I knew Anna would win. After seeing the collections and knowing that the public would decide, there was no way she could lose. Her collection was the prettiest, most accessible and most wearable. I'm glad she won too. Even though it was nothing groundbreaking, it was very well made and it was beautiful. Besides, she was so much nicer than Daniella.
Speaking of which, her collection looked better on tv (and I suspect in real life) than in pictures. I really loved that one black gown she had. But in the end, I thought she should've either went further with that "rock edge" or pulled back more. As it was, it was kinda neither here nor there. Nice work, but not like she was robbed or anything.
What surprised me most was the fact that JP didn't win the judge's choice. Um, WHAT? His collection was awesome. Very fashion forward and original, but still quite pretty (in its own way). I thought for sure he'd get it. My theory is that perhaps the judges wanted to give something to Danielle, since it seems like the whole show was about her and once they knew she failed to win the whole thing, they wanted to somehow make it up to her.
Lastly, I can't believe Reco was so bitchy about being eliminated. What a loser. I don't understand how he was the "people's favorite". Ugh. His collection was gross and belongs in the trash along with Johnny's and Merlin's collections. Yet he had the nerve to say he should've been there instead of PJ. Yeah, ok.