Dry Skin - in general / combating the effects of winter

I agree with eight hour creme
I bought a new daycreme by comfort zone - Absolute protection couperosis

It's supposed to help prevent you from getting those tiny broken bloodvessels on your face when the weather is really cold..sofar there hasn't been skin-damagingly bad weather in Copenhagen.. so a thumbs up or down will have to wait
Originally posted by Golden_butterfly@Oct 13 2004, 11:39 AM
Uhm...what's eight hour creme...? :unsure:

Hi Butterfly,

eight hour creme is a creme by Elizabeth Arden that is pretty much a multi-purpose creme..some use it as a face creme, skiing creme, lipbalm..lipgloss..highlight..on eyes - for a wet look..you name it..I think just about every model in the mid 90ies listed it as a permanent fixture in their handbag.
I have very dry skin and I'm curious to know everyones routine and which products work the best with dry skin? I use Eucerin now after I wash my face but I was wondering if there are any other good products to use while washing(soaps or other products) to use for dry skin and which products are good after my face is being washed(like other lotions besides Eucerin).

i've got super dry skin on my face and body.

For nightly cleansing:

In summer i use: Life Brand foaming facial cloths - it's not as foamy/drying as Dove. If you can't find Life Brand (it's a Canadian Shoppers' Drug Mart thing) then Dove for Sensitive Skin should be ok.

In winter i use: Dove sensitive skin non-foaming cream cleanser. i used to use an excellent cream cleanser from the health-food store, but it went out of business. Dove is the next best cheap alternative, but i'm sure there are better ones out there. i always wash it off w/ a cloth.

After cleansing, i use pure Rosewater to get the residue off of my face, and to get it a bit hydrated. Even better is mixing a wee bit of Vegetable Glycerin (see health-food store) with a lot of Rosewater, for even better hydration. i get my rosewater from Persian food stores, but health-food stores would have it also. Please note i'm not talking about Glycerin Soap... but the Liquid Emollient (well, it's a humectant really).

For moisture - i must use 100% Shea Butter (ideally not the kind that's white = overprocessed). i used to use pure Emu oil before, but the last bottle i got smelled funky - so i've been using the shea for over 1yr now. For the Shea Butter, a bit the size of your thumbnail, emulsified between your palms, should be more than enough for your facial skin. If you have large pores (which i doubt, if you have dry skin) then you may have to be a little bit careful about shea as it may get into your pores. Check it out to see how much is good for you. i thoroughly swear by the stuff. The first time you use it you may get a couple of teeny clogged pores, but really, it's nothing and it goes away.... i think it's also your skin getting used to a new product.

For the body: an excellent soap/body wash is Dove Unscented (Sensitive Skin) body wash. It's fabulous and moisturizing and you can shave w/ it too. i've tried many many other body washes and soaps, and this Dove Sensitive skin one is the best.

For bodycream: funnily enough, i really really like the Simply Basics NUT Butter from Walmart. It's an excellent product. If that's out, i'll go to Life Brand nut & honey butter. i haven't tried Body Shop Nut Butters - seems to expensive for me, but it might be good. Shea butter's also good on the body. i live in Canada so Winter is insane and drying here... sometimes Glycerin will be the only option... the only negative is that it will draw cold humid air to your body, so you'll feel a fraction colder than you normally would, but you'll be moisturized.

One note about Glycerin, very little goes a very long way - about 2 teaspoons would take care of your entire body. It feels a bit weird at first, then it soaks into your skin.

Hope this has been helpful
If your skin is dry I'd stay clear of soap.

Stick with cream cleansers or a cleansing oil like : Shu Uemura High Performance Balancing Cleansing Oil..I was sceptic at first *Oil THAT?? Cleans ????*
Try getting a sample from them..and see how you like it..it isn't cheap so if you don't like it..it's a lot of money down the drain.

Another tip : Wear a hydrating/nourishing mask everyday for 5-10 min ..since I use one so often I don't fork out the big bucks..a good regular drugstore mask will do.

STAY CLEAR of CLINIQUE..its not for ppl w. dry skin!

