What annoys you about your body?

The fact that my hips are not even. I have scoliosis and the weird spine development has thrown off my hour glass figure. On one side it's an hour glass shape and the other is like a boys shape. Very weird and i hate it.

What doesn't annoy me lol? Seriously thought, I would say my upper arms and lower stomach....can't get it flat enough!
my "butt".. haha in quotations because i dont have one!! i wish i had a little bit more junk in the trunk, lol
- Body hair.
- Shape of my boobs. Lots of people are bothered that their boobs are "too small", but I am bothered about the shape.
- Stretchmarks on my hips and inner thighs from when I turned into a woman. ¬_¬
- How my butt looks completely flat in jeans because they never fit properly.
- Annoying bit of fat just below the small of my back.
- These ugly dark bits of skin next to my ankles; they're like big dark patches of skin that go scaly when they're dry and it makes it look like I don't wash myself properly. I have no idea why they are there and I can't seem to get rid of them unless I scrub my own skin off.
- Stomach isn't toned enough.
I have alittle fuzz on my stomach..nothing waxing and tweezing can't fix..but I want it gone for god. And my lower back..meh.

I have big feet (9) for a 5'5'' petite girl lol. I live with 'em I guess but a size 7.5 or 8 would be nice

I have stretch marks but I just don't worry about them..we all got 'em :D
my lovehandles, am I the only woman who has that? Why do people associate that with men? and yeah body hair is a pain
i used to hate body hair.. but got it fixed with laser!! i love it:heart:

i hate my knees... full of scars and weird and ugly

my nose... im part lebanese.. but i think all together i look good haha:blush:

i hate the booblacking.... hahahah completely
Passion4Fashion said:
My butt. I wish I had a flat ***. It makes it so hard buying pants:( Does anyone have this problem?

Me. I have a bubble butt. Sticks out a lot and I always have to take in at least 4 inches on the waist of my pants and jeans.

Although I must tell you that most guys love a bubble butt on a girl! Especially my husband. :lol:
It could be better, if I was 2 inches taller, and had slimmer legs. Damn all that walking when i was a kid :lol:
Would we like a list?

- My hips sit funny (spine thing) and it's not that noticeable. Except to me.
-My Legs are a little to...big...
-I want a flatter stomach
-My skin is rather tempremental
-I'd like my boobs a bit perkier
-I'd like to be smaller overall...

Yeah I have body image issues...
My legs wich are too short and a little fat
My face especially my teeth.
My pale skin :mad:
love handles. Im only 17 and have huge ones, which is scary for the future.

and i have the hip thing,(along with bad posture) where one kinda sticks out. I didnt know there was a name for it though!
Hmm for me it's two things mostly. My skin, way too pale to tan. I do love having pale skin, but in the summer I scare people at the beach! *covers up*

Also it's my hourglass shape, which allows me to gain and loose weight fast-which can be good- but it's annoying, I'd like to stay one weight.

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