doesn't annoy me about my body??
- My thighs and legs make me feel really stumpy. I wish I could get motivated and slim them down.
- The pores on my nose look huge!
- I hate the fact that I get excema on my legs and it makes me feel self conscious about wearing shorts
- I dislike my wide hips and love handles (although I suppose I could do something about the love handles)

- I HATE the fact how I almost never look the way I want to in pictures.. I find that in the mirror I might think I look fabulous but somehow that never translates into pictures! hahah
- Oh and I dislike my feet. I think they look extra wrinkly. It's so weird.
And I wish I was a little bit taller.
Wow I've bashed my body so badly I think I should praise something!
I find it funny and flattering how I always get asked if I straighten my hair and love everyone's reactions when I tell them it's naturally like that
People compliment me on my complexion (although they're lucky they're not 2 inches away from my face to see what's
really going on) and I almost never get pimples (knock on wood!)
There are days where I love my body and days when I wish I could just wallow in self pity and gourge myself on brownies. I know one day I'll accept my body the way it is, and I applaud all women to find
something they love about their bodies.