So, I'm a bit quiet ATM. Just started my teaching studies so I'm busy with school, homework and getting to know my classmates.
Have done a bit of shopping though. A month ago I tried on a gorgeous leather skirt but I was a good girl and ended up not buying it. This weekend a found an even better skirt at a thrift store - for only 10 dollars. Of course I bought it. It was on my list - along with a pencil skirt and since the leather skirt is in a pencil shape, I now have both. 2 birds with one stone.
Found a black bowler hat and tried it on for fun, at found out that it actually looked very cute - on me! I took it home. Fortunately it was cheap (from H&M) and I think it will add a nice edge to many of my outfits. This is not one of my 5 pieces, since I do not count accesories, since I rarely buy them.
I also bought a pleated, black midiskirt with tiny grey stars on it. This wasn't on my list, but was very cute and cheap as well. I think it is a great garnment, but I still haven't decided wether it will be living in my closet. It is cute, suits me well and I have outfits planned, which incorporates it, but I do not want to stuff my closet, and I only want things that I absolutely LOVE, so I'm not sure about wether it is staying or moving in with someone who will love it to the end of time.
I've reached a point where I'm very good at avoiding buying cheap stuff from highstreet stores as H&M (actually, I can't remember when I last bought something from H&M, besides the hat - and stockings), but for some reason I do not have the same ability when it comes to thrift store shopping, and I think it is because I do not want to limit myself.
I'm thinking about wether to make and exception regarding thrift store shopping. I know that even thought it is rediculously cheap, it can end up costing you a lot of money in the long run, but I do not think that I use more than 20 bucks thrift store shopping each month, and for that money I get really good stuff, which I almost always end up loving. And that joy I do not want to keep from myself. But of course this also mean that I end up with a lot more than 5 items pr. season. I'm already at 5 items now (starting from 1st of july) with my new skirts. So, I'm thinking about making the rule, that thrift store shopping doesn't count, as long as I am aware the amount of money spend, and still think about wether an item will fit into my wardrobe, my style and my quality demands.
Pheeeeeew, long post. Kudos if any of you manage to get through it
My new buys:
Aaaand the skirt that I'm not sure wether I'll keep or not. Maybe I'll give it a trial period. I definetly see it functioning, but as I wrote earlier, I'm not sure if I loooove it, and wether I should keep it in my closet, if I do not (no money lost, it costed the same as a small ice cream
The real lenght is the one at the 1st picture, but it can easily be adjusted.