The Workout Thread

I've heard of it but don't know much about it at all.. was it you or your brother with the ligament damage? I'd love to have a go at Tae Kwon Do properly.. there is a club out here, and the cardio kickboxing sessions I used to do pre-accident were TKD based, but the club has no adult classes. I went to one class to try it, but being the only adult I felt like a plonka standing head and shoulders above these Mini-Me Bruce Lee's! :lol:

Have you decided upon any martial arts yet? What we're going to do at home is buy a punching bag and a speed bag to do our own training. I love the idea of just belting the fricking crap out of something for exercise, and whilst I may have to curtail my kicking until my leg is properly healed, it'll be great to use and practise my cardio kick skills on.

WhiteLinen, how's the running going, are you sticking to the Cto5km program? And Adi, will you start it?
Erm... I haven't done it after that one time. I guess I can't get inspired. I can keep slim without doing anything else than walking daily (i.e while running errands), and if I would do sports it should be because I would love doing them. The inspiration and love for fitness is hard to find.
FrankieP said:
And Adi, will you start it?

haven't had the mood nor time to start running, i've sticked to my original plan. i'm still thinking of it, but i need to get over some personal issues to find more time for running :blush: because it still does interest me and now when the spring is finally here and there are no snow, i might find my inspiration
I did pilates+weights+cycling today, and I am going to do this routine every day.
I promise to everyone that I will start going to a gym over the summer.

( that's going to happen.)
Ilaughead, reminds me of all the well-meaning gym memberships that spring up in January, only to be abandoned long before Feb! But you've promised now, you know.. and it's too late to delete your post! And no, I won't forget, either.. :winkiss:

Whitelinen at least you realised it early on, rather than struggling through something you don't enjoy and didn't have your heart in. You could have been put of all fitness altogether then. Your new routine sounds great anyway, and some nice variety of exercise types. My inspiration for fitness and training comes from actually doing it, kind of like running downhill, I find it easier to go and get faster as I go along! Hey do you do Pilates with a group, or alone?

I'd love to hear from anyone doing Pilates at home with a home dvd or book or something. Recommendations would be awesome.. I've looked around a bit at what's available and there are a few options, but I've never done Pilates even in a group so don't really know much about it or what to look for in a programme.

Adi hopefully you'll find space for yourself to start running. I've actually heard of a few different people that have used running to create their own space and time alone to think - a friend of mine wholly credits getting over a failed marriage to running, and whilst of course I hope your issues aren't so bad it may be something to consider. You could have a whole spring clean type theme in your life! Seriously though, I do hope everything sorts out for you soon. :flower:

Does anyone do HIIT training? I'd love to hear too of what your sessions entail. I've done some by myself on an exercise bike, but would like other ideas and programmes. :)
My friends finally got memberships to my gym! We've been going together lately. I have got to say, working out with someone is so helpful! I reccomend everyone finding a workout buddy! :)
couturex said:
My friends finally got memberships to my gym! We've been going together lately. I have got to say, working out with someone is so helpful! I reccomend everyone finding a workout buddy! :)

I have had this ridiculous desire to workout with a friend ever since I left high school and realized I was on my own. However in my experience, it is impossible. I don't know of even one reliable, motivated person that would dedicate themselves to a duo regimen. I have given up, so now I fight for motivation from within every day! I'm so interested in Pilates but it is too expensive, which is a shame because there is this fabulous instructor who lives only a half mile down my road! :( I need something fun! I just run. :neutral:
For the last few years, I was in a gym, I did weights, and stuff for legs and thighs, and elliptical for cardio.
This year : I'm not in a gym anymore, I train alone, and I'm in a much better shape! I run 2 to 3 times a week, one hour each time. And the days I don't run, I do Pilates, abdominals and squats etc, 3-5 times a week.
My running has really improved.
Goals : run even more/longer, loose a bit of weight, and tone my body, and overall be in a good shape.
Lukewarm, I know the Pilates classes are expensive. I downloaded a bunch of pilates video on the internet (winsor pilates, the method pilates etc) and I do them at home, on my own. It takes a bit of time to do the exercises properly, but they explain it well (and I did a couple classes in group too, before). Hope this helps!
Hey does anyone know exercises that one can do at home for the back and the breasts? I go to a gym, but at the moment all i do there is cardio. I'm a little to intimidated to go to the weight section where all the muscular guys are doing their routines! lol ( but i'm workin on it!!!)
I would appreciate any advice!
I stretched today! ...but that's as close to working out as I got...
Does anyone go rowing? I'm thinking of joining a team. A little apprehensive though because i hate the rower (at the gym)...
I didn't want to start a new thread and I figured this would be the best place to ask. So...

