for me it goes a bit further than that, i mean yes in my country the only veggie thing you can buy at mcdonalds is the McWrap (and some stores don't even sell it because people don't buy it
) for me goes to the fact that we should just stop going to mcdonalds (that probably answers my question of why people don't buy the veggie McWrap
), because other than them selling meat, it's the unhealthy way of selling stuff that's way to high on fat and carbs.
one of the main reasons i decided to stop eating meat was because i've disliked meat since i was a kid and because i personally love eating lots of vegetables and healthy food other than a burger or a hot dog, it was unnecesary, unhealthy, untasty and against my love for animals to keep on eating meat (i hope someday i'll begin with proper vegetarianism and hopefully veganism one day...)