The All-Russian and Soviet Art Thread

bad free translation..:innocent:
A series of photos of the Belgian Yana Кемпенаэрса refers to Spomenic. The end of history. This series is devoted to monuments established in communistic Yugoslavia. Similar monuments to victims always played the important visually-educational role in the countries with a communistic mode. In works Ян shows, how it is thin these are integrated concrete махины into the nature surrounding them. The silly colossuses successfully entered in surrounding landscape, transform this landscape into a part of a monument. It is established.









^^those are the ones that really stood out to me as well..
especially the third :heart:
I agree with the above comments and choices. Apart from the first and the third, the more I look at the third to last one, the more I like it.
Those monuments are amazing. I really like the look of the first one.

Photographs by Frédéric Chaubin

Das unvollendete "Haus der Sowjets" von Kaliningrad: Fassade mit Roboter-Antlitz
The unfinished "House of Soviets" Kaliningrad: facade with robot face

Das Georgische Ministerium für Autobahnen in Tiflis: Ein Gebäude wie eine Straßenkreuzung
The Georgian Ministry of highways in Tbilisi: A building like a road junction

Zeremonienpalast in Tiflis/Georgien: Gestalterischer Überschwang und romantisches Sentiment
Palace ceremony in Tbilisi, Georgia: design exuberance and romantic sentiment

Sowjetische Botschaft auf Kuba: Architektonische Handgranate
Soviet Embassy in Cuba: Architectural grenade

Schwimmbecken im Kindersanatorium von Adler: Bunte Kacheln und Skulpturen im Hundertwasser-Stil
Swimming pool in the child sanatorium of Adler: Colorful tiles and sculptures in the Hundertwasser style

Institut für Robotik und Kybernetik, St. Petersburg: Hochhaus in Raketenform
Institute for Robotics and Cybernetics, St. Petersburg: high-rise in rocket form

Das Erholungsheim "Druschba" in Jalta: Wohnwaben statt Raketenbasis
The Holiday House "Druzhba" in Yalta: Living honeycomb instead missile base

Fakultät für Architektur des Polytechnikums Minsk: Überhängende Hörsäle im weißrussischen Winter
Faculty of Architecture of the Polytechnic Institute of Minsk: Overhanging lecture halls in the White Russian Winter
Ah, I love this thread! I've always been fascinated with Russia and it's history.

I've always loved the photographs taken by Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii who traveled across the Russian Empire between 1905 and 1915 and took pictures of the different people, landscapes, architecture, etc. He also invented a technique so the photographs could be produced in color.

Metal Truss Railroad Bridge, Ca. 1907-1915

Peasant Girls, 1907

Church of the Resurrection, 1910

A Settler's Family, Ca. 1907-1915

Molding of an Artistic Casting, 1910

Cathedral of St. Nicholas, Mozhaisk, 1911.

At Harvest Time, 1909.

View of the Nilova Monastery, 1910.
Even though this can't be properly considered as 'art', I think that the Kosmos Hotel is pretty much rapresentative of what the Soviet Union was at the time...

And I personally love the russian neo-gothic and baroque styles, these are some examples:
the GUM mall on the Moscow Red Square...

and the Historical Museum in Moscow

Hopefully I'll take my reflex camera with me when I'll go to Moscow in September and I'll be able to take some decent shots of the city :)
Damn! I wanna visit Russia! It's like my top destination country after France. Gorgeous and very high fashion! The details of those architecture remind of haute couture. :D

Does anyone have a copy of Snegurochka's full story? :flower:
Many of the Moscow underground stations are pieces of art... Altough somebody already posted pictures, I took some photos last night with my fisheye lens...
Here are a few:
(source: my flickr)

Wow, this is a great thread. I've always loved Russia and all things Russian. Has anyone read Ian Frazer's Travels to Siberia? A must!
I totally love this thread, inmmediately become one of my fav... just checked all pages of it !

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