The Pope dies

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stripes that was beautiful. And Alejandro, you're right, I am going to miss his Popemobile. :heart:

Here is another joke of his...I don't see the point in saying he was a warm hearted person, of course he was. I loved the way he used humor to convey his messages.

Pope: I was talking to God. I asked him, "Father, will Poland ever be free from Soviet rule?" and he said, "Not in your lifetime". So I asked, "Will we ever have another Polish Pope?" and he replied, "Not in my lifetime!"

I find little jokes like that funny....:blush:
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ball79 said:
I agree with all that,and it's even ironic that someone religious,ignores what the bible says,and worships the pope... when inside the bible says exactly what and who is the "antitesis" of christ... But I didn't wanted to get "off topic" ...


this seems like worship to me
yeah this man deserves recognition for leading a decent life, but let's remember he was just a man, people are saying he was infallible and could not even tell a lie...
Spacemiu said:
I have to agree with Haruki on some level, i'm alittle mad taht every one overlooks everything that is so oppressive in the christian religion and just idolizes, this is commen after death. This is nto to say he is a bad person or has not done many good things.

It's not the Christian religion, it's the Catholic. Each Christian religion is different in their views and level of conservatism. And no one seems to be overlooking anything, it's just a little something called respect - respect for one's faith and beliefs, especially if the person is dead. I doubt that if Elton John died anyone would post something like - "we should not forget he was a homosexual and supported gay marriage.. urgh!". Even if there might be someone on tFS who's against gay people I'm sure they wouldn't come up with such biased statements - mostly out of respect and for fear of the general response and pressure to agree with the majority.
TokyoVogue said:
this seems like worship to me
yeah this man deserves recognition for leading a decent life, but let's remember he was just a man, people are saying he was infallible and could not even tell a lie...

exactly he is not a saint.. and then I never saw him bringin' food or clothing to the ones on the need,cause with a prayer no one eats.. sorry if this sounds rude,but we just live in the earth,not in a bubble...
Thank you, Nemova. :)

Even though he may not have passed out food to everyone, his solidarity with those in their faith gave them peace. During the turmoil wars, many people have turned to their faith to support them during difficult times. He helped people "keep the faith" so to say - and that helped many people.

He was not infallible, but he's certainly someone that should be respected, just like anyone else.
just a famous human.. cause let's face it,if our mothers die nobody is going to be worshipping them,or calling them saints,and they help us a lot in most of the cases..and help,like a lot of people to keep the just not correct to call an ordinary human the "holy father"... that is very disrespectful... that's why a lot of people's reaction is defensive and agressive to this.. cause some of us don't like people calling the "Vicarius" of God to a regular priest..

p. I just can't recall so many people crying when Mother Teresa Died...
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^ You're welcome and I agree 100% with you, Misako. :flower:

The Pope is not supposed to do charity, he's the leader of the Roman Catholic Church. His role is to bring hope and aid to those who need - in spite of their personal faith - and stand up for the values of his religion. In that, Johannes Paulus II was an example to be followed and a human being to be looked up to.
What about Jesus? or god for that matter...he seems like a better example no?
TokyoVogue said:
What about Jesus? or god for that matter...he seems like a better example no?

Jesus is enough,if we have faith,why do we need a piece of"marmol" or another person to make us remember that God exists?
ball79 said:
Jesus is enough,if we have faith,why do we need a piece of"marmol" or another person to make us remember that God exists?

That was so offensive. Why is it so hard to some people to show a little respect to other people's beliefs?
well, the catholic church goes against the bible in so many ways...any christian isnt supposed to have a carven image of anything...even if it's made out of "marmol" (haha)
and in the "sacred scriptures" it even states in Matthew 23:9 call no one on earth your father; you have but one father in heaven...
Nemova said:
God and Jesus are beyond that.

God and Jesus are just another way to rely our faith on something,cause everyone has the power to believe in wathever we choose... so for some people not even Jesus deserves to be worshipped and we have to respect that..

I love this kind of threads and topics.. when we are able to show our points of views! as adults.. too bad that not everyone is able to take all this in a good way,and the the moderators delete them.. hopefuly not this one! ;)
Nemova said:
That was so offensive. Why is it so hard to some people to show a little respect to other people's beliefs?

why offensive? cause it is true?
^ agreed. I'm not even religious, but I recognize that even though I'm not, I can still have respect for the religion, because in every way, religion has contributed this this world, whether positive for negative, but it's a stamp on everyday life that you can't ignore.

I dislike that people seem to be losing the ability to respect each other, and that, to me, explains quite why the world is the way it is today. That's why there's such prejudice and issues in today's worlds - it's when people can't respect the beliefs of others.

ball79 - your opinion on that is really dependent - some people belief that he, as the Pope, represents what the faith is, and also what God wants. the reason why he's garnering such a reaction because he's so well known - if every mother were so well known they'd be getting the same response - it's respect for what they've contributed in this world. and btw, a lot of people were very sad when Mother Theresa died - she was incredibly well known for her good deeds, and I believe Pope John Paul II canonized her.
TokyoVogue said:
well, the catholic church goes against the bible in so many ways...any christian isnt supposed to have a carven image of anything...even if it's made out of "marmol" (haha)
and in the "sacred scriptures" it even states in Matthew 23:9 call no one on earth your father; you have but one father in heaven...

finally ,someone that had read the bible like me ,and hey imagine if we post what the apocalypse says about the number of the beast,if I show here who is wearing that number,everyone will kill me :lol:
Pope John Paul II canonized her.[/QUOTE]

again.. how can a man chooses who becomes a saint or not? I might sound like a kid asking this.. but I am just very intense with everything .
in the bible it states that the saints are the members of the church...individuals who believe in where does this canonizing come from?
we are all equal on earth and in gods eyes...
TokyoVogue said:
in the bible it states that the saints are the members of the church...individuals who believe in where does this canonizing come from?
we are all equal on earth and in gods eyes...

in the same bible says that God lives inside of us,so we are all able to be God,and that's a real wonderful thing!
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