Valentino F/W 2016.17 : Jamie, Julia, Karen & Katlin by Steven Meisel

Oh my god they went for it. Not many ads I want to stay for, but this is one.

Junkie comparison, but maybe a little bit of McQueen?

This is really good, and judging by the casting this could be by Meisel. Reminded me this:

YES! I immediately thought of "Theatre of Fashion", by far one of my favorite Meisel stories.

This already my favorite ad of the season. Fantastic! :heart:
^^ Yes! "They Shoot Horses, Don't They?" along with that McQueen show (Karen dancing still gives me chills) came to mind right away, maybe that's why I like this so much.
I wonder if they've shot it all together or Adobe Photoshop helped it a lot.
Looks like some old Alberta Ferretti campaigns shot by Meisel (especially the one with Hanne Gaby and Kasia, I dont remeber the season).
I'm also happy about the cast. Finaly, no inexperienced newbies (yet), just the stars:wub:
This is one of the best campaigns I have seen in a very very long time from any brand. They may not be able to do much at Valentino I find exciting but they know how to execute some wonderful campaigns. I love the mood, the movement, composition, colors, and most of the cast. Julia needs to be cropped out because her face is all struggle in this shot, she looks peasantry comapred to the other girls.
Such a random assortment of faces. Did they throw darts on the board when picking the cast?

It's ok. I don't hate it, but don't particularly love it either. Valentino is always boring to me nowdays.
:heart: Let's bring Fashion back !

The composition is exceptional, the casting is fantastic, the clothes are perfectly showcased without being in your face, there's a narrrative , the photography & art direction are flawless... This is simply beyond. Meisel at his best and the girls are really killing it too. Jamie especially is amazing here.

Can't wait to see the full set but this the best ad of the season for me too and by far.
I love the cast a the campaign ! ( Julia is really ...everywhere but i like it. )
This is so amazing. Only Meisel can do something as magical as this :heart:
I appreciate the effort, but this actually leaves me cold. It looks too much like a Fringe production, which I'm normally mad about. But this is one of those cases where the artistry overwhelms the fashion. I look at the image and I don't regard the dresses at all because it's more costume-like. You'd never think they were sent down a runway! Are women supposed to yearn after the rag which Julia Nobis is wearing?

Ultimately this take is not very different from Pudelka's two campaigns for the brand. Indeed, the latter's first one easily top this. I must give props to Maria and Pierpaolo though, they're certainly crafty enough to let rich and evocative campaigns carry their terribly tepid collections. Guess you CAN make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
^I agree with Benn, it doesn't move me at all, it's more theatre/ballet than fashion clothing.
I like the ad but the photo is more a editorial, i think i see this before of Steven Meisel, he copy himself , no have new ideas??
It reminds me old eds from VI like Theater of Fashion (1998). I love this Valentino campaign, he should shoot for Dolce, like the good old days.
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Yes! I don't think Julia's an ideal fit for this type of imagery though...leave her to stoicism. Valentino ads are one of the few I wait for each season; and for good reason it would seem.
i hope that the other shots are different and they do a variety again, then it could be an awesome campaign :)

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