The X-Men Film Series

n of course there will be more movies this is the first one of a new trilogy

Yep. I think Zoe Kravitz said in an interview that they are all signed up for a 3-movie contract deal. So if the first movie does well in the box office, they'll probably green-light the rest of the movies.
Best X Men ever. I can't wait for the sequel. Seriously they can all be proud. Awesome !!
emmm... :unsure: I don't know, I loved the first and second film, got disappointed by the third and really hated the Wolverine one (I even fell asleep for like 10 mins) so I'm not sure if this one is going to be of my pleasure :S
^ then you will love this movie! This one is on par with the first two movies, though I personally think its the best one out of all of them. Wise decision for them to reboot the franchise like this and especially using all the younger actors. Hopefully many more sequels will follow.

Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender and James M. were amazing. The rest were good too, though January Jones could have used some B12 shots or something, not exactly the best portrayal, but overall a great great movie.

Loved some of the lines spoken by Magneto to Mystique and of course the cameos were outstanding.
I don't really like action movies but I really enjoyed this one. ^_^ When Michael came on the screen I just looked over at my friend and said wow this got a whole lot better!
Overall, it was an enjoyable movie. Quite liked it. The writing is a bit overdramatic at times, but it's a superhero movie and, for the most part, it worked.

Agreed with Sam12, the three main leads were fabulous. Jennifer Lawrence is so spunky! :flower: January Jones was awful :lol: and Angel's character wasn't very useful either.

Biggest problem for me was the CGI. The movie has a smaller budget compared to the previous X-Men movies, but even so the graphics weren't choreographed very well. The epic war at the end didn't seem all that epic to me.
I really want to see this movie!

I have seen X-Men 1, 2 & 3 and Wolverine. I hope X-Men: First Class is at least as good as the other ones...
^I felt it was way better! Better than 3 and wolverine at the very least. Plus there's Michael Fassbender :shifty:
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Just saw it last night (quite late i know)

and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I still can't get over that the crazy chick from bridesmaids was in over 90% of the movie.

James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender saved the movie for me. They were fantastic and I think Fassbender's acting in this was phenomenal. Jennifer Lawrence was good too (I was the only one who gasped at Rebecca's cameo in the theater)

I don't know THAT much about the X-Men to know who the other characters were and if they had an impact later in the first three movies but they were interesting.

Very curious to see what they do with the next two movies (if they make it) and if they will bring along the main characters from the previous three movies since it was quite refreshing to have hugh jackman and halle berry absent
I did enjoy this film but X2 is still the best one in my opinion.
First Class was a very entertaining movie but it wasn't similar to the first movies and I'm not convinced yet with the story changes.

PS: I loved January Jones as Emma Frost, she was perfect
Zoe's character could've been cut off the movie and it would've been still great. Useless character EVER.
^ Totally agree. She way worse than January (who wasn't as bad as people are saying. January was kind of like Halle was in the other ones - a supporting character. She filled her purpose). With Zoe though it's a shame cause I get that she wants to be in the business like her parents but she just hasn't got that it factor. Jennifer Lawrence was fantastic as was Nicolas Hoult (It did annoy me that he grows up to be Kelsey Grammer).

Overall I really liked it. I'm one of the few that actually enjoyed Wolverine and First Class didn't disappoint at all. Great storyline, effects, costumes and acting. Can't wait to see the next one.
-One would think than in this day and age they´d google Villa Gesell (the city where the nazis are hiding in Argentina :rolleyes:)... it´s a beach city, no snowy mountains nearby :lol:

this is what I was talking about :lol:

Villa Gesell as seen in X-Men

the real city

my cap/

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