Seeing that I had my wisdom teeth removed yesterday and I couldn't go out, I rented "The Grand Budapest Hotel". I have a serious love for Wes Anderson movies
I am one of his biggest fans!
Well, I've been watching lots of indie horror movies. These are the one I remember now:
-Asmodexia -disappointing.
-Time Lapse -this is sci fi, and it's pretty good
-Devil's tower -this is awful
-Juan de los muertos -a zombies movies from Cuba, it's soooooo good and funny.
-Nymph -I wish it would be more about that mermaid. The last 30 minutes are the best from the movie.
-The Drownsman -this was such a nice surprise, good and entertaining.
-Starve -this one is really bad, at least it's a little bit funny sometimes
-La casa del fin de los tiempos -good sobrenatural horror movie!
- The Canal -a really good psycological thriller
Oh, and I also watched
Interstellar and I didn't like it at all. Boring, confusing, poor writing :s