The Pete Doherty News Thread (please put all Pete news here)

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posted by lemeray in kate's thread...

They say a broken heart takes years to mend. And that's certainly the case for closet romantic Pete Doherty.He broke up with Kate Moss in July 2007 - yet continues to hanker after the star.

Speaking to The Observer, Pete, or Peter, as he would now prefer to be known, laid bare the wounds of his relationship past, saying:
"Really and truly, I miss her (Kate). And I'd like to speak to her. But the first part of speaking to her probably would be just not to talk about her.
"And that's one thing I've got to learn. But I need to talk to people so badly about it, because it's something that's so confusing for me still.
"But I can't. Because the only person really I can talk to would be her."

Bless. He really sounds like he's got his knickers in a lovesick twist...

This raw heartache lament comes on the back of a more forthright admission from the 30-year-old indie rocker, who admitted to wanting to headbutt Kate's current boyf Jamie Hince, should he ever come across him

"I wanted to see Lily Allen play the other week," Peter told Q magazine.
"But her label EMI got in touch and said, 'We don't want you there because Kate Moss will be there and it will take attention away from Lily. Can you not go?'
"I was so insulted. I don't know. I think I would have been courteous enough.
"Then I'd probably have headbutted her new boyfriend, put her over my shoulder and run off."
Young love, eh? So very... passionate.
Please guys, if u buy the album, can u scan the interior art with lyrics?
I would love see them, the new music is so beautiful!
Pete: I'd butt Kate's fella
A BABYSHAMBLER scorned can be a terrible thing. Just ask PETE DOHERTY.

The potty one is gunning for JAMIE HINCE’s scalp after he took up with KATE MOSS.
Though the two chaps are yet to meet, one-time crack-loving Pete reckons it wouldn’t be long before they came to blows when their paths do, eventually, cross.
He moans in an interview in the new issue of Q magazine: “I wanted to see LILY ALLEN play the other week.
“But her label EMI got in touch and said, ‘We don’t want you there because Kate Moss will be there and it will take attention away from Lily. Can you not go?’
“I was so insulted.
“I don’t know. I think I would have been courteous enough.
“Then I’d probably have head-butted her new boyfriend, put her over my shoulder and run off.” And it’s clear the ex-con rocker does still carry a brightly burning candle for the lost love of his life.
He added: “Really and truly, I miss her. And I would like to speak to her.
“It’s so confusing for me still. What am I supposed to say?
“If I was to turn round now and say ‘right, my heart’s not been mended, and I still miss her and I’m still in love with her’, that’s gonna wreck my chances with some other bird who’s gonna read that and I might blow my chances with her!
“So, you gotta hedge your bets.”
What a tangled web he weaves. Still, at least all this talk of taking out a love rival shows that Pete hasn’t completely lost the rock ’n’ roll spirit.
the sun

Vow ... Pete Doherty
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Still, at least all this talk of taking out a love rival shows that Pete hasn’t completely lost the rock ’n’ roll spirit.

nice picture though.
i still can't believe he's 30. he looks like a young boy. i wonder how he'll look like when he's 40...:unsure: (lol i know that wondering about a 40-year-old pete doherty must sound like a joke for some people... but i do wonder, i think there isn't a single man who doesn't look better in his 40s...)
Please, can anyone post the all whole album art?
I would be veery grateful from from the inner of my heart...
i still can't believe he's 30. he looks like a young boy
I can't believe it either, I'm always going to see him as 22 or 25 in my head even though I'm younger than him lol. It's not just his face, he's got that spirit too
^^love his are-you-talking-to-me look. and do i see some white hair?
He is so beautiful^^ I can't believe he's 30 years old now, I think he'll forever be 27 in my mind^^
Interview from Life Magazine, from The Irish Sunday Independent





scanned by libertine88 @ frenchdogblues

quite a nice interview! :blush:
Nylon Guys, May 2009

THE LIBERTINE Pete Doherty on his new album, Grace/Wastelands... and all the other stuff.

There's been no dearth of coverage for Pete Doherty, but most of it's been through Court TV. After a series of very public, and very failed, rehab attempts, the singer seems - finally - to have it together, just in time for a new album. NYLON Guys spoke with the rock idol last month in London.

On his newly clean routine:
“I’m not just staggering around… I haven’t just thrown it out there and hoped for the best. I’m following it really closely.”

On the new album, Grace / Wastelands:
“There’s more effort gone into making them complete as songs, rather than just knocking out streams of consciousness that might sound intriguing or happen to rhyme… I wasn’t hiding behind dirty guitars.”

The best part of going to jail:
“The only good thing about going to prison last April was that I didn’t have to do the Royal Albert Hall gig. Even as the sentence was passed, and [the judge] said ‘two months’ or whatever it was, I was thinking, Thank God, I don’t have to do that. Obviously when I came out, it had been rescheduled.”

And about that infamous gig:
“I had it in my head that I was going to be playing to stately families in boxes, staring at me down opera glasses, saying ‘Oh dear, what is that young man blabbering about?’… No [it wasn’t like that], there was a bloody stage invasion. I had to disguise myself in a fireman’s hat, or else I was going to get squished.”

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