What annoys you about your body?

Hye Park Lover said:
Seriously, I see the need for a "what do you like about your body" thread for a little feel-good-about-yourself-boost :ermm: ..... I like my flat chest ...... seriously:shock: ...... I don't look sl*tty in anything:lol:

I actually like my small chest as well, and would actually like for it to be smaller idealy.

What bothers me about my body.. My weight in general, especially around the legs. My calves are also unproportional to my body and my feet are wiiiiide.
What do I hate about my body? Pretty much everything...well not everything but most of it. I have a really tiny upper half...like really tiny, and I'm really flat chested. However, my thighs are huge! Girls that weigh more than me and are bigger than me have smaller thighs than I do. It's just my big thighs though, the rest of my legs aren't fat, but I wish they were skinnier so they could be more in proportion to my upper body. I wish I had bigger boobs, and I wish I had a cuter butt. I also hate the fact that I have cellulite. The rest of my body's okay, but I pretty much hate it...
I think everybody in this thread is a little too pretentious, I mean not all people are able to look like a supermodel, but in our own way we are all beautiful, no matter how fat our stomach or how short our legs are!!!
^ and I've even begun to notice that all the model's legs don't look as long as I think they are without their killer heels on, especially during the spring/summer seasons, when a lot of them are walking down the runway in flats:shock:
when i gain weight, its all in my tummy, and i wish i had more bum..:blush:
my short hair (i want it long again)
my height (i wish i grew like another 5 inches... haha. i'm 5'2 now)
my thighs. gross.
my feet that are beat up from dancing since i was young.
hmmm. my ankles and my legs. they're fit and rather smooth and long. but i play soccer and i have like millions of bruises from falling. and being incredibly clumsy doesnt help either... :(

Then again, everyone has things they don't like about themselves physically. I mean you name it, at least someone will hate it.
at this moment my thighs and stomach bother me the most..
When I think about what I don't like, it's pretty much everything. But I think what really bothers me is that, i've got quite a small waist in comparison to the fat on my hips and thighs, added to my already short legs, makes all my clothes look bad. If i can change that lower part of my body, even if I didn't lose a lot of weight, things would look a lot better overall.
i absolutely hate my hipbones. they are wide... my torso is very small since the bone structure is small and all. i have like a lil girls torso but my hipbones are big.... hate it...... so out of proportion~
i guess im pear shaped? i miss those days before puberty when i was hipless~~~ ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
What annoys me about my body?

It's the same body I keep waking up inside every day, with more obvious frailties and small failures--no tumors yet! Just annoyed with it, so far! If I get too annoyed, I'll pitch a little fit. Ah, then blessed, calming homeostasis! Then it's dinnertime! Then the treadmill! Too hot, too cold, just right!

, but so necessary to have, especially for the ten long digits at the end of each brachium. Maintaining the girlishness is still this side of entertaining. Will rapidly become Annoying when the taut, hairless smoothness begins its rough, hairy, bumpy decline. Then the needles, lasers, and scalpels to iron it all out. Happy again!

I don't like my knees...but I need them....:ninja:
my upper arms seem fat to me. i know i'm just being stupid and over critical.
I really try not to focus on the negative. I would feel bad if I focused on silly little imperfections no one else notices, when there are so many people who have actual problems physically, such as illness. Instead, I try and focus on my positive attributes and play them up. There are so many other things to worry about, I choose to feel as good as I can about my looks. :)
mellowdrama said:
What annoys me about my body?

It's the same body I keep waking up inside every day, with more obvious frailties and small failures--no tumors yet! Just annoyed with it, so far! If I get too annoyed, I'll pitch a little fit. Ah, then blessed, calming homeostasis! Then it's dinnertime! Then the treadmill! Too hot, too cold, just right!

Annoying, but so necessary to have, especially for the ten long digits at the end of each brachium. Maintaining the girlishness is still this side of entertaining. Will rapidly become Annoying when the taut, hairless smoothness begins its rough, hairy, bumpy decline. Then the needles, lasers, and scalpels to iron it all out. Happy again!

I don't like my knees...but I need them....:ninja:

wooow!! i love your writing.. sounds like a poem ..... :heart: you should write a book or somethin!:p

Bambam said:
I really try not to focus on the negative. I would feel bad if I focused on silly little imperfections no one else notices, when there are so many people who have actual problems physically, such as illness. Instead, I try and focus on my positive attributes and play them up. There are so many other things to worry about, I choose to feel as good as I can about my looks. :)
very very well said.... i totally agree... its silly to go crazy about fat.. when people cant even walk or whatever... you rock! :mowhawk:
I'm growing to accept myself and love myself for who I am regardless of what I look like. But for the record..I just wish I were taller.
my legs... day by day the varices are become more and more showing the red and green roots. I don't know how to stop it.

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