Vanessa Traina

Sally Singer's hires @ T: Danielle Steel daughter Vanessa Traina join as freelance fash editors

how exciting for her...
^^ Sounds exiting, good for Vanessa! Now perhaps we will get to see more of her amazing outfits more frequently.
Trainas back in 2003 I just posted it in Samantha's thread, so I thought I'd share it here too


Her Interview :

Exclusive interview with Vanessa Traina, elegant romance

From timeless elegance with breathtaking Vanessa Traina was the ideal model to embody the new dressing Camel of reentry. It is in these luxurious and discreet color that arises in the fashion pages of The Official September under the lens racy Ami Sioux. Meeting.

Daughter of writer Danielle Steel is following a long line romance. Descent of the founders of Löwenbräu by his maternal grandfather and the daughter of a Portuguese diplomat (Norma Reis Câmara Stone) by his grandmother, Vanessa Traina has a European culture rare for an American. Her mother is not the largest producer of best-sellers in the world. Raised to the French School of New York, she made her classes at the Parsons School and New York University before marrying the banker Lazarus (Claude-Eric) in 1968, barely 18 years. Three husbands later, Vanessa's father, John Traina was a famous football player before becoming a wine merchant. This marriage did not do that to become one of the most prolific novelist of his time. Vanessa has had to cope with his three sisters and his brother Maxx, in addition to some elders, born of previous marriages of both parents. In all, eight children were reared by the couple. Imagine a family vacation ...

Within the framework of neoclassical Montparnasse district conducted in 1985 by Catalan architect Ricardo Bofill Vanessa Traina asked for L'Officiel in soft beige and camel colors of winter. A rare luxury and discreet image of the season and his natural elegance.

The Official: How did the photo shoot for The Official?

Vanessa Traina: I think originally this shoot was designed in line with what I did for last season Maje, so backstage, but it has evolved into a true history of fall fashion, the that I liked.

L'O : What attracted you still in fashion?

V. T. I love creativity in all aspects of fashion, style design, through photography, art direction. Everything is driven by these forces creative talent. It's very inspiring. I studied art at university and I plan to fashion as an extension of the art world that has always fascinated me.

L'O : How would you define your style today and in general?

V. T. Today as every day is a style rather androgynous. It is always a mixture of male and female parts and things definitely comfortable to wear.

L'O : How would you describe yourself? Mannequin? Stylist? Woman of the world? Globe trotter?

V. T. My role today is rather stylist, but I really enjoy to do the dummy, if the right job for me. However, I consider myself more as a designer.

L'O : What is your main character trait?

V. T. : Honesty.

L'O : What is your best memory of fashion?

V. T. : Having been in the last Haute Couture Yves Saint Laurent with my mother.

L'O : And the worst?

V. T. : As children, my mother forced us to share our clothes with my sister. We hated it!

L'O : What is the height of luxury for you?

V. T. : A very fine house.

L'O : And your greatest extravagance?

V. T. : Being able to travel to amazing destinations with my family.

L'O : What do you do when you're in Paris? Where have you been?

V. T. : In general, I am to work a lot, but if I have time for shopping, I go walking in the Palais Royal. I love Rick Owens, the small vintage shops, Margiela is right next door. I also love to go Alaia because we find it more difficult for the United States. And the flea markets of Paris are incredible for clothing as well as for the decorative. When I dined with friends, I go home and Ferdi Julien. Otherwise my favorite sushi restaurants in Paris are also Hanawa and Kai.

L'O. How do you see yourself in 20 years?

V. T. : I hope that I could always be in fashion, to styling for magazines and designers.

Interview by Patrick Cabasset.
She looked amazing and like a real pro. I admit that she was one of the main reasons for which I wanted to watch the show live.

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