Victoria Beckham (November 2003 - January 2009)

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I think that daily style should be a combination between your fashion sense and what's comfortable!
Most fashionistas show their style and at the same time, their outfits, look comfortable and weather appropriate....Why can't Victoria do it too?!
Even wearing raincoats i don't think she gets there!
I think that daily style should be a combination between your fashion sense and what's comfortable!
Most fashionistas show their style and at the same time, their outfits, look comfortable and weather appropriate....Why can't Victoria do it too?!
Even wearing raincoats i don't think she gets there!
She is comfortable in clothes you may find uncomfortable, as she has worn this type of high maintenance style for years now. I like that she actually does what she wants and is probably re-writing the rules back to a time in the past, remember when famous women for 95% of the time look flawless in public? Now a lot of female celebrities only look good on the red carpet or going to a nightclub.

Another member who has had an agenda against Victoria in literally every post you have written about her.
Last edited by a moderator: she used to!!!
I like her style but Juju is right, this is not the perfect outfit to go out with your kids!!!
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She is comfortable in clothes you may find uncomfortable, as she has worn this type of high maintenance style for years now. I like that she actually does what she wants and is probably re-writing the rules back to a time in the past, remember when famous women for 95% of the time look flawless in public? Now a lot of female celebrities only look good on the red carpet or going to a nightclub.

Another member who has had an agenda against Victoria in literally every post you have written about her.
What I mean is that Women in the 50's looked flawless and still I'm sure that they wore socks and long sleeves when tempretures were something like 0ºC and i meant it for daily style!
You do know that cold weather can kill, right?!
This same argument? Why can't everyone accept what works for one person might not for someone else?

How can anyone presume to tell someone what their level of comfort is? If she is cold, hot, or lukewarm, at then end of the day only Victoria would know that. If others choose to dress in a way that is most comfortable for them, go for it.

When people ask why, the answer is usually because she wants to.
This is a forum! I hope I can use the arguments I want whenever I want since I'm not trashing anyone!
If the purpose of a forum is to discuss, then let there be comments other than "she is perfect!" otherwise, there's no discussion and the forum looses it's purpose!
we must agree that she must put her jeans on again... specially for a walk in the park!!!
I miss her casual chic in jeans!
Nyni: Haha, that was exactly what I was about to write! I miss some casual looks on her!
We dont all share the idea of what comfortable is, so if she is not cold or feels great in heels more power to her i say.But taniquee i completly agree with what you said.

But thanks for the Hqs guys, shame they are alredy back in LA, wonder if she might pop up at some GG after parties. :shifty:
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Juju, just as you are free to say what you want, we are free to respond to it how we please. I'd have said the same thing about someone's style I didn't like. I can't tell anyone what makes them comfortable, just as no one can tell me. But, if you're definition of, "daily style" works for you, great. It would seem Vic's definition is working just fine for her.

I was thinking I've missed her in jeans. So, I agree, I'd like to see her rock some soon.

Fingers crossed, Miss B. that we see her at a party. Bring on tonight's fashion.
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I doubt she'll be at an LA party, she doesn't go out that much anyway and she wouldn't have much time to prepare after landing in LA today, but you never know.

Obviously being in Italy and Dubai these past few weeks she has wanted to up the style a bit given her surroundings. I am sure next time she is pictured in the daytime in LA she will be wearing a more casual dress or jeans.
May I just say WOW


VB for Armani

daily mail
^thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! I´ve been so curious how Armani ads will turn out, and oh my god, they`re fantastic.. I must admit, I wait a disappoitment, because her body..but wow!
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