The X-Men Film Series

I thought it was great fun as well. Kind of cheesy, but in a good way. it didn't take itself too seriously. The only thing I couldn't understand was why all the easy effects looked fake, and all the more difficult surrealistic effects looked real! A wall of flames - super fake looking. Metal claws coming out of someone's hand - real. :lol: but yeah, I'm not going to hate on a movie that had half naked super buff men running around for at least half the film :lol:
X-Men : First Class

X-Men Geeks Unite! Who else is excited for this movie? :D

Some release dates: UK,Australia, Netherlands, Russia: June 2nd 2011
US, Canada, Italy, Sweden: June 3rd 2011
Germany: June 9th 2011

Before Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr took the names Professor X and Magneto, they were two young men discovering their powers for the first time. Before they were archenemies, they were closest of friends, working together, with other Mutants (some familiar, some new), to stop the greatest threat the world has ever known. In the process, a rift between them opened, which began the eternal war between Magneto's Brotherhood and Professor X's X-MEN.

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James McAvoy as Professor Charles Xavier :smile:

Michael Fassbender as Magneto/Erik Lehnsherr :heart:

Kevin Bacon as Sebastian Shaw
January Jones as Emma Frost/White Queen

(From L to R) Caleb Landry Jones as Sean Cassidy / Banshee
Michael Fassbender
Jennifer Lawrence as Raven Darkholme / Mystique
Rose Byrne as Dr. Moira MacTaggert
Nicholas Hoult as Hank McCoy / Beast
James McAvoy
Lucas Till as Alex Summers / Havok
What? :buzz: I'm not going to lie, this does look like a downgraded version of the first X-Men films, but I'm also excited. I was just watching the X-Men: Evolution opening on youtube the other day and wondering what it'd be like if they made another X-Men movie.

It seems like marvel comic movies will be rebooting in the next decade...just like Spiderman. The thing that makes most think that they won't be as good isn't just because they no longer include original charcters, they cast B list actors. The promotion looks kind of low-budget, also-but i'll give it a chance. They'll be lucky if the films are at least half as commercially successful in the box office as the prior films were.

What studio is producing this movie?
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The thing that makes most think that they won't be as good isn't just because they no longer include original charcters, they cast B list actors.

These B list actors are -imo- far more talented than some A list actors from the previous films like Hugh Jackman or Halle Berry.

Fassbender was great in Inglorious Basterds, McAvoy was great in Atonement (I love Stewart and McKellen, they did an amazing job but they´re not A list either)
Jennifer Lawrence got an Oscar nomination for Winter´s Bone, January Jones is great in Mad Men, Kevin Bacon can´t do no wrong in my book :smile:p), I´ve seen little of Nicholas Hoult in Skins but I think he can do a good job. And the rest, I´ve seen little or nothing to say they can carry the weight of being an X-Men :lol:
What studio is producing this movie?

Josh Schwartz -Gossip Girl creator- wrote the script.
Producers are the same as previous films and Wolverine.
Matthew Vaughn is directing. I like his previous films like Kick-***, Stardust and Layer Cake.
I'm super excited about that movie, too :woot: I actually think the cast seems great and I love that since Marvel is more involved in all the comic adaptions that they don't just go for the blockbuster thing but actually try to re-create the original stories. I feel like a lot of the recent Marvel movies are more fan-oriented and less commercial. I'm so excited to see January Jones as Emma Frost ^_^
These B list actors are -imo- far more talented than some A list actors from the previous films like Hugh Jackman or Halle Berry.

Can't argue with you about Halle :lol: As I've said already, though, I'm still really anxious to see what will come out of this. I hope they'll be even better than the originals. I'm just so-so on the actors only because I'm not very familiar with any of them, besides James McAvoy...whom I've only seen in Wanted. :lol:
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I love me some X-Men, but this new cast is not doing anything for me. :doh:
The cast to me is exciting.

Fassbender and McAvoy are the strong pillars of the movie, no doubt both are extremely talented individuals. I personally cannot wait to see Fassbender's portrayal of Magneto. The director has stated that he is basing Magneto/Eric off of 1960's Bond roles that Sean Connery portrayed. Magneto will be the anti-hero of the film and the story will revolve around him.

Jennifer Lawrence is one of the best newcomers. Anyone who isn't familiar with her should watch "Winter's Bone." She is absolutely amazing in it and deserves all the recognition that she is getting in the award ceremonies. I can't wait to see her portrayal of young Mystique.

Emma Frost is probably one of my favorite characters and initially I was a bit skeptical when they cast January Jones. I love Mad Men and she is stunning but at times I don't particularly like her acting. Hopefully she will improve and do Emma justice. Less Betty Draper and more femme fatale.

Nicholas Hoult is another great find, he was great in "A Single Man."

On the whole I am pretty satisfied with the cast, especially Fassbender.

Should be an interesting movie to say the least.
Josh Schwartz -Gossip Girl creator- wrote the script.
Producers are the same as previous films and Wolverine.
Matthew Vaughn is directing. I like his previous films like Kick-***, Stardust and Layer Cake.

It's actually Jane Goldman who wrote the script, and I think only one producer had worked on the previous X-Men films.
^can´t waaait!!! love the uniforms!
Thanks, Psylocke. Excellent nick btw, she´s one of my favorites :smile:
Out of all the action movies coming out this summer this is the one I am most excited for. Looks good, can't wait :smile:
:bounce::bounce::bounce: OH. MY. GOD! I am so excited right now. Glad to see other people on TFS are X-Men fans. I can't wait to see the film- in part because of Nicholas Hoult, James McAvoy, Lucas Till (what? He's goodlooking!), Kevin Bacon (!!!!), and Jennifer Lawrence just to name a few. The film has such a strong cast so I hope it lives up to my expectations. :D
I went to see it today. Superheroe movie for grown-ups B)

-The great performances bring that quality to the film, not much of a "teen" movie like the other XMen movies. The only weak performances -imo- were Zoe Kravitz and January Jones´.
-Great 60´s vibe but not very obvious.
-I hope this is Michael Fassbender´s big break, I want him to be a superstar now! :wub:
-Nice surprise cameos from Hugh Jackman and Rebecca Romijn :woot:
-Did anyone spot Stan Lee? I didn´t :(
-One would think than in this day and age they´d google Villa Gesell (the city where the nazis are hiding in Argentina :rolleyes:)... it´s a beach city, no snowy mountains nearby :lol:

I´m too excited so probably I´m forgetting to comment a lot ^_^
Go see it asap, it´s really great!
OMG :woot::woot:hopefully i'll see this this weekend!!
to me it looks better than any other x-men movies!! IMO

anyways i comeback to share how i feel after i see it!:wink:
I had 100% decided I wasn't going to see it, because the trailers and posters were so bad.
But now, it's getting such great reviews. I really want to see it.

I'm a big X-Men fan (I own all the movies), so this one better not let me down.
I just wish I didn't have to study for an exam this weekend or I would go tomorrow. :(

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