Vanity Fair May 2015 : Sofia Vergara by Annie Leibovitz

Super HAPPY for Sofia!! The cover looks stunning and i love the NARURAL looking parts!! :clap:

Will deff. Be getting this issue
Such a bombshell! she looks great imo :D
Gotta say, kudos to VF for keeping her on the natural side of photoshop. Keeping skin folds and wrinkles that are natural. How jaded is fashion that these normal things are out of place when they´re not photoshoped out?
On the cover, she looks like Jessica Rabbit. The preview is very bad.
Love the fact that VF chose her for the cover. She's beautiful inside and out, and super proud of the fact she's Latina. I remember seeing her on Univision when I was younger, and now she's on the cover of a major US magazine. ¡Bravo Sofía, eres un orgullo latino!
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The first thing I thought of when I looked at the HD cover is how happy I was that they DIDN'T correct the little "imperfections" around her mouth, eyes, arms, etc. To the untrained eye (i.e. my eyes) it looks like they didn't use ANY photoshop. Kudos to VF and to Sofia. I lost interest in Modern Family after the first season (not for any particular reason, just felt it wasn't that interesting anymore) so I haven't really kept up on her. She's gorgeous, successful, seems very smart and very funny. I'm excited to get my issue and read the article.
Big kudos to Vanity Fair and/or Leibovitz here for not photoshopping normal things like pores and creases that even children have. However on the inside photo, is her arm (the one covered by her hair) elongated via photoshop?
I LOVE how natural (for today´s fashion standars) her spread is, specially cause Leibovitz always ruins her pics with too much photoshop imo. Check out the animal print swimsuit pic, you can see cellulite! it´s very refreshing :)
I wonder, did Sofia ask for a more natural result? or did the mag decide this because she´s a bombshell? if she had a different body type, would they still keep it this natural?

Sofia Vergara by Annie Leibovitz
^ I actually do wonder if this was a mistake, and could they forget to airbrush her into oblivion? Just for the fact its Annie, i mean she is the Queen of airbrush. Even in the bathtub photo, you can almost see her nipple through the foam. I love seeing women look "real" like this though!

PS: This issue is so thin, it might as well be January!
OH I LOVE that they haven't over photoshopped her. she looks Gorgeous AND Natural. bravo Leibovitz.
Should have been on the shape issue of Vogue -_-
She looks so stunning here! Agree with everyone else about the lack of photoshop, hopefully it's not a one time thing, and other magazines follow suit.
I think the minimal retouching Improves the photo!
Sofia is beautiful.
However the retouch on her lips is simply inexcusable!
If they wanted that effect, they easily could instruct the damn make-up artist to do that during the shoot!
Really amateur results we get from Leibovitz continually;
and at this level?! Makes me hate her work.
Small imperfections only serve to make a gorgeous woman look even more glorious, because it reminds us that her beauty is real.

For me, it's one of the best covers of the year so far, although these days, that's not saying much.
LOVED her interview, easily one of the best covers in a long while!
^ It truly was refreshing to read an interview that is not pretentious, and the subject doesn't try to be something they are not, it was a fun piece.

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