I went to an avant premiere tonight (wednesday). It´s been four years since I´ve seen a Twilight movie in a packed cinema and I couldn´t believe that I found myself cheering and clapping with the roaring crowd because...
HOLY SH!T at the
confrontation scene!
Four movies of bad acting, cheesy makeup & clothes and specially Meyer´s terrible writing they all are redeemed in that scene
If you´re having second thoughts about watching this movie then don´t! go see it! even though the movie is boring those ten minutes or so compensate for the overall bad acting (Kristen Stewart´s acting might be her best in the saga), bad makeup (specially Bella as a vampire, you can see the HD white powder in some scenes), boring clothes and voice over...
the russian vampire´s accents were hilarious, Tanya looks like a Wayans brother in White Chicks, Renesmee´s face as a baby was also an unintentional LOL moment awful awful CGI...
It had some funny moments at the beginning and they managed to condensed a lot of the book in a few scenes so those were also pluses.
The ending credits were a nice touch,
they credited every actor who worked in all five movies.
Maybe I´m still high from that scene but I think it was a nice ending to the saga, not the terrible movie that I was expecting