Best of Luck in your search for the holy grail of perfect skincare ;)
I use Tone soap. If you're going to use soap, use this. It has a light scent that is nice, and it's the only soap I've found that seems to actually moisturize rather than dry out the skin. Plus, it lathers really well, so it's great for shaving. I've tried other soaps - Dove, Lever 2000, Ivory, Zest - but they're all so drying. Tone is great.

I use Cetaphil cream in the big tub but only for certain spots. I'll slather this on my feet and knees and elbows, and I'll do a little dab on my nose and my forehead, which stay really dry in the winter. Other than that, I use Clinique Deep Comfort Body Butter on my face. It's supposed to be a body cream but it's so gentle and soothing and non-greasy and works great as a facial moisturizer.
I use Cetaphil to wash my wash my face and any kind of body wash made to moisterize the skin (usually Dove).

For creams right now I'm using Biotherm Aquathermale (I usually switch brands so my skin wouldn't get used to one moisterizer) and for my body I always use Nivea.
omg thank you so much gurveechik,Hanne,brie and fortezza, you all helped so much. I'm gonna go out and buy most of the products you all suggested!

gurvee, your routine sounds great and I will try it! thanks. I had no clue I should try to switch it up in different seasons, but that makes sense so I will try.

oopz I meant regimen...but you all know wut I meant

Thanks again!

If anyone has anymore suggests I'm here with my pen and paper :)
okay I have a question about this too! I'm on acne medication (it's mild no big side effects just need to wear sunscreen when I go out) and it's drying my skin out to where it's kind of flakey dry sometimes and I put Eucerin on it and that works great but I wondered if there was a lotion for my face that is light and isn't all greasy and stuff? And I'm on a limited budget! :flower:
I've already tried flower cream cleanser from Issima Guearlain since last year. It was comfort for dry skin specially during winter time. I wanna share to you too about the magic B-phase from Jean Piaubert-Paris. It's really work for day time. If you spray first in the morning before your routine cream, it will stay hydrate until night.

Ask the pharmacist in your town, or you can try to order. Hope that your skin is not dry anymore.
If you need more infos about the daily skin care just e-mail me.[email protected]

i am from Geneva by the way :flower:
It's getting to be the time of year in which every bit of moisture in my skin disappears and I am left with horribly dry skin. My lips have been very chapped lately and my hands and legs are starting to feel icky...so I know that the season has begun. Most worrysome at the moment, I have noticed a bit of dandruff in the last week ( :doh: and I am very particular about things like this so I noticed right away), which may perhaps be due to my overall dryness (?) since I don't usually have this problem.

What do you do to keep your skin from drying out? I try to drink as much water as I can because I've been told that it helps. I also use Eucerine, Vaseline, Aguafor, and I think a few other things occasionally. I try to remember to sleep with Vaseline or other creams all over my hands and feet with gloves and socks on. That helps the most. I also carry Chapstick. What do you do?

Also, sort of on the same topic, what do you do for dandruff? It's mild, but I haven't really had to deal with it before and I'm not sure what to do. :unsure: I definitely want to do something, of course, not just leave it alone. Do products like Head and Shoulders work or do they make it worse? What is the best?
Hi, you should look into supplementing your diet with flaxseed oil; you can also take fish oil capsules (if you aren't a vegetarian). It will help out with the dryness of your skin and scalp. You can buy it at GNC or the Vitamin Shoppe. It needs to be refrigerated (the flaxseed oil).
Ok, the hair issue seems to be gone. As I said, it was mild. ;) :blush:

Does no one else have a problem with very dry skin in the winter? My friend and I always laugh at each other's hands in this season because we both have really dry skin...hers in particular tends to crack if she forgets to put something on it for even a short time.

Thanks for the tips on vitamins, BronzedGoddess. I'll check them out. :flower:
I posted this tip in another topic; but cuz it was useful to me (dry chapped lips) thought i'd share with u :)

Rub vaseline on your lips, rub gently with an old toothbrush (removing dry skin), then rub on some honey. Try it every nite for a few days
i use carmex on my lips every night before i sleep instead of vasaline, it seems to work the best.
My grandmother swears by Vaseline... when she was younger she used to slather it all over, in leau of a lotion... her skin still looks great to this day.

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