Vanity Fair April 2005: Eastern Euro Supermodels

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I think its amusing.
nati has obviously reached a higher level than kk ever did.
dont listen to me, listen to vogue & vanity fair. :woot:
more quotes & info soon.
I cant believe anyone even cares enough about KK to try to claim she is anywhere near nativ. never was , is not now.
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lady grey said:
I think its amusing.
defending KK is a losing proposition.
nati has obviously reached a higher level than kk ever did.
dont listen to me, listen to vogue & vanity fair. :woot:
more quotes & info soon.
I cant believe anyone even cares enough about KK to try to claim she is anywhere near nativ. never was , is not now.


what part of your brain is not functioning correctly? i don't care about natalia. DON'T CARE. don't care. get it?? she doesn't even need to get brought up. she's a great model, very successful. maybe she'll get every vogue cover for the next 16 years, WHATEVER. it doesn't matter to me. i'm not comparing KK to natalia. AT. ALL.

i just want you to list these great runway shows that KK didn't do, that were better than the hundreds that she has done. that's all.
be happy


I have lots of quotes & info coming up on both nati & KK.
the topic is the vanity fair story, and peretz makes it clear that nati is the #1 girl. as vogue said 2 years ago. no one ever called KK the #1 anything.
this topic is the vanity fair story. peretz compares the girls & nati is #1.

we're exchanging opinions & facts. enjoy it!
enjoy the vf pictures, and I'll have further quotes & info along this topic of these 9 girls & espec nati & KK soon.
the topic is vf & nati is #1 kk is #3 and falling.
its a fine article with pretty photos.


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Writers are biased remember, everything you read has to be taken with a grain of salt. Just like how you cant believe everything you read in star magazine :rolleyes:
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to everyone who is hating on kk: you're just doing it because all of you KNOW that karolina really is the bigger model on that listing... i mean, natalia has only really done ck the last couple of years, and as big as that contract is, its not nearly the exposure (or money) karolina has been racking up since even before natalia became a top name... the girl's editorial, runway and advertorial lists (not to mention work abroad, and balance between high and commercial fashion) are nothing if not pristine and very, very long
lady grey said:
look at the picture & read the article. euguenia is shown and described before hana. - #4. the photo on the opebning 2-pager illustrates the article.
peretz makes several guesses but she actually says that marija is the next to join nati & carmen & I agree.

I'm pretty sure Hana is listed way ahead of Eugenia in the writing. Hana is right after Karolina. And Eugenia is second to last. Read the article on page 267.

lady grey said:
your perception that KK is the most famous is incorrect.
natalia is so much more successful than kk its no comparison.
KK at best had a few average campaigns like kors & TH.
nati in 2-3 years has made more money & gotten tons better edits than kk ever did.
for some reason the general public has some idea that KK is some superstar girl but its all hype like that BS VHI award that anna wintour gave her. and if KK is so great why is her career winding down at '21' as that article says?
valentina is 22 and shes MUCH hotter than kk now.

First off, who is recognized on the streets? Who has more publicity? Who gets invited to more parties, award shows, and talk-shows? Oh yeah, Karolina :innocent:

Haha you think that's all the campaigns she did? Read the thread, some posts proved this wrong.

Um sorry, but last time I checked Nat had L'oreal and CK contracts. Karolina has had VS for years now, not to mention that she has logged more campaigns and runway shows than Nat ever did. I mean her Express campaign probably paid HUGE amounts of money.

And if you read the article, which it now seems like you haven't, you would read these words from Karolina "Now it's time to start another life", For her, that means picking up where she left off in high school...

lady grey said:
valentina, martija & poly are MUCH hotter than kk is now & i wld say ever.
read this entire thread- natis ck ads & valentina's RL ads are so far above any ad or money that kk ever made its a joke. kors & tommy? thats the best kk can do? yuck.
kk is by no means the model you are claiming. shes an anna wintour hype that only -half-succeeded. if you want to get behind wintour proteges look at natalia & maybe daria if she can keep it together for another year or 2.

She only-half succeeded. Considering she is probably the only working model recognized in conjunction with Gisele and Kate. I think that is say something.

Do you honestly not know how much money all of Karolina's campaigns have paid? They may have been commercial, but commercial pays a lot of money...

lady grey said:
both us vogue [2 years ago] and vanity fair [this month] called nati "the #1 girl of the moment. "
putting aside for the moment conde nast's self-serving bias & agenda there,
Was KK EVER called "the #1" anything except on that fake VHI 'awards' show?
sorry, KK NEVER reached the level that nati is at now [and has been on & off for 2 years].

