US GQ June/July 2020 : Robert Pattinson by Robert Pattinson

he ruined his great hair on purpose, didn´t he? :lol:
“I don’t really see the point in washing your hair” indeed.
Well, I suppose it's authentic in that he certainly looks like someone who hasn't seen daylight in weeks. Skin, hair, overall sloppiness. And they've certainly retouched this cover to remove his crow's feet and forehead lines!

I suspect Dior is behind this. He's probably wearing pre-fall on this cover....
Horrible. Everything. Talking about that design... Esquire did it better a decade ago.
Robert Pattinson: A Dispatch From Isolation

imo the cover image is not the best of the set... I wonder how much direction was there, did he style himself? like they sent the clothes and say this goes with that but he ultimately chose? eg the pic with the scarfs...
Get the f *(l< out of here with that!
Quarantine does not excuse laziness and mediocrity. We should be celebrating the lesser known talents instead of just pushing through trash by better known names.
Very confused as to why on TFS people are allowed to fawn over males as sex objects. Why is this allowed when if any comments were made about other genders in this way there would be outrage. Always the same every time there is a "hot" guy editorial. Find it quite cheap tbh.
This just about makes my skin crawl. And it definitely makes me want to hop in the shower.
This has to be the worst cover and editorial produced during this period. It’s truly awful.

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