US Vogue December 2005 : Kiera Knightley by Annie Leibovitz

Keira or no Keira, loved the Dorothy editorial. Just when the arrogance of US Vogue really starts to get to me, they do something like this ... :p
here's my review:

new ads:
4 pg foldout tom ford for estee lauder youth dew amber nude w/ carolyn murphy
2 pg dior w/ ?
2 pg prada w/ vlada
2 pg neiman marcus w/ tiiu?
2 pg victoria's secret w/ gisele
gap supplement

eds (all the eds are posted except the accessories one):
"the wizard of oz" - 20 pgs
"glamorama" - 12 pgs
"casting a spell" - 5 pgs of ziyi
"night flight" - accessories

"the new gucci" - article on frida giannini
"rise to the occasion" - article about platform shoes
"the young americans" - new designers: rodarte, michon schur, jenni kayne
"whose jeans?" - as four, imitation of christ, alexandre herchcovitch, undercover's new jeans lines
"the simple life" - tevrow & chase's new line of basics
"body language" - 6 artists interpret the nude
"the ice queen cometh" - tilda swinton in the lion, witch, wardrobe

please forgive me if this sucks, it's my first one. if there's anything else i can tell you, let me know.
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thanks for the review peacelover! :flower:

i believe riley keough (elvis' granddaughter) is in the dior ads...
this was a pretty good issue... compared to the previous ones.

loved the laundromat editorial :heart: ^_^
"glamourama" ed by steven meisel with gemma, lily donaldson & caroline from






the memoirs of a geisha pix look great but theres somethin abt the keira ed that am not feelin alot. the glamourama ed is also nice
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i want to see 'tom ford for estee lauder youth dew amber nude w/ carolyn murphy' ad, please post-scan for me here, thanks
I love the glamourama editorial - the perfection of the girls becomes more pronounced - and more interesting - with this bizarrely mundane setting. All the shots are wonderful - but my personal faves are no. 7 and 11 in Kimairs post. Also, the 12th pic - those legs really are some of the best I've ever seen - the dress is perfect and the pose even more so.:flower:
aah I love that Glamourama ed! :woot: def going to buy this, good job.
Here are clearer scans of the "Memoirs of A Geisha" editorial and also the article. (

Don't they just look gorgeous??? :flower:
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the memoirs of a geisha photos are amazing, I bought the issue just for those photos! Hate the Keira Knightly Wizard of Oz story though...ugh :sick:. She just looks so awkward as Dorothy. Though I loved all the different red shoes.

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