual designers have tried to mutate that way as if denying what they' had done for ages. And while some have demonstrated to do that with ease (donatella), some others just look like a terrible try-hard (DG, Cavalli, ...) but i guess this is just a whole other thread...

I definitely agree with the sentiment that we can't look back on it in retrospect, It's only 2008. Also, I feel like everyone is doing their own thing and trends aren't being interpreted by groups all across the board anymore, but rather are being adapted by individual groups.
I agree with alot of peoples views that every decade has things that now in retrospect seem odd to us. However I also think this decade hasn't really had that many stand out pieces. It really is a 'mash-up' of cultures and styles.

But I think this is what makes fashion interesting. Afterall it would be boring if we all wore the same stuff.
I think we have so many style icons too and AMAZING designers. And the 80's had some baddddddd stuff ... shoulder pads?
God, remember the `ladylike` comeback of 2004?? Models in bobs, long dresses, belted waists, dark, gen colors dark navy, rub, purple, green, brooches, pearls, pointy pumps, cardigans, PRADA.

'00='80 comeback?!? you`ve got to be kidding me!
I agree with alot of peoples views that every decade has things that now in retrospect seem odd to us. However I also think this decade hasn't really had that many stand out pieces. It really is a 'mash-up' of cultures and styles.

But I think this is what makes fashion interesting. Afterall it would be boring if we all wore the same stuff.
I think we have so many style icons too and AMAZING designers. And the 80's had some baddddddd stuff ... shoulder pads?

Even shoulder pads are neat if it's done right - claude montana style.

Yeah, it's the style of the individual at the expense of the decade. There are some people today that look more unique and beautiful than there have been in any one decade before - because of the varied styles which enables people to pick the styles that suit their physical features - but the decade as a whole will not be remembered for the fashions, I would expect, but more for the funny internet/technology fads.
Even shoulder pads are neat if it's done right - claude montana style.

Yeah, it's the style of the individual at the expense of the decade. There are some people today that look more unique and beautiful than there have been in any one decade before - because of the varied styles which enables people to pick the styles that suit their physical features - but the decade as a whole will not be remembered for the fashions, I would expect, but more for the funny internet/technology fads.

Yes! I agree. But the shoulder pads of the 80's just gave everyone man shoulders hah.

And technology does seem to be our thing this decade although every decade has had its advances.
the reason for this is that we have no talented deisgners working anymore. everyone is a talentless hack.

in a world where CHRISTIAN V SIRIANO is considered talented, fashion must be dead.
Seriously, some of the stuff i see girls (and guys for that matter) wear on the street and i go, wtf are you wearing.

Style is subjective, you might be looking and thinking "WTF are you wearing?" while somebody else is wishing they had that outfit or at least had the guts to try it.
the reason for this is that we have no talented deisgners working anymore. everyone is a talentless hack.

in a world where CHRISTIAN V SIRIANO is considered talented, fashion must be dead.

Everyone is a talentless hack? I have to disagree strongly with that!
I dont agree with this at all! Am so surprised to see something like this. We have come to a point where fashion has become "globalised"! It means that we borrow a little bit from different cultures and re-interpret it our own way! I think its a great time for fashion.

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