The New Dooney Tattoo Bag!

i dont like it. if you are stuck on a DB bag, get this one, at least it looks slightly more mature...

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i agree w/ jun...if you must by a DB bag then that one (above) is...a slightly acceptable choice for your sister. but maybe you could look at some bags that coach has...juss a suggestion cuz i personally hate DB bags or those baby phat or wutever..hehe..dont think that the bags you chose shana reminds me of dior at all..~~~ good luck in finding a good bag! =D

i was going to say these doonies remind me a lot of the dior gitane bags from 2004... :lol:
wow! you know peter dooney takes his desingers into the strip of designer stores in florence, dior, ysl, LV, gucci, and gets them to rip off designs for his bags....thats what he did when we were there....he wanted to incorporate the dior black and white marlene dietrich bags...and the hardcore bags back when i went on that design trip...
Shana said:
What do you guys think? :)
I'm in love with the design, I think it's really pretty and different from anything Dooney's usually done because their designs are always kinda cheap looking and childish, you know?lol :p
This tattoo bag is a limited edition bag and they've sold out everywhere, including Nordstorm's and stores like that. Prices on eBay for them are crazy now! lol The only one that isn't out of stock on their site is the Small Banana Bag(the fourth one.)
Anyway, give me your feedback! :D I wanna know what other ppl think.

Pictures courtesy of :heart:

Its not for me.
I hate to admit I love the print of the bag... I know it's wrong but I'm 16... that makes it a little better right?

I would never get it though because d&b is well d&b it's way to popular, teenagey, and i know I would regret it a lot.
i'm 15 and i still hate it... i have two d&b's and they look like crap compared to my other ones
Shana - don't buy it for your sister. These bags are a love it or hate it kinda thing, so unless you know she likes it, don't get it.

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