The Vegetarian & Vegan Thread

My skin is so much better when I don't overdo it with dairy, I think it's from hormones in the milk. When I eat cheese/dairy I am usually not paying attention to if it's organic or not.
I used to eat only organic dairy, but then cut out most dairy since over six months ago, and noticed no difference to my skin (which was already fine) nor immune system (which was messed up), but did notice a significant decrease in bloated tummy and tummy aches. Now I eat some goat's cheese and some organic far so good.
I took a class of American Contemporary Art in uni and last week they showed us up about Sue Coe (does anyone know her?) she's british and she draws, paints and ilustrates about Animal Rights, here is a pretty long video (but worth it) about her work and how she was investigated and drawn about all of this cruelty (some things are a bit shocking) and how we could really save so many animals by becoming vegan and how drinking milk is pure propaganda and we can perfectly live without it.

it has really kept me thinking about if i should really get into actual veganism and stop with been just pescetarian.
^ Thanks for posting :flower: I just finished watching and I think that Sue Coe is wonderful; I found her talk insightful and inspiring. What I took out of it is that it's one thing to be vegan and to make consumer choices, but it's a whole other ballgame to actually be active and get involved politically. What an incredible woman with incredible stories! It reminded me of so many things related to animal welfare that I have forgotten about and new bits of information that will surely stick. Highly recommended.
I had decided to cut out dairy about a month and a half ago, and all of a sudden started getting these stomach aches which would happen every single day, no matter how clean I ate. I was eating quite a bit of raw food and vegetables and after some research I thought that I may not be digesting everything properly.

So I decided to re-introduce dairy, I've never drank milk and now only buy organic yogurt and recently bought organic cheese and have been drinking a bit of organic kefir every daily which has helped immensely. The stomach aches have stopped and I feel sharper and more balanced, if that makes sense.
^ There are good probiotic and prebiotic supplements available, but buying organic dairy helps ensure there are animal welfare standards in place, not to mention being better for you! There is one US organic brand that at least has been known in the past to interpret standards loosely (not to mention violate the !@#$ out of them), so something to be aware of if that's a concern for you.
Yesterday my country released a documentary shot with the help of a very well known group named ChooseVeganism, they went into animal slaughterhouses and saw all this cruelty (I personally didn't watch this because they make me sad, i'm concient of what's going on) I think is good that finally national television is showing this stuff, people know that this stuff is happening but they preffer to close their eyes and continue eating as it's not actually happening, i think even though some people might found it cruel they are going to continue eating meat and stuff but if it makes only a bit of a concience on just a few people, i guess is an advance. Specially in my country where there aren't many food alternatives for those that don't eat meat or dairy, and the ones we have are highly expensive.

This group is famous also for going into these places and set animals free before been slaughtered or while they are used for their milk or eggs, i think there is a whole issue towards this because what do we do with all the animals we set free? is like when you wish you could pick up all the foster dogs in the streets, where would you take them?

Another thing, anyone here is also into avoiding products that are animal tested? i again, not as much as i wish i was, but right now im using some hair products by the brand Organix (coconut milk shampoo) that aren't tested on animals, and they do wonders on my hair! :D (i would highly recomend them!)
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I just became half-vegetarian in last September but decided to go fully vegetarian this May. I'm now with some doubts regarding soy: is it good to eat that much soy related products? Like, in one day I can eat soy butter, soy milk, tofu for lunch and soy for dinner... Isn't that bad for your organism? I was trying to change to almond milk but it costs around 3€ here while I get soy milk for 90cents.
^ Like everything else, soy should be taken in moderation. A lot of people have a hard time digesting soy as well. If it's protein you're worried about, there are so many vegetarian options like nuts and nut butters, beans and legumes, eggs and dairy, quinoa and whole grains, tempeh (fermented tofu that is easier to digest) etc.
I don't know if this is the right place to ask, but I'm going to ask anyways.

Has anyone found a good DIY recipe for foundation using natural ingredients, but that still provides some coverage?
I've found lots, but all of them just mattify the skin and don't provide any coverage.:(
For health reasons I have to cut back on dairy, but I'm quite attached to milk in my coffee. What is your favorite substitute for milk when drinking coffee?

I'm not a big fan of soymilk (at least not the one they use at Starbucks), so I've tried rice milk and it surprised me. It looked very watery to me, but it tastes creamy.
I wanna try almond milk as well, but my local supermarket only carries one that has loads of sugar. There are two organic stores nearby, I guess I'll have more luck there.
For health reasons I have to cut back on dairy, but I'm quite attached to milk in my coffee. What is your favorite substitute for milk when drinking coffee?

I'm not a big fan of soymilk (at least not the one they use at Starbucks), so I've tried rice milk and it surprised me. It looked very watery to me, but it tastes creamy.
I wanna try almond milk as well, but my local supermarket only carries one that has loads of sugar. There are two organic stores nearby, I guess I'll have more luck there.
Rice milk is high in carbohydrates (=sugar). My favorite substitute for milk is this almond milk (sugar free):

has anyone tried doing your own milk at home? like out of rice, oat, almond or soy? tomorrow i'll try to make oat milk, so wish me luck that it delivers a nice a tasty product :)
I've made rice milk practically my whole life. It's needed to prepare Agua de Horchata, and it's really nice. I like it so much more than Almond milk, but I haven't tried the store-bought version.
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Waking this thread up!^_^ I wanted to go vegan for a long time and I finally decided on it about a month ago. The most surprising thing for me is how little I miss cheese and chicken. (I was never a fan of milk or eggs, almost never ate red meat or fish).
For now I am only worried of getting enough vitamins etc. without taking any supplements and also dealing with family & friends asking ''WHERE WILL I GET MY PROTEIN''? God, if I hear this one more time...:angry:
If I eat fruits, veggies and legumes almost every day will I need supplements? Of course there are starch filled days but I aim for 5 servings of fruits/vegs/legumes per day.
I think I'll be ok right?! :unsure:^_^
Any recommendations for a newbie would be great! :flower:
a great protein source are beans. like black beans. or tofu. I highly doubt you will have trouble with getting enough protein. but vitamin b12 / cobalamin could be hard to get as it is only an animal vitamin (if the world is correct). But that is for example in (german) soy milk (I am not sure if it´s in soy milk everywhere as it´s a supplement) or energy drinks.

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