The Acne Thread

I have always had really good skin, but over the past 6 months or so I have started getting terrible (well not that terrible, but it's annoying) breakouts, all the time. Mostly on my forhead, but also some on my chin and even on my back and chest sometimes! :cry:
My skin is dry, so I use products from clarins for dry and sensitive skin. If I use anything for the acne, my skin gets extremely dry and flaky.
I don't know what to do! This started around the time I quit the pill, so I'm guessing that could be one of the reasons?
its your hormones Caramel, dont worry too much about it
whatever you do DONT apply too many products.........take it v.easy or it will get worse
aargh!!! but i want it to go away! :doh:

should i just continue using my normal products?
i would go see a dermatologist.... but i agree with not putting too much stuff on your face or drying it out.... it is probably just a little phase but a visit to the doctor might help clear you up.... and insurance will cover it. :)
I wouldn't use a bunch of products or anything like that, but maybe just a simple moistiser will do. I don't know but that is my two cents worth!
Clinique products are great on those cases!
( On-the-spot Treatment, esp)
Another option that'll end it forever is Stephanie Seymours/Britney Spears/Vanessa Williams' choice ... Proactiv!!!
Originally posted by blumarine@Nov 17th, 2003 - 10:14 pm
Clinique products are great on those cases!
( On-the-spot Treatment, esp)
Another option that'll end it forever is Stephanie Seymours/Britney Spears/Vanessa Williams' choice ... Proactiv!!!
I wouldnt trust Clinique that much though, I dont mean that Clinique doesnt work, but most of the people I know, dont like Clinique, because their produts have actually made worse their skin status, causing more breakouts, acne marks, and irritations... but again, what works for me doesnt necesarilly have to work for you, give it a shot, but dont buy it after you try it.. ;)

Proactiv, Im using it right now, and honestly, I have seen results, I cant say anything now, but I will keep on posting about the process...
personally i use clinique but i use extra moisturiser- repairwear and total turnaround, and i have pretty clear ckin i get the occaisional one if iv left my makeup on, been partying too hard, or if im getting run down. if the worst should happen i recommend benefit's boo boo zap you dab it on the spot as opposed to all over treatments
I hate clinique products.. Caramel, try taking vitamins...they work wonders.
I battled acne throughout my teens. The pill helped clear it up and so does Clean & Clear cream cleanser (I still use it, and so do both my mom and my aunt). It's good because it's reasonably priced, clears up acne but doesn't dry out skin. I also only use moisturizer when my skin feels extra tight and dry but I'll use a gel based moisturizer with SPF for when I'm out in the sun (I find that the sun makes it worse).

I also have a theory that wearing foundation on a regular basis probably aggrevates acne more. I found that it would be a vicious cycle: I'd put it on to cover up acne but then it seemed like it was getting worse over time.
oh no! hasn't anyone here ever heard of proactiv solution? it's the greatest ever. it' can totally change your skin. i am ordering some this week. i went through high school without it and i didn't have to. my skin is in the worst condition (oily can very scarred) .there was this one girl in the same boat with me and one day out of the clear blue sky her skin was clear. I asked her about it and she said her mom bought her proactiv. So she graduated with nice skin and i had to airbrush my grad photos in order to send them out. i say try it. girls i know use it and it totally works. it comes on tv all the time you can't miss a show! order some, i am.
I never had a problem with acne, just a little during puberty.

Last year though, for some odd reason, I started breaking out. I went from having one tiny zit a month before my period to 20! I couldn't get a dermotogist appointment until March and this had happened in November. So I went to my regular doctor instead. He told me it was most probably from stress and the weather combined.

The secret: moisterize, relax, and moisterize again.

It had clear up in a month. By the time it was tanning season the scar had left too.

I also suggest you use a mild cleanser for your face like Cetaphil.

Lots of water also helps.
Well i'm still a teen and i had acne from about the age of 12 to the beginning of this year: last year i went to the doctor and the only pills she got me that worked was the pill-dianette. it's a pill designed especially for busting spots and acting as birth control. In conjunction with it i used the simple skin care range for oily skin-together they work wonders.
I have before and after pics but i'd need extreme persuasion to show them to anyone, i hate them! I have my hair tied back and that's bad enough anyway and no-make up-but the condition of my skin in january is what's most embarrassing!
I was on dianette when I lived in England and then tri-cyclen when I moved back to Canada (I think they're both designed for acne though). They both work really well for clearing the skin and for birth control as well. ;)
I used to get a pimple or two around the time of my period but then I got on birth control (tri-cyclen) and now nothing. My skin is even clearer than before. Gotta love the extra benefits of birthcontrol!
Im having alot of breaks outs too recently. I went to the dermatologist. They give you some stuff which [ this may gross you out] slowly peels of the pimples and stuff. She also recommended me to use Spectro Gel which really works. Another brand which really worked for me was Yves Rocher. [Idunno if i spelt that correctly]. And the pill does affect your skin sooo thats probably most likely why your having break outs.
cetaphil cleanser is the only wash you'll ever need....oh and yeast +water = a paste to use for pimples....

i read somewhere....for a quick removal...say for prom or something....cortisone on the pimple...
Proactiv is really working!! Im starting to swear over this product! I can tell you that I had the worst acne a few years ago, and Proactiv has helped a lot .
Originally posted by Alejandro@Dec 8th, 2003 - 7:38 pm
Proactiv is really working!! Im starting to swear over this product! I can tell you that I had the worst acne a few years ago, and Proactiv has helped a lot .
I have a friend who did Proactiv and he wound up with bad scars... :innocent:

I was on Accutane for over a year and it did wonders for my skin!I suffered with a briefly at first but now I always get compliments on my "perfect" skin... ;)

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