KK never reached nati's level & that's that. period.

you have an unrealistic idea of where you think KK cimbed. period.

Funny that you say that Vogue called her the top model TWO YEARS AGO. Things change season to season, and that's been two years ago. Does she do any runway besides Calvin or any campaigns besides his or L'oreal. NO.

Haha funny that you also call it a Fake award show on VH1 but yet you don't give Carmen crap, and she won that award as well.

And when she received that award, she was the hottest thing on the runway.

lady grey said:
happy canadian you dont sound too happy!
cant you have a discussion without getting crazy? :woot:
I have lots of quotes & info coming up on both nati & KK.
the topic is the vanity fair story, and peretz makes it clear that nati is the #1 girl. as vogue said 2 years ago. no one ever called KK the #1 anything.
why do you have to defend her so much? she loses in any comparison to nati past & present.
this topic is the vanity fair story. peretz compares the girls & nati is #1.
why does this comparison disturb you so?
why is kk so important to you?
do you have an alternate agenda? I cant understand your outsized passion!
we're exchanging opinions & facts. enjoy it!
enjoy the vf pictures, and I'll have further quotes & info along this topic of these 9 girls & espec nati & KK soon.
the topic is vf & nati is #1 kk is #3 and falling.
its a fine article with pretty photos.
stay cool :flower:

Like you don't sound psychotic enough yourself? Take a look at yourself hun.

Really if you want to look at the facts, KK does look better in comparison. Take their exposure, amount of runway shows, number of campaigns, amount of money paid, and publicity; compare them. I think KK has made more money, did more runway, more campaigns, and definitely walked out more famous.
Why is becoming more commercialized looked down on by alot of people, sorta like "selling out".......but really, isnt that a model, an actor, or a band's job and goal, to have maximum exposure and be really sucessful? I just dont get that kind of criticism.
Yes, esmerelda, I think to a degree that is probably correct. I would guess it's all about striking a balance though. Evrything in moderation you know. I think if you think about it, it's like an actor doing too many cheesy comedies/typical "romance movies , when they could really challenge themselves by doing some indie type off the wall role. In the modeling world, too much commercial work could easily be seen as the equivalent as too many cheesy comedies/romance movies, imo. But I think the cosmetics ads/commercials are always good. :)
"NOBODY called KK a #1 girl...haha..." :lol:

Who gives a D**N what they say in US Vogue or Vanity Fair??!! Do they decide who is the best...:huh:

Why are YOU soo against KK?? Any NORMAL reason??

I love both of the girls...both veeery succesful and pretty:flower: BOTH "#1" to me...

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No need to fight over who is the top model, just be glad they got a cover and a great long article. They're all beautiful, hard-working women/girls.;)
Edited by AndoraStar
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scblonndie said:
No need to fight over who is the top model, just be glad they got a cover and a great long article. They're all beautiful, hard-working women/girls.;)

Well said:flower:
vf page 226-227, thats it-

look at the opening 2 pages of the vanity fair piece. pg 226-227. starting with natalia on the left, ending with inguna on the right.
that picture depicts the PECKING ORDER of the girls as described in the article.
if you have eyes you can see that natalia is #1 and eugenia is #4. hana #5. can you see with your eyes? :woot:
if kk was as successful as all you claim, she would be #1.
she's not,. its natalia. case closed.
kk never had ANY campaign as lucrative as nati's CK or loreal, nor as valentina's ralph.
Im glad you like KK.
she has never been called the #1 model by any media source.
vogue called nati the # 1 girl 2 years ago.
vanity fair called nati the # 1 girl last xmas & now. =
the #1 girl for 2-3 years. not gisele. not kk. not carmen.
Nativodi. :flower:
its not my opinion, its conde nast /vanity fair/anna wintour.
take it up with them.
I will quote further from the article shortly.
congratulations on preferring kk to nati.
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LMAO. *exasperated* okay, how can you literally just not even acknowledge my posts? i DON'T CARE about natalia. it was never a competition between the two of them for me. NEVER. they exist independently of each other, i don't think they need to be competing. i was only trying to enlighten you that Karolina has ALSO been extremely successful. do you understand what i mean?? EDITED
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