The Workout Thread

I got a gym membership on Thursday! I'm going to go tomorrow!
I'm going to sign up for yoga and pilates this sunday. I'm looking forward to it, although I am a bit intimidated by it all!

I will be joining a gym this week.

I am a dancer, too. I used to do modern dance about four times a week for two to three hours at a time, up until this year. Now, I just do swing dancing about once or twice a week for four hours. I love dancing so much and miss it, so I'll hopefully recommence with the modern soon. I will be starting Argentine Tango lessons either this month, or next month.

I "used to" exercise a lot: was big into figure skating (every day!), skiing/snowboarding in the winter, running, cycling, volleyball, swimming... need to get back into it all again. I am getting lazy now! :)

Exercise always makes me feel better.
I want to put on muscle mass because I am so skinny that I am self conscious and read today that aside from lifting weights, pilates is good. I am going to sign up for classes ASAP. :)
I wish I lived somewhere where I could go swimming every day :(

Ditto. Swimming is one of the few workouts I actually enjoy, though I only am able to do it a few times throughout the year.
^ My dad has recently lost a lot of weight simply by swimming laps in the pool in the evenings after work. He still eats like a pig too! :lol:
*peeks in* Hello! What a cool idea for a thread!

OK, here's my introduction, I guess

In the past:

(I was kinda lazy at school, self concious about my weight (I was bigger than the popular girls, although I've never been overweight) but I still did a few things:

Dance Classes from ages 9 to 13
Tennis from 8 to 15
Swimming from 5 to 13
Netball from 8 to 16
Hockey from 16 to 18
Horseriding from 8 to 18
Yoga from 15 to 20


(I went through a period last year of being a cardio bunny/undereater - I'm now basically recovered and learning to do exercise for fun and as a social activity all over again!)

Hip Hop Classes 1 x a week (60min)
Weight Training 3 x a week (30min each with 15min cardio tacked on to the end)
Running/Biking 3 x a week (2 x 45min, 1 x 30min (on the day I have dance class)
Indoor Netball 1 x a week (30min game - it's so fast paced!)

I also plan to start swimming once a week to replace one of the biking/running sessions and maybe add in a yoga class somewhereB)
Then when summer comes I want to start playing tennis again too!

I only just started the netball and dancing, and so far they prove to be really fun - it's nice to do something that isn't as brainless as running on a treadmill!

FrankieP - I'm a Kiwi too! :p
^ You're wearing me out! :lol:

Has anyone ever tried Yoga Booty Ballet? I almost bought it in the store the other day after being sucked in by the infomercial. I decided to order it off my Netflix instead though and try it out that way.
I'd love to swim more... but I'm a terrible swimmer and the pool I have access to is full of ripped hot competitive swimmers, I feel a bit awkward hoping in in my bikini and getting tired after two laps! :D

I play competitive squash, do a decent amount of strength training, some pilates, and lots of elliptical. I used to be a runner but I have tendonitis, arthritis, and a possibly torn meniscus in my knee, so I can hardly run for 5 minutes before my knees give out. Such a bummer.
Ok sorry to butt in on this thread .. but i joined a gym today and i must be totally mad tbh ive never done any exercise in my life .. but im sick of all the little girl jokes .. and how unsporty i am .. and how tiny and weak i am lol .. so now its time to get into shape .. but tbh im at a total loss were to begin.

I used to do yoga .. and the gym does free yoga classes .. so im thinking of getting into that again

also they do free pilates .. thinking of giving that a go what do you recon ?? or too advanced for a complete exercise novice like my self.

also my arms are so twig like and horrible you can see bones .. i really want to build my arms up .. but not so they are very muscley .. just a little .. any ideas ??

exercises ive done in the past are

  • tai quondo (cant even remember how to spell it) .. once a week for about 3 years when i was about ten lol
  • jui jizu as a kid
  • yoga once a week for 2 years aged about 14/5
and thats it :(

sorry I being a rant .. but i guess i just need some motivation .. because i seriously need to tone up and strengthen up
So I have a new trainer, who is really excellent, but I'm doubting her training method. I actually do trust her, but I'm doubtful that my body will comply with her technique. I used to train 7 days/week, incorporating heavy weights 2x week, and doubleday intense cardio 7x week. Now she has me on 3 days 60 mins. intense aerobic training, 3 days heavy weights, 1 rest day. AND she's making me eat more. :shock: I hope this works.
i could absolutely cry about my lack of exercise.

i feel so guilty! but i find every excuse not to go out and run/swim/ride bike. :judge::furious:

ah- tomorrow!:blush:
how does pilates actually work? Do you need specific clothes? I just joined a gym..
hi everyone....

i posted this question in the daily exercise thread but i think this might actually be a better place for it....

how long can you stick with an exercise routine before your body stops responding ??

i go to the gym 5 days/week and spend about 30mins on the bike, 30-40mins on the treadmill and then 15mins stretching....and then a few times a week i do light weights for my arms....i try to switch up the speed/incline on the bike and treadmill but i hear all this talk about needing to change your routine in order to keep your body responding and am wondering how often and if so what changes need to be made ??

thanks !!
ps i used to do yoga regularly but have really gotten into this gym routine.....would adding a day or two of yoga in instead of the gym help ??
adorefaith, everyone's body responds to workout routines differently. For example, my body tends to tone up very fast and show muscle, whereas my best friend could lift weights for hours a day and she'd never show a muscle. It sounds like you are mixing up your routine and are working out consistenly which is important. Do you alternate cardio work with strength training? Maybe you should try some circuit training where you do both in one workout? This tends to be effective for many people. The most important thing is not to give up. :flower:
hi cosmogrl...thanks for the reply....
i see results, so i'm not really worried...i just keep hearing people talk about the need to switch it up (kind of like needing to change your shampoo and conditioner every few mths) but i wasnt sure if it was a myth or there was actually some truth to it.....excuse my ignorance, but what is circuit training?....

certain areas of my body show muscle faster than others...i guess that's arms, for example....whereas my legs/butt take longer to respond....i was wondering if that had anything to do with the fact that i tend to do the same workout and so my body isnt being pushed in new ways.... ??
^ You aren't ignorant! :flower: Circuit training is where you do a few minutes of cardio, then a few minutes of strength/toning, a few more minutes of cardio, more strength/toning, and so on and so on.... It is really effective!

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