The 4-5 piece French wardrobe combinations thread

Cool -I'm sort of making one myself
How many of you prefer organizing style choices this way? :*)

As for the jacket, just adding to what everybody has said -what about any one of those items mentioned in satin? Would say it would set off those stripes nicely, already in the jacket

I like the satin idea ... I can see it with a scoop-neck satin shell and a long skinny knit skirt. Could even wear it with satin high-heeled sandals for evening ...
Cool -I'm sort of making one myself
How many of you prefer organizing style choices this way? :*)

As for the jacket, just adding to what everybody has said -what about any one of those items mentioned in satin? Would say it would set off those stripes nicely, already in the jacket

I have a board, but making drafts in polyvore is so much easier. Pinterest is so unflexible.
I guess the only real organizing purpose I find with Pinterest is organizing and prioritizing my wishlist. It's helpful for comparing different potential pieces ...

Otherwise, for figuring out how I want to style things, I just do that either in my head or standing in front of my closet like I always have ;)
I guess those are handy tools since they will also link to the shop where you can do your purchase. I think I will start myself.. -it keeps all the text too, the designer, type of item etc:) I'm new to all of it really, I have never bought clothes online. I might like to collect some nice e-stores
I wish I could say I never bought clothes online! I buy online because there are ZERO shops near me with things I like. That means quite a few returns unfortunately. Oh the luxury of going to a store and trying things on :P
I was just reading in an interview with the Olsen twins that one of them had never bought anything online! Perhaps if I never had to consider price, and lived in NYC, I wouldn't either.

Even though there is a ton of shopping accessible to me (the best is about 45 minutes away, which I consider a reasonable distance to drive on the weekend), frequently the things I really want aren't carried here locally because my taste doesn't match the local market. So I end up shopping online. I'm not a bargain shopper, but I think it's easier to find deals online than locally.

What does really help is to buy brands you know already, but even so, I do have a significant number of returns. Not as many as when I don't stick to that rule ;)
Thank you so much for all of your suggestions. There are some really good ideas. Still I cannot seem to make it work for me - I think I will give myself a few more weeks, and if I haven't started wearing it by then I guess it has to go.

Re the pinterest thing. I use it to keep track of what I own and what I buy. E.g. I can see that 2012 and 2014 were good shopping years - I still have a lot of the things I bought those years, whereas 2013 were a bad year. I recently started experimenting with capsules as well, and it is also really helpfull there.
I'm starting off with a capsule :^) I read that's what this French wardrobe is is it? On wiki they mention Susie Faux, of London a boutique owner in the 70s -and Donna Karan! For capsule

I found a few shops that have free shipping so that is great.
The best thing I think for a shop though is video! Then you can really tell what a garment will be like
It's a big deal for me

I have also looked at stores that I could visit in person
Actually yesterday I went into Topman for fun and there was nothing! And weird colors too. But all over the walls were posters of the latest clothes
So, I went online of this department store I visited and all the new designs were there...
Suppose I could order online and arrange for pickup in person -
I'm starting off with a capsule :^) I read that's what this French wardrobe is is it? On wiki they mention Susie Faux, of London a boutique owner in the 70s -and Donna Karan! For capsule

I found a few shops that have free shipping so that is great.
The best thing I think for a shop though is video! Then you can really tell what a garment will be like
It's a big deal for me

I have also looked at stores that I could visit in person
Actually yesterday I went into Topman for fun and there was nothing! And weird colors too. But all over the walls were posters of the latest clothes
So, I went online of this department store I visited and all the new designs were there...
Suppose I could order online and arrange for pickup in person -

Fashionista-ta explains the main 4-5 piece french wardrobe thread here.The idea is to collect 4-5 pieces per seasons (you decide if that means 16-20 items a year, or 8-10 items), and slowly build a quality wardrobe to your taste. The final wardrobe, could contain 200 pieces after 10 years, so it doesn't need to be a capsule. I like having a very small wardrobe though, and I aim to make a capsule for every season.
Thanks :pink: I'll bookmark that. I also like the feel of a small wardrobe ~
Technically i don't even own all the basics but I am going straight into this French -and capsule =}
My own preference is for about half basics and half statement pieces. I find shopping for basics can be a beating ;) We don't necessarily believe in owning 'all' the basics, unless that's your thing ...

Nordstrom sent out a surprise 10 points day for June (normally they're only at Christmas when there are so many other demands), so I made an appointment and plan to buy more pants for work ... I'll also wear them on the weekends, of course. A nice new summerweight black pair would be good, and then I'll see what else I can find ...
My own preference is for about half basics and half statement pieces. I find shopping for basics can be a beating ;) We don't necessarily believe in owning 'all' the basics, unless that's your thing ...

Nordstrom sent out a surprise 10 points day for June (normally they're only at Christmas when there are so many other demands), so I made an appointment and plan to buy more pants for work ... I'll also wear them on the weekends, of course. A nice new summerweight black pair would be good, and then I'll see what else I can find ...

I aggree. I can see from my wardrobe and what I wear ATM, that most often the corner stones of my outfits are simple (e.g. jeans and a tee or simple shirt), combined with something more statement-y, like a patterned kimono. Or a more detailed dress with simple shoes and a simple jacket. So definetely, a good mix is what I prefer as well.
Do you like to sew, ta-ta ? I've seen you in the Sewing thread :) Actually you and Betina
Not at all ;) Well, I do needlework, which I don't think we have a thread for, but I don't sew clothes. I used a sewing machine briefly (for class in junior high) and showed a remarkable lack of talent, so I never went back to it ;) I'm not sure what happened to the apron I made ...

A petit point bolster pillow is my most major accomplishment to date ;) I had the canvas custom painted in the pattern of an antique quilt I have. What I didn't think about is how boring it would be to sew--the same thing over and over. If I do this again (I've thought about doing a set of dining room chair seats, all different), I'll be sure it's a more interesting design!
Wow awesome :) I looked it up -it's just like needlepoint.. i enjoy that myself, I used to sketch or doodle that way
I do agree, for controlled designs takes quite a bit of discipline lol.. some of the stitches are tedious but gorgeous that I keep myself going anyway. The end result totally worth waiting for

Well im glad hearing that :pink:
Just posted a pic in the Your decorating style thread. Petit point is needlepoint, but tiny.
still trying to keep the 4-5 piece french wardrobe up, with some setbacks but I'm back again :D
everything is 2-3 years old (scarf, jeans, jumper) except the ankle boots (april2016) and the glencheck/houndstooth (?) blazer, that's my newest addition from last week ^_^


source: my own photo
I love everything you are wearing. I would gladly wear all of it.

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