Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
Post the video ahhaLike a lot the early 90s work of Meisel (the Joe McKenna period). Is interesting to pick that particular era of him. Since the makeover madness issue he was related more with the polemics editorials than his entire work, but before that, he was bigger than insta bloggers or fashion media must think. There's a video on youtube from that time with Franca, Anna, Veronica Webb, Carla Bruni and McKenna talking about him as the best photographer of that moment (in times were Lindbergh, Avedon, Penn, Newton and Ritts were pretty active). It happend years ago with Jonathan Anderson using his late 90s/early 2000s eds from both Vogues, and any period is so different and exciting. That was my feeling the day I discovered his VI covers. Couldn't believe all those covers were made by the same person.
Post the video ahha
That cover already looks like it's 'been through the wars'. It looks like crinkled purple wrapping paper, rather than a high-gloss cover.