Open Windows. Starts well but then it's a mess. ANyway, I love Sasha Grey, she is really good in it.
Chef. Nice movie, will leave you in a good mood.
Horns. Weird but interesting. I liked it very much.
Magic in the moonlight. Pretty, funny, and Emma Stone is really gorgeous in it. Colin Firth is good, too.
Necrofobia. First horror movie in 3D from Argentina and it was so disappointing.
Lucy. I didn't like it, it was too much of everything, couldn't buy it.
Dracula Untold. Not as bad as I expected but still I don't enjoy this kind of vampirism. I don't like Vlad as this heroe, I wanted him more like a monster, and also I need some more sex, not like sex scenes, but something sensual, that made me think about sex, hehehe.