Has anyone had experiences with any of David Kirsch's workout dvds?
I own his 'New York Body Plan' book but didn't use it because it was completely different from what I had expected - a very complicated diet and too many exercises to keep in mind, so I figured that a workout dvd would be better for me. I'm especially interested in the 'Ultimate Boot Camp' dvd because if heard some good reviews about it. I want to hear your opinions, though, before spending a good 30$ on something I don't know I'll really use.

Opinions, anyone?
- competitive swimming (morn and afternoon practice)
- tennis (3x weekly)
- basketball (1x weekly)
- ballet (2x weekly)
- jazz (1x weekly)
- Chinese dance (1x weekly)

And then I got busy and had no time for anything (especially because I had a medical problem)

- yoga (1x weekly)
- ballet (2x weekly)
- tennis (3x weekly)
- jazz (1x weekly)
- speed walking or running (every morning)
- belly dancing (1x weekly)
- weights/strengthening for tennis (3x weekly)

Then I started up a lot of things because I work a lot more efficiently with a busy schedule.

- flexibility
- ballet 3x weekly (or more)
- en pointe in one and half years
- start playing more tournaments for tennis
- swimming

My main focus is dancing and tennis. My parents think I exercise too much (at least 2 hours per day), but I think it's good for me and I enjoy it a lot. Unrelated to exercising, but another goal is to gain weight. I currently weigh 92lbs at 5'4 (as of weigh in at doctors office on Monday), so I want to get up to 100lbs.
I hate working out with a buddy because I don't focus on the precision of each movement. I prefer to go it alone so I pay attention to my body instead of gabbing. My mom and I motivate eachother to go to the gym and do exercises at home (via reminders phone and email) and that's what works for me.

I just got a new Pilates video...yeah!!!
Could anyone recommend a good pilates dvd? I'd love to go to classes but live in the outback and have none within 800kms of me! :lol:

Chicfay, you can do very simple ones at home. For the chest you want to search for exercises to work your pectorals - an easy one to do at home or in the gym (don't be scared! just get in there, or ask a staffer to take you through some routines) is flies.

Flies: Lie on a bench on your back, have some light weights (maybe around 4kg/5lb for starting) in your hands. Have arms out from your side, almost straight with just a slight elbow bend. Steadily bring them upwards so that the hands meet. Keep the hands above your chest, not above your head, if you see what I mean. Then lower back to the start position.

Another one for pecs is the pecdec machine. It's the same movement but seated. Make sure you start with a very low weight on the machine, as using this it's easy to tear the small muscles and tendons in your shoulder if you suddenly lurch into a heavy load without realising it.

For your back at home, you could do bent over rows to work the muscles of the upper back. You need a bench for this too, and some heavier hand weights. Start with your right knee on the bench, the other leg on the floor supporting your weight. Right hand supporting weight on the bench, left arm gripping weight. Make sure back is straight and abs held tight. Keeping elbow close to body, pull the weight up until upper arm ends up parallel alongside your trunk. Hold for a moment, then lower. You'll be surprised at what weight you can do for this, it's one of my favourite exercises.

The only other back exercise I can think of to do at home are back extensions.. lie on your tummy and slowly raise your upperbody off the ground as high as you can. Hold for 5secs, then lower. If you're new to back workouts, do small sets to start.

Hope this helps! Probably best to Google those exercise names too and see if you can find some images to assist my poor descriptions! ;)
So I've finally joined a fabulous gym. I posted earlier about wanting to try pilates classes and now I attend 3 per week, in addition to yoga every morning, and 3 spinning classes per week. There's a 'cardio cinema' which is a dark room that offers treadmills, ellipticals, and stationary bikes...which is all very cool but it's fantastic because there's a giant movie screen on the wall! I did my HIIT this morning to Black Hawk Down. I kind of live there at the moment...but why not! It's brand new and has this gorgeous sauna and I pay less for my monthly membership than the pilates instructor down the road who charges an outrageous (for me) $50/hour. I'm just really happy. Also...spinning completely kicks my *** but I love it, and I'm slowly but surely becoming more flexible. I never wanted to become a gym rat, but here I am.
I went on the elliptical machine for 40 minutes yesterday and then did some ab work. I also went for a swim and took my dog for a fairly long walk. I'll work out today when I get home from work. I had difficulty sleeping the other night and was seconds away from ordering Yoga Booty Ballet off of an infomercial. Somehow I was able to refrain, but I am still tempted to try it. My booty is...nonexistent.

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