sure thing! i'll do the judgment
INTRODUCTION: As we know, fashion is all about evolution. Lagerfeld compares it to Kafka's metamorphose, Ghesquiere uses original fabrics from the Cristobal Balenciaga era, we see more and more vintage on the red carpets... So there is a juxtaposition between the new, trendy, ever-changing, and the classic, iconic, timeless. You must evolve, but you cant forget about your past, what you've done, where you come from...
THE CHALLENGE IS: to take this old (classic) Burberry('s) trench coat and retransform it into something NEW!
THINGS TO HAVE IN MIND: the main fabric/material you will use has to be from the trench coat. You have only ONE coat, so you wont be able to make something too big out of it. You dont have to use all the fabric, so if you think that the evolution is all about turning this trench into a tiny headband, you are entitled to do so.
I dont wanna give you too many hints about what this could be transformed into... i have A LOT of things in mind, so please be creative and the effort will be rewarded. think of ANY piece of garment.
Last but not least: it is important that we can see that the similarity is not just a matter of colour. think of what elements will you add (buttons, stripes, you can also use the inside (which, i can tell you, is of course checkered)
and that is it!! i hope you'll like the challenge! (if you have another one in mind, please tell us and we can always leave this to another occasion)
DEFLYRICIST2006 --> we owe you one challenge!