The X Files : I Want to Believe

On her website she addresses her Love/Hate relationship with the shows and gives her side of the story (compared to how the media usually portrays it.)

Aw that was a cute blog entry in a lot of ways. I like the image of David and Gillian as brother & sister in real life, even if I am a Mulder and Scully shipper 4eva!!!! Haha. And glad to hear that Gillian doesn't resent the show in the ways the media makes her out to.

I have every season on DVD. I am now inspired to rewatch (for the hundreth time?) everything from the pilot episode through the finale ... and I think I shall also change my cell phone ringtone back to the theme song that I love so much. :lol:
kmmcormi, ZOMG X Files was my OBSESSION as a kid (around 8th-10th grade) too.

I watched every episode Sunday night.

I bought all the books that detailed every episode and background story.

I even went to the X Files Convention in NY, saw Gillian Anderson and the Lone Gunmen in person. Came back with a load of memoribilia.

I even had the 'I Believe' poster in my room for years.

I could never get over how much Gillian Anderson hated the show that gave her her big break.

I just watched some old episodes last week, I forgot how good and funny this show was!

Does anyone remember the 'David Duchovny Estrogen Brigade'??

The movie sucked though, too 'actiony' for me; wonder how this will turn out.

wow. you were there too? :ninja:

i'm such a big fan of this show since day one and it's so funny back then when we would talk about our favorite show and (this was when i was in 4th grade) i would say that my favorite is The X Files, i'd always get these weird look from people :lol:

nonetheless, i can't wait...

PS: this is a stand alone The X Files film (the script looks promising by the way....:innocent:) so it doesn't continue anything about the aliens or what happened on the first film.
^OMGZ!!! Were you there too?? The one in NYC right? I think it was in Javits. I think.

I was 13 or 14. I was totally gobsmacked when I went to it, I was so overwhelmed LOL, especially when I saw Gillian Anderson in like this phone booth -esque get up behind glass to sign autographs. I was this really awkward asian girl and the majority of people were much older white guys. I actually got a bag from it that's made to look like an evidence bag and its got all this 'stuff' I got from it. I should totally dig it out and see what I got.

In any case, that was one of the highlights of my young life, I wouldn't shut up about it for days.

I love how there are so many people who were into the X Files so young and we ended up on TFS.

About the film, sounds good. Its not that I don't like the whole alien thing, on the contrary I love that kind of crap. But the whole plot line for the Smoking Man + government conspiracy + alien invasion got so convoluted and lame in the first movie. I'm really curious about a good way!
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yes i was there! i got the same goodies too!

i also got to meet Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny in 1998 during the The X Files: Fight The Future premiere. i know i'm such a super fan :lol:
^maybe because they did almost nothing beside that? :innocent:

Now, now, IMBD has David acting in 62 projects and Gillian has acted in 29. Not too shabby, when people like Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz have 35 a piece. Even Kirsten Dunst, who gives the impression of being in every movie made, has only appeared in 57 projects.

Not that everything else they did was good, not by a long shot. But they were out there. And while I think Duchovny really only shines at playing Mulder, Anderson turns in some heartbreaking, magnificent performances in things like Bleak House, and The House of Mirth. She's excellent in those period pieces.

That said, this is probably going to be a disaster, and I'm a true X-Files fanatic (seen every episode of seasons 1-7 at least 20 times, more for many - going to wear my dvds out eventually) and I'll be in the front row for the first showing. Probably see it more than once in the theater. But I'm not kidding myself about the quality.

X-Files was a show that should have died at the end of season 6 if it wanted to go out on a high note. A strong case can also be made for ending it with season 7, and going on to do a series of movies. Seasons 8 & 9 had the same title, but they weren't The X-Files, because The X-Files were never about the cases. It was a show about Mulder and Scully and their personalities and relationship (not necessarily in a romantic sense, I never 'shipped them). The cases were an incidental framework. Nothing against Doggett and Reyes, they would have been fine in a spin-off or something, but you don't take the heart, and eventually soul, out of a show, and then be surprised when it flounders and dies, and long-term, hardcore fans speak with bitterness and frustration at how it all turned out.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to it in the same way I'm looking forward to the new Trek movie - with excitement, trepidation, and a plan to have a few stiff drinks first.
So weird! I was too young for the x-files and when I did watch it, it scared the bejesus out of me. Anyway, this gives me hope for Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
Now, now, IMBD has David acting in 62 projects and Gillian has acted in 29. Not too shabby, when people like Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz have 35 a piece. Even Kirsten Dunst, who gives the impression of being in every movie made, has only appeared in 57 projects.

Gillian has also done quite a bit of highly acclaimed theatre.
I loved X-files as a kid and the show scared the beejezus out of me often times.

I wonder what the plot is.

Is Muler&Scully confirmed as a couple?
^They kissed in the series finale and also cuddled in bed. Also, they had a son together, although the story was very muddled.
I LOVEEEE The X-Files, so I can't wait for this to come out. I never watched it when it aired on TV but since then my boyfriend and I bought every season on DVD. We were big time addicted....haha.
Yea I am so confused, my memories of the show are really....confused? Lol at my varied word choice. I just started watching the episodes again on SciFi, and William is their kid, and this cult said the father had to die, and then Mulder was rumored dead so I made the connection that he's the dad? I thought it was a virgin birth--> Scully was like an alien Mary, right?

I'm kind of glad they're scrapping the alien plot bc that was confusing as it was at the time, I needed a flowchart. If you brought that back now noone would know what was going on.
as far as i can remember, there wasn't any scene where Mulder and Scully were shown sleeping together. i thought it was implied that they did?! :unsure:
I LOVEEEE The X-Files, so I can't wait for this to come out. I never watched it when it aired on TV but since then my boyfriend and I bought every season on DVD. We were big time addicted....haha.

What caused you and your boyfriend to buy the series, even though you had not watched it previously?

It was implied/said by a third party that Mulder and Scully had sex, but it was not shown on screen.
I loved X-files so much as a child, but it all went a bit downhill towards the end.
Im sure ill go to see the movie. I have to say David hasn't aged very well at all :ninja:

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