Vogue Ukraine launching in 2013

Snejana won't be on the first cover. :( She gave an interview recently and said as much.
Would have been better with Snejana. Completely objectively speaking :lol:
Well, if the first cover is Daria W. it is understandable. it is not the last issue of VU, so Snej always has a chance to be on the cover.
Daria W. will be on the cover shot by Elena Yemchuk.

AHA, so the early rumor was right. TBH, I can't be too upset with that choice. Would have preferred Snejana, but Daria is literally the only other choice that is a ok in my book. Can't wait to see the result.
There are gossips that Masha Zukanova had many conflicts with Elena and she doesn't like the first cover. She seems very unpleased and upset with it.
^Very interesting and I wouldn't be surprised if it were true too. As much as I love the idea of using a Ukrianian photographer with an international name recognition for the first cover (and since Yelena is the only one, there's not much of a choice), I don't think Yelena is a good fit for it. At least from the work I've seen, her aesthetic doesn't seem like what I'd envision Vogue Ukraine to be. With that said, Masha seems pretty alternative herself, so it's somewhat curious that the two of them couldn't come eye to eye.

Hopefully they'll just scrap the original cover and put Snejana on it afterall. :p
Snejana won't be on the first cover. :( She gave an interview recently and said as much.

i'm so disappointed :cry: ..i don't know any reason why she wouldn't be on the cover?! i like daria but i don't consider her as an ukrainian girl at all, i mean she never lived in ukraine, isn't she?.does anybody know in ukraine who is daria werbowy besides of people interesting in fashion? :unsure: ..for the first issue i would prefer more someone who live and is well known in ukraine :doh:
^Snejana isn't that popular in Ukraine too. I mean people know her but she isn't a household name, we should be thankful for the fact they didn't put a singer on the cover.

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