The 4-5 piece French wardrobe #1

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^ You can, you just need to credit the individual flickr account.

Btw, we have a couple other threads related to inspiration that you might like ... one for inspiration boards, and another called Starting the fashion thing.
Okay I'll be sure to look for that. :)

(Btw I credited the original account, if you click on "flickr").
^ Your post is just fine, because you didn't post any pix. Posting the pix would be fine ... if you do that, the individual account should be visible in your post (not a link).
Whilst planning out my "month in outfits" the other day, I realized that I could essentially make the entire month on five pairs of shoes- black flats, black wedges, tall brown boots and black motorcycle boots. I brought more shoes, of course (as a college student you never know when a particular pair will come in handy, I did add some color for a few outfits), but it certainly woke me up the amount of fun you can have with just a few articles of clothing and a few pairs of shoes!

I think I could like the "French wardrobe"; I'm inherently more attracted to black, gray, brown, and navy, and my current inspirations are along the lines of Ashley Olsen meets Anouck Aimee. I think it could work :)
One thing I'm learning to have a newfound appreciation for is a great pair of shoes. I know it probably sounds silly, but I was never a shoe-lover growing up - I was happy wearing converses and flip flops all day long. Now, I'm obsessed with finding the perfect pair of shoes in any category: flats, boots, pumps...and when I do, I get two! One in black and one in brown! (So far I've only been lucky on the flats.) No more cheap thrills for me. Like people keep repeating in this thread, quality over quantity!
Hi. My absolute favorite thread. I have been following this thread for a long time. I love the idea of 4-5 key pieces and I'm at the point where I probably don't NEED anything. In your experiences, are the key pieces items you need or items you just love that would work with your current wardrobe? I'm thinking about spring and trying to plan ahead. And thanks for all the great insight from everyone.
Hi. My absolute favorite thread. I have been following this thread for a long time. I love the idea of 4-5 key pieces and I'm at the point where I probably don't NEED anything. In your experiences, are the key pieces items you need or items you just love that would work with your current wardrobe? I'm thinking about spring and trying to plan ahead. And thanks for all the great insight from everyone.

I try to make it a combination of both :flower: Shopping exclusively for what you need is more of a chore ... if the budget allows, I like to also add things I just love.
i have stuck to my small wardrobe pretty well for awhile (it's easy when you travel a lot), but shoes and makeup have gotten kind of out of hand.

i am figuring out spring at the moment, and i think i need:

- a new nude bra
- a pair of light or bright flats
- 1-2 lightweight sweaters (one v-neck and perhaps one cardigan? probably go with j.crew...)

i am also on the lookout for bright full skirts in general, as i realized i tend to wear them year round, and only have one that i truly love.

i will say since adopting the french mentality on dressing, i have ousted black in a huge way (i only wear all-black 2-3 days a week now, versus all day, every day) and i get more pleasure out of putting together looks.
^We're complete opposites! I practice more self control now, eschewing things that make me go OMG I LOVE, which used to be anything weird and colourful, to more basic pieces in neutral colours. I still screw up every now and then and get ridiculously expensive things that I can probably ill afford... then regret it and never wear it more than 5 times.
^ Definitely so important to not go shopping in a weird mood! Or with the belief that something you buy can change your image or your life or make all the difference :lol: I mean, you can step out in a new direction, but it needs to be authentic, and you have to commit to it. When I get that :heart: feeling about something and get it, I end up wearing it to death.
Haha! I don't ever go shopping in a weird mood. Or rather I don't buy things when I'm in a weirder mood than usual. I think it's mainly because the individual items that I love don't contribute towards an overall style that I am comfortable/acceptable with. For example, I tend to go after architetural heels(but can't walk in them. not even the "comfy" heels) and really macabre or advant garde individual items of clothing but I can't wear them without feeling like a sham or really self-concious to be truly comfortable in them as every day clothing. I guess what I want is some interest in my dressing, mainly to make myself happy, but not so much interest that people would look at me. I'm not comfortable being looked at and I'm not comfortable being boring.

You'd think I'll like the A.Wang model off duty style then but I don't as well. I'm not innately pretty or interesting enough to wear clothes like that and still be amazing. When I try, it just comes across as weird or sloppy or messy. Besides, my body type(short pear with even shorter legs and not really petite thin) doesn't suit that shape. I think a lot of the model off duty style is like a test. Almost like how much ugliness the models themselves can take and still remain pretty and it's just not my thing.

If I have to choose someone to be a style icon for myself, it would be Sofia Coppola. The items she wear I wouldn't necessary pick out from a store but I like how her overall style is always so understated. I like that her clothes are practical and she's comfortable enough to move around and do her job but still look like she's hiding some fun bit of her outfit that she's not telling. I don't have her eye for details though which is why I buy OMG I LOVE shoes and bags and clothes that I don't wear or can't wear and end up saying I have nothing to wear.
^ That's kinda what I meant by 'you have to commit to it' ... I buy flamboyant pieces sometimes, but I'm prepared to wear them. It may be that you will grow into being able to wear those OMG pieces. I don't mind being looked at, but there are days when I don't want the attention ... and I try to remember that when getting dressed! I used to have a couple bright orange dresses, and I would stand in front of my closet in the morning and think, Ah, just the thing to cheer me up today!! Then I'd get out of my car & remember the disadvantages of wearing something so very cheerful :lol:
^I always think I will. I'm going to just ignore the pain and wear it but I never do after the first try. :lol:

I'm still acquiring the basics for sure. It's almost like I'm trying to find myself a uniform, an armour that will allow me to do my job and protect me from the rest of the world.

I enjoy minimalism but sometimes feel that it's rather serious and conceptual and almost not as fun. But I'm improving. From I love everything and don't know what I like on me to at least outlining a few different styles that I DO like(casual basics, minimalism and gamine. the last one i think is more personality and outlook than strictly clothes) and trying to get the individual items to make up what I hope to be one day, truly my own.
Due to a big move, Ive been surviving for two winter months on

two skirts,
a pair of jeans,
and five sweaters...

as well as an evening dress and two pairs of shoes!

Everything works seamlessly as a team, each piece is a favorite, and I was pretty satisfied with the compactness, functionality and style.

It was great for a while...
But now...I'm getting Mighty Bored... :doh:!!!

I need to introduce new items (still fall/winter, before the sales season ends...won't be warm for quite a while here!), but don't know where to start , since the capsule was already so self-contained. To inject freshness, new items would have to be something quite different, but such an addition would require new shoes or accessories as well...

So far, all I know is that my 4~5 additions would include:

a semi-formal dress
dressy heels

I did already buy a dressy utterly gorgeous vintage cashmere black full-length one with dramatic kimono-mutton sleeves :heart: so I finally crossed the coat off my list.
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xing, I definitely don't buy anything that hurts in the store ;) When I started wearing higher heels, I noticed that my feet had to adapt. If you've bought heels of a new height, you do have to give your feet a chance to get used to them. You're changing the demands on the muscles in your feet. Going out in the evening is a perfect time to wear a new heel height, as long as you're not going to a cocktail party where you're going to be on your feet.

Melisande, the coat sounds TDF :heart::heart: Where did you find it?

What about a jacket in a bright (or rich) color? That's a piece you don't have right now. I have a coral one I really love--so cheerful in the winter. I wear coral and pearl or mother of pearl jewelry and coral lipstick with it--otherwise just with black things right now. What are your two skirts like? I remember your bag is purple ... what about shoes? Something like a deep pine green on the blue side would be pretty, and would probably go with what you have ... Also pretty with purple ... something like a flowing pewter silk blouse. Am I suggesting things that are impractical for travel? :lol: Anyway, tell me more about what you have so I can suggest something different ...

Also, if a pair of your shoes isn't purple, some purple shoes would be really fun.
A flowy pewter blouse:woot:!! That would be perfect, it would definitely make the team.

My skirts are a pleated knee-length grey wool, and a maxi chiffon muted autumn-palette (terracotta, gray, salmon, beige) print skirt.

And thank you...I love the glad I waited. My boyfriend spotted it for me at the amazing antique markets of Clignancourt. The silhouette is rather Poiret!

I do actually have a few jackets, (a black velvet one and a vintage rust leather). It's just that I haven't worn them because it's freezing out. Funny you mention purple shoes, I had a bunch back in well as the violet rider's jacket which I will bring here when it's warm enough. Colored much as I love them, I get so stressed out about polishing them...:doh:

I really miss wearing shorter skirts, but that would require the addition of a whole bunch of new leg&footwear...which is doable I suppose, just tricky when minimalism is key.
^ Your boyfriend sounds like a definite keeper ;) It sounded Poiret!

You know, I never polish shoes anymore. I guess a lot of mine are patent/glazed leather ... I clean my shoes with a soft damp cloth, and if they need anything more (rarely), they go to the cobbler.

I guess my thought in general is to add something statement-y, one or two pieces, that will make you feel that you really have something new & different.

Can your very helpful boyfriend bring you a few things from home/take a few things back in his suitcase next (each) time he visits?
I've read through this entire thread over the past few weeks and it has been such an inspiration. I've been slowly refining my wardrobe over the past year but I finally feel motivated and ready to take on the capsule wardrobe approach. I still have a long way to go (need to sell/donate lots of clothes) but I have now taken all the clothes I want to keep and put them in a seperate room to the ones I am getting rid of. It feels great! I am also really motivated by the fact I am moving to Europe for a few years from Australia in August this year so will need a concise wardrobe out of necessity as much as anything else.

Over the past year I spent my money on quality items and really thought about each purchase rather than buying lots of cheap things on impulse (most of the time!), but I could still do better, and still made some mistakes.

There are still some gaps in my wardrobe, but I am letting myself discover these gaps naturally rather than following a guide on 'classics'. I am still a university student, so I am still finding my style and my budget is still quite small but I am trying to focus my money better while still allowing for the occasional fun, cheap purchase from a second hand store or market.

It's a long process, and I have been looking at lots of blogs, street style website etc. to figure out what styles I really like, as well as thinking about the items I actually wear rather than just like to look at.

Still, sometimes I struggle with discerning when something is actually a 'need', you know a key piece that would work well with lots of items, as opposed to a 'want'.

I'm also struggling with colours. I really like neutrals - black, grey, cream, navy with splashes of deep red. But I would love to add some more colour, even just a nice t-shirt or silk shirt in a bright colour. I am really fair - pale skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, so was wondering if anyone with similar colouring could give me advice on colours that work for them?
^i don't have ur colouring but u can try this book call colour me confident. it's about colour analysis and such.

what i would do however, is to try to create colour out of the things u originally wear. maybe wear a lighter navy colour so it appears to be a rich blue instead of blue-black? or switch ur greys up a bit so u get a lilac colour with strong grey tones? how bout getting light pink or salmon from ur creams? so they look more like an extension from what u like rather than something that was forcibly added in.
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