True Blood

OMG F*%#&$@ HELL THAT WAS AMAZING. Way better than last seasons.

I'm starting to think Bill and Eric should just get over it and bone each other.

Jessica and Jason are the hottest couple on the show. Screw Hoyt.

So many questions for next year - I can't believe Russell escaped. WTF was that ET stuff with Andy and the new fairy. Why has Noel from Felicity turned up (Scott Foley looking quite hot) and of course Tara - will she won't she make it..

I have no words...I'm in shock! That was worth all the crappy episodes!
Oh my goodness :shock: we have to wait until next summer to see the next one..........

I don't care what anyone says, it's the best show on TV.

p.s. Eric wins everytime.... Bill and him are the perfect match :blush:
good finale, I like all the new plots raised for next season, especially everything around Jason.
The Eric Bill Sookie triangle is really stupid, and Eric has not regained his proper personality. Eric and Bill should be hating each other, and it was better before Eric was Sookie's lapdog. Now they're both pathetic.
Interview with ''Tara'' Rutina Wesley on the final -

True Blood fans are still reeling from last night’s epic and bloody season finale. SPOILER ALERT! We saw the returns of Grands (Lois Smith) and Rene (Michael Raymond-James), as well as possibly the resurrection of Russell (Denis O’Hare). But the most disturbing twists were Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis) stabbing Jesus (Kevin Alejandro), and Tara (Rutina Wesley) getting shot in the head by Debbie Pelt (Britt Morgan). EW talked to Wesley about the finale and whether or not Tara survived the gunshot wound.

What did you think when you read the season finale script?

Well I mean, I knew ahead of time that it was coming. It’s always a scary place as an actor to go there. I don’t know what their plans are for next season. I know that Alan has said there are “big plans,” but I don’t know what that really means, and things can always change. I’m not for sure, but I trust him completely. At the end of the day, it’s hard to see how I’m coming back, seeing as half of my head was just blown off. I don’t know. They may figure something out. I mean it’s True Blood. There’s always flashbacks. There’s phantasms. There’s all this crazy stuff. It’s very possible. But I’m excited either way. If it does all end, I’ve had the most amazing time of my life. It’s really great.

In your mind, is Tara dead?

Well I mean half my head is missing. I’m just gonna keep saying that. You know, it’s True Blood. I feel like anything is possible. If anything, it is the golden hour though. If she is able to be saved, it’s like she’s got 20 seconds. It’s not a lot of time. I’m curious to see what they’re going to do with all of it. I hope I’m back. But again half my head is missing [laughs].

Maybe Tara will just wear a lot of hats?

Yeah I mean yeah she can wear a lot of hats. Put some gauze on it. But people are going crazy! [Laughs]

It was crazy! Are people approaching you?

Well my phone has been blowing up. I talked to Nelsan and his phone was blowing up. He was like, “People are about to start a riot over you.” I think that’s so sweet to know that people out there are really upset and some people are like, “I’m not watching the show anymore!” I’m like, C’mon guys. But it’s not over. It ain’t over til the fat lady sings. I’m just gonna take it one day at a time. As I said, I haven’t seen any scripts from next season, but I know that I’m involved — I just don’t know in what way.

Are you signed on for a season 5?

Yeah. It’s out there that Alan has already said that he has big plans for Tara. But things change. I don’t know exactly what they have in store for me and how long that will be. It’s tricky. And if I did know, I’m just not going to say. [Laughs] But again — half the head is missing. The cool part is people are talking. And that’s the question is: Is she dead or is she not? Because people can survive head wounds. But we have people on the show that can make things happen — you know what I mean? I don’t know what’s going to happen the first episode of next season. I’m just as excited and curious you are. I hope it’s good. I hope I stick around for a while. That would be nice. [Laughs]

Was it emotional shooting that scene on the kitchen floor?

It was emotional. I think we all went out afterwards — me, Britt and Anna — just to sort of have a little celebration. But it was very very emotional. I don’t think there was a dry eye when we shot that scene. It’s very clear the relationship when Tara goes, “I would die for you.” Basically, I would take a bullet for you. That’s not necessarily a best friend — she’s like my sister. I think it was so amazing to see that. To see her walk in and go, “Oh, uh-uh.” That goes to show you how much love Tara has. Anna in that moment I think played it so beautifully, and it was hard for me because I was like, “Okay, play dead. Play dead.”

For more on
True Blood‘s finale as well as a preview of what’s in store for season 5, pick up the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly on stands Friday, Sept. 16.
I wonder where the show´s going, they´ve killed pretty much all the book´s storylines.
-Reverend Newlin a vamp? that could be interesting.
-I doubt Tara will die, but who´s gonna save her? Bill or Eric? will she be attracted to whoever saves her? like Jason was to Jessica?

it was a good ending :)
Great finale! Reverend Newlin as a vampire is so cool! Loved the dirty look he gave Jason!
I used to hate Tara but now I´m kinda sad for her....

I wonder who is the new guy...Terry´s old Pal... well we´ll have to wait...
Can I just say that Pam's rant about how everyone is crazy about 'Sookie's precious fairy v*gina & incredibly stupid name' might just be the best scene in whole series. :lol:
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^^I loved that scene and I love Pam. She´s one of the more consistent characters in TrueBlood, if not the most. She is always Pam, and it hurted me a lot see her so disapointed and angry. She´s always been loyal and true to Eric..... Loved Erica dressed as Little Red Riding Hood. She´s hawt!
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i was soooooooooo upset by the ending, but in a good way. I never expected that to happen. After reading the interview i wonder what will happen next season. and is Terry gay?
I do think they should keep Tara's a bit of a cop out to bring her back. Vampire Diaries keeps doing that with Jeremy, which is fine, as long as you actually do something interesting with the character.
Finally saw the Finale and it was great. Although, I'm really upset about what happened to Nan Flanagan.
I really liked her character. But I'm uber excited that Russell Edgington is probably back!! :clap:

Next season, they seriously need to toughen Sookie back up. I'm sick of this little crybaby she's turned into.
And for bookreaders, I really hope they bring Quinn into the picture.
It's time for her to have a relationship with
a non-vampire.
^maybe they´ll replace Quinn with Alcide, at least the finale hinted at something happening between him and Sookie...

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