What annoys you about your body?

1) My height. I'm only 5'1''. I wish I were at leat 5'4''.

2) My feet. I'm a size 5 1/2- 6. I know people say small feet are cute, but to me they're not. Not when you find a totally hot pair of shoes and the only sizes left are sizes 7 or 8. :doh:

3) My nose! I hate it!!

Nonetheless, they're all growing on me, and I'm learning to accept every part of myself.
I have the noassatall syndrome unfortunately. Also, my lack of boobage definitely sucks! I want to be more curvy but yet thin at the same time.
I hate my stomach size.When i wear dresses the fat shows:( :angry: :sick: it makes me sick.
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If you cant change your body,love it!I hate my stomach size.When i wear dresses the fat shows:( :angry: :sick: it makes me sick.I can change my body but i dont want to be/look balemic. UGH!
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1. I wish I was taller. I'm only 5'6" but I would of course, love to be 5'10". No need for heels. Ever. :D

2. My inner thighs. I've lost fat from every other part of my body except for my inner thighs.

3. My skin. When I haven't been getting enough sleep, it shows in the form of acne. Even just a night of sufficient sleep will clear most of it up. It's really important. Unfortunately, I rarely get enough sleep.

4. My teeth. They're too small.

5. My nose. It's like...flat and short. Yeah.
This is an odd thread, but there are definately things I don't like about my body.
Being only a teenager, I hate to think of how my body will be when I am 40 (probably saggy and spotty from sun damage) so logically, I should appreciate my body, but...
1) I am too short! (This girl I used to babysit came to my house, and miraculously, she is taller than me and she's only 12!)
2) My calves are way too muscular (That's what years of dancing, then stopping will do to you. Being on the track team for long distance running has helped turn the fat volume straight to muscle, but it looks chunky.)
3) SOCK TAN (You would THINK it was easy enough to get rid of.)
4) My hips are weird, my thighs are fat, and my legs aren't long enough. (I am mad at how this annoys me, especially when I could technically have it a lot worse!)
5) T-shirt tans, and arm fat. (all that good stuff)

Do teenagers normally have THIS many issues with their bodies?
I don't even know if the media is such a big issue with me. My views on the acceptance of body types is majorly influenced by peers. I find that I always want to be better than my sister, and that's tough since she is 4 inches taller than me and noticeably skinnier.
xxjean said:
3) SOCK TAN (You would THINK it was easy enough to get rid of.)

OMG, I have a faded sock tan too! :shock: and.. it's only May.

I wish I was taller. (I'm only 5"5), my ideal height about be 5"8 - 5"10 :lol:
I wish my butt was just a little more toned. It's on it's way though. ;)
xxjean said:
Do teenagers normally have THIS many issues with their bodies?
I don't even know if the media is such a big issue with me. My views on the acceptance of body types is majorly influenced by peers. I find that I always want to be better than my sister, and that's tough since she is 4 inches taller than me and noticeably skinnier.

i think its normal.... you are still developing... and remember.. the older you get the hotter! (take as example our very famous desperate housewives:rolleyes: )

dont worry.. you'll grow all your imperfections out! :flower:
my nose (too big/pointy)
my boobs (weird shape)
my thighs (they're still too big, no matter how skinny I get and how much I work out. they're just naturally big.)
my calves (they're so gross)
...i just hate everything about my legs, period.
my eyes (I swear one looks bigger than the other sometimes)
my nails (after picking and biting them on and off all throughout my life, they're now premanently messed up. and they turn purple when i'm even the tiniest bit cold.)
my feet (size 6. they're ugly. especially my toes)
my skin (I have very pale, sensitive skin, so it gets irriated easily and turns red. and when i'm cold, it turns purple.)
my lips (TOO. SMALL. and i have a scar on my lip from when i was attacked by a dog at age seven, so it looks as if i have a premanent bee sting. it's not too noticable though unless you get up close, thankfully.)
my face shape (too round/baby face)
my teeth (not white enough)
and sometimes i'm annoyed about my height (5'1)
and the fact that i still look like i'm about 14 or something. :doh:

i'm annoyed by EVERYTHING, basically.
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I just wish to be longer...i am 1.65 and i wanna be 1.70
That's all...i am so happy bout my body parts;)
I hate my feet, I swear they are the ugliest things on the whole world!!
and my silly insistent belly, no matter how hard I work out, it is still a little chubby!
My ankles are a bit chubby...
I have one mole that I'd like to get removed.

That's about it.
The biggest thing for me is the skin on the back of my arms (and also on my thighs). I have keratosis pilaris (KP), which is a skin condition that looks like little red spots (not acne, not dry skin, it looks like chicken skin a bit).

It is even more noticible because I am fair-skinned (inspite of my Italian heritage--guess it's that one Lithuanian ancestor!!).

It is so embarassing. :( Even though the weather is getting nice, I don't want to wear short sleeves, much less sleeveless shirts. I don't know what to do about it.

Does anyone else have this problem? :cry:
My hips are too wide for my liking :( I'm a size 10 (UK size) on top or sometimes even an 8 when I use my food budget money on clothes, but on the bottom, I'm a solid 12, which makes me thighs fatter than I'd like them to be, especially when I'm only 5'2", and my not-so-skinny jeans lose their effect and I sometimes have problems buying dresses that cater to the need of both my top and bottom half :ermm:
Seriously, I see the need for a "what do you like about your body" thread for a little feel-good-about-yourself-boost :ermm: ..... I like my flat chest ...... seriously:shock: ...... I don't look sl*tty in anything:lol:
I hate my but and thighs... they are way untoned and looks unpropertenial (sorry cant spell tonight) to my figure. I have cellulite! I wish that I could go swimming or to the beach without board shorts but I look terible without them.

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