The Last Movie You Saw?

Only Lovers Left Alive, with Tom Hiddleston and Tilda Swinton as ancient vampires.
Sleeping Beauty (not the Disney movie), a bizarre story about a girl who gets payed to be in a drug induced sleep naked while old naked men get to sleep and play with her body.
"'71" the best "action"/political/thriller movie I've seen in awhile.
The Purge & The Purge: Anarchy

Surprisingly, I didn't find either movie to be scary… and I scare quite easily. :lol: Thrilling at times, but not scary. I think the story would work well as a novel where the psychological effects of the event and reasons of those who participate could be better explored. They sort of touched on this in the sequel but not in depth to my liking as a viewer.
Divergent (2014) - surprisingly good, didn't expect it to be 'good' :D but I prefer Equilibrium (2002) when it comes to this similar topic
Horrible bosses. Just funny.
Rocky. I just saw it for the very first time, and it is really good!
"Frozen" (The Disney animated movie): Cute but I expected more after all the hoopla about it.
The Congress
The Dying Gaul
The East

all were good. The Congress was like being on drugs. :lol:

Gave me the sweet nostalgia of sitting in my physics class and not understanding **** of what the teacher was saying. :lol: Incredible achievement from Nolan tho.

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