True Blood

I do sort of wish they didn't do the Sookie/Eric storyline because it just didn't have the same impact I thought it would. Perhaps, it's because Anna has way better chemistry with Stephen and it shows when she has love scenes with other men on the show.
Sookie was hot as hell in the red dress/lingerie. I didn't like Marnie/Antonia since the very first episode. The spirit woman story finished quite quickly and I was waiting something-like finding the man who killed her. Jason and Jess-yeah, well, we knew it would happen. I missed Pam in this episode, and I am getting tired of Eric's puppy-like behaviour. Bill is growing on me, maybe Eric will do the same once his memory is back. Still, only three episodes.... :(
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last weeks episode was quite stupid, and i thought that dream and the ghost scene were quite pointless and just a plot to kill time
^I agree. It was lame. Nothing really packed a punch.
They've got way too many storylines going on this season instead of just one consistent focus point.
Hey can anyone post up a link for EP.9?One that will work seamlessly, and not to have to buffer all the time? TIA
Eric and Sookie have no chemistry whatsoever. And no more Mills and Boon sex scenes, this is True Blood, not Twilight. *shudders*. And please bring back old Eric, this man-child thing is annoying, they ruined his character this season.

Bill on the other hand is on a high, I'm quite liking this season, but for the Sookie/Eric storyline, I thought the last episode was really fun.
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I just can't wait for her to get with REAL Eric...hopefully that happens.
It seems like they're trying to put her back with Bill, which I'm not a fan of.
Last night's episode was so meh. I found myself flipping between it and the MTV awards, and that's just not a good sign. Because typically, as True Blood and the VMAs or the MTV Movie awards are on at the same time at one point, I usually forsake the movie awards in favor of TB. I mean, Tommy's death?:rolleyes: (Good riddance, btw). And the total switcheroo of Marnie/Antonia's characters? I mean where the heck did THAT come from?:blink:
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^I saw it coming i mean i dont think Marni would have ever summoned Anotonia unless she really wanted to do some damage i was sick of her playing innocent and the victim i cannot wait to see what happens this week
Stealth vampires look hot! but boy was that a cheesy scene or what? LOL

Each passing week I´m thanking more and more for the books, I can´t understand why they´d deviate so much for them and make an inferior product... I mean, it´s not like the books are brilliant but the show is getting worse and worse imo. They ditched the fairy Godmother, Jason as a were panther, they wasted Eric´s storyline, Sookie´s story with Barry the Bellboy is never gonna happen... if I were an HBO subscriber I´ll be thinking twice about it... the only deserving show now is GoT.
The last episode was sort of meh... The Sookie/Bill/Eric is kinda schizophrenic, she loves one, then the other, then both...well...Alcide is quite moronic sometimes....the ending was sort of redeeming. Let´s hope they end the season decently...
^ episode will be 04x11 and the season finale (04x12) will air on September 11th...less than 2 weeks from now :